bj's gay porno-crazed ramblings |
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
hairylittleassman, i am just obsessed with hairy asses. and it's making me very cranky - the lack of hairy asses in my life, that is. speaking of cranky, some of you may be familiar with my once every 3 or 4 months pitiful need to be thanked for the pain-in-the-ass work of posting these video clips. i work my hairy little ass off trying to keep the clips coming, what with all the reviewing, and converting to avi, converting to wmv, uploading, capturing just the right still pics, etc., and where are the dozens of "thank-you" emails?? (where is even ONE for this great classic, just below???) Several precious gigabytes of bandwidth just whizzed thru here last night, someone was watching, and.... oh, this is just so tacky! and of course there are a few of you who've written lately regarding other stuff who I haven't yet responded to - here's your chance to give me a hard time about that. (gosh, being so publicly needy is just soooo embarrassing, yet here i am) Monday, November 29, 2004
"Ok honky, let's show what real integration is" directed by: J. Brian (1971) Starring: Joe Markhum, Joe Nash, Ray Jackson, Kerry Clausen, John Robin, Todd Miller, Lomon Jay Gosh, why isn't there a JOE MARKHUM fan club? (or do you say JOE MARKHAM? - remind me to scrounge around for some pics) Such a doll, that thick curly hair, long sideburns, great cock and ass, and a playful readiness in all his films. Anyway, about this particular film - J. Brian's FOUR, MORE THAN MONEY. Produced in 1971, it's based on Phil Andros's autobiographical 1966 novel, STUD - actually, $TUD, but it reads funny when you type that. (more about him here) Fantastic opening scene, where easy-going hustler Phil (Joe Markhum) is getting a bad blow job from a john ("feels like I got myself a scraper here"), as the voice-over narrates the introduction to other past scenarios, so that he can get "inspired" (i.e. HARD) in order to finish up with this trick. It's one of those currently OOP (out-of-print) Jaguar Films videos (looks like they got re-released in 1999, then pulled from the market again a couple years ago) that I happen to have posted to eBay, (along with another Jaguar film, Come Of Age). This guy can probably identify the 1971 hit music used in the trailer within 4 notes - the rest of you might take longer. I realize it seems like there are a lot of bad actors here, but get past the hard, throbbing cocks, and you'll see that Markhum really stands apart from the rest. Sunday, November 28, 2004
daddy dearestSaturday, November 27, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
gosh, i've been staring at this for hours. you can't imagine the amount of saliva on my computer monitor right now. sigh. who is he? where is he? why isn't he here? so many questions. it's the perfect ass. and the slightly mangled waitband just gives it the right touch. grrrrrr. i mean, my god, i wouldn't even know where to begin. ok, maybe i know where to begin, but mouth, face, hands, balls? which part of my body dives in first? or do I just enjoy the view for awhile, take pictures, inhale deeply, turn out the lights and let my non-visual senses take over? grrrrrr. use my teeth and slowly pull out a few hairs from just below the cheeks, letting just a bit of tongue tease him? make him do squats, up and down as I watch from a close distance until he's worked up a sweat and droplets form, readying my face for the first few to fall down, catching them in my beard? the mind continues to wander, and wonder......... what the hell does "666" mean in an AOL profile?39 yrs old .... 6', 230 shaved head, goateeHobbies & Interests: playing, outdoors, hot tubs, sex - playful, kink, ws, groups, 666, pig Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Casey DonovanI'm sure many of you have read about the teenIDOL singer with the pornstar name - Star is porn as Telstra points Idol fans to the wrong Casey - and how their publicists used the wrong website address ( instead of Funny how the story seems to be that all these teens got exposed to all these NAKED IMAGES - in fact, there is ONE naked image on that site, plus about 10 video box covers. The real outrage should be that HIS VIDEO is buying up all these domains with 1970's porn star names, and it's just a link into their site to buy their product. (Even casual readers of mine should know my BEEF with them - too many vintage titles with 15-25 minutes of film footage mysteriously missing - and NO DISCLAIMER or warning about that fact before you buy!) Since the "scandal" erupted, they've put up an age disclaimer page (and teenagers always click "LEAVE, I am under 18") but not for their other pages, like Richard Locke. If you want some real info on the great star of such films as: Casey (first film, he used the name KEN DONOVAN), Boys in the Sand, The Back Row, The Other Side of Aspen, L.A. Tool & Die, Heatstroke, Sleaze, Non-Stop, Split Image, Boys in the Sand 2, Inevitable Love, and Fucked Up, you should try OUTcyclopedia's brief bio; otherwise, for something different, I highly recommend this less blond, not-yet-pornstar, CASEY. Monday, November 22, 2004
I was poking around this BEAR site (please be careful, it might be full of pop-ups and all) and I found this great pic. He might not be your type (which is cool, more for me!) but ya gotta admit, as far as a good quality self-pic, it's a fantastic photograph. Sunday, November 21, 2004
Have I ever mentioned I don't know how to drive? 44 years old, never learned. Sometimes I wish I had, and I had the chance to just hop onto something, get out of town for a day, and clear my head. Friday, November 19, 2004
Starring: Clay Grant, Richard Locke, Dave Daniel, and Mike Mitchell Nearly 30 years old, this is Richard Locke's first film. Simple film centered on a young man, portrayed by Clay Grant, who spots 3 hot men while hanging out one afternoon. That night, he dreams of all 3, in various scenarios - most notably the jail cell scene with Locke as the "hot cop." Also included is a great railway car sequence, almost entirely missing from the HIS Video (hisssss!) current release (yes, yes, I realize the 3 Johnny Cash songs, copyrighted material, was probably a problem, but how hard is it to change a soundtrack as opposed to chopping off a 15-minute scene!!?? But those fuckers at HIS have most of their "pre-condom" catalogue chopped up and missing stuff - I could write a book!) But I digress. I actually came upon this trailer for Dreamer while working on my video collection list - I seem to have about 170 titles - and this trailer, and a few others, were at the end of a videotape of Christopher Rage's Wildside. I had never seen this trailer, and there is also an alternate trailer to Joe Gage's Heatstroke that I had never seen before, either. Woo-Hoo! Thursday, November 18, 2004
A weird lightheadedness has kept me close to bed today. Strange. A sort of dizziness each time I stand up. But it hasn't made me any less horny. I'm trying to review this compilation tape that I want to sell called Leather Rituals, and I've identified 3 of the scenes (from In The Name of Leather, Muscle Bound, and Pier Groups) but can't figure out the others. And like what has happened the other 3 times I tried to ready the tape for auction, I get caught up in the movie, realize I don't want to sell it after all, and get myself all worked up sexually, but don't want to "finish up" in the hopes that maybe later in the day I could find some real life action. sigh. Maybe some fresh air will help. Wednesday, November 17, 2004
you forgot (the ambassador to) PolandWasn't I just sayng there are good anti-outing arguments? I mean, c'mon, I've seen those fratboy movies, young, horny, girlfriends are out of town, doesn't mean anything if we don't tell no one, right?Tuesday, November 16, 2004
guess which pic isn't on eBayI know, I know, only the other day I expressed doubts about posting these sorts of tawdry pics - but after a flood of emails (3) telling me I am taken seriously, here we are. To be clear - I'm not selling these specific pairs of undies - the ones in the pics are mine, and I love them. I just happen to have extras - new, unused, with tag/bag (GAP boxer briefs have tag, army briefs are in sealed bag) - that I am trying to sell on eBay. The army briefs - well, what was I thinking buying a size 28? Oddly enough, about 2 weeks ago, when the weather turned colder and I was forced to wear pants, I pulled on one of the army briefs to see if I could squeeze my fat ass into them, and surprisingly, I wasn't gasping for breath. Amazingly, I wore them all night out, drinking BEER, in fact. But I neglected to take them off before falling asleep, and in the middle of the night, the 28-inch waist band decided it couldn't bear it any longer, and decided to squeeze relentlessly until I woke up in pain and pulled them off fast. The others, the GAP boxer briefs, I bought too big (LARGE) but I still keep a pair in each color as I like 'em loose and hanging (who doesn't?) sometimes. Fascinating, eh? closeted gay republicansa pal of mine wrote: "Since "gay" now has all these troublesome liberal, activist connotations, why not just use "pole-smoker" instead? It might even make the tobacco lobby happy."Monday, November 15, 2004
homos taking over Republican party?Just the other night I was talking (OK, yelling) with friends about the pros and cons of OUTING. Mostly it was the "EWWWWWW, stay in the closet, we don't want you in our church" anti-outing arguments vs. the "out 'em all, let God sort 'em out" discussion. (OK, so maybe it was just me, and several friends slowly backing away as I got louder and louder sort of discussion) The San Francisco Chronicle takes a more expansive, and interesting, look at the issue. Which leads me to this - Why do people read that pro-Republican, anti-gay closet case DRUDGE when we've got our own, pro-gay, anti-Republican 'news'-gossip site Raw Story / BlueLemur? With such stories as today's �Gay� Bush campaign chair to join openly gay chief financial officer at helm of GOP, why go anywhere else for your political gossip?Sunday, November 14, 2004
as I try to thin out my porn collection, I've had to throw away magazines that had missing pages, tears, etc. For the longest time I had them in a big box, thinking I'd do some sort of arts-n-crafts decoupage porno cigarbox thingee, but somehow sense arrived, and I began tossing the stuff. Of course, I still have a box of various pics, like this one, that just held my attention. The page doesn't list the date these boys, Ted Fees and Coy Esquinez, appeared in Blueboy, but I just love their faces, and, well.... it's not hard to fill in the rest.
How can I expect anyone to take me seriously? I need to stop posting those naughtyselfpics - within minutes of posting the last one, I had something serious to say, and it looks just ludicrous up there next to my soaped up ass. (sigh) Friday, November 12, 2004
just in time for thanksgivingA couple of vicious thugs kidnap another human being, rob, shoot, beat and tie to a fence to die alone in the dead and cold of the night.Years after their conviction, on the basis of the killers' revised rationale for unspeakable cruelty, ABC will subject Sheppard's family to a treatise on the relative worthiness of his fate? There's a "thread" over at DAILYKOS - ABC plans to "debunk" Matthew Shephard killing - about the "news magazine" 20/20 doing this story over Thanksgiving weekend, "investigating" other motivations for the Matthew Shephard killing. - Read more here: ABC Investigation Claims Matthew Shepard May Not Have Been Hate Crime Victim. I am speechless. Getting Angry Yet?
No, those weren't my balls in yesterday's minimalist post. These are, however. A still from that prison movie I was making but never got around to finishing. The black and white crotch shot is from some COLT model; an extremely handsome man, but I didn't care for the hands-on-the-hips pose. But I found myself just staring at his crouch. As much as I love thick, hard, throbbing cock, I'm a sucker for beautiful genitals in their more relaxed state of being, (you know, a place to put your face when taking a nap) so I just cropped out the rest of his body. In other, less exciting news, thanks to all the guys who sent me info on how to make a sortable list webpage. I actually have one that seems to be working, and I spent a good amount of time yesterday adding about 50 more titles to the videocollection list! If you've ever been in this tiny space (my home), you probably think I have another 100 to go, but no, as far as the "vintage" stuff, it looks like I have just about 150 videotapes (that doesn't count multiples of the same item, like 3 or 4 of EL PASO WRECKING CORP - the 'long' version which I am hoarding). Thursday, November 11, 2004
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
help!I'm (slowly, so very slowly) trying to update my porno collection page, and need some help. Is there a way to put some sort of (simple) code in that a page visitor can select to sort by year, and also alphabetically by title? A few of these titles I no longer have, but I'm also sure that I have a whole bunch more, and a simple way to order them would be helpful to me for updating - as well as making it easier for someone to locate a title he (oh, ok, OR SHE) may be trying to find info on. Or do I just have to hand-order two separate lists?Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Reason #1412 on my list of why I wish I had a boyfriend. Hanging out with some friends Saturday night, meeting a nice looking guy, and thinking damn! all the cute guys are taken. (and reason #1412(a) of course is wishing some single guy meets me when I have that boyfriend and thinks - damn! all the good ones are taken!) Monday, November 08, 2004
today's topic: THE TRAGEDY OF TODAY'S GAYSI knew about the speech/address, and wanted to go before the election last week - knowing that the 11 anti-"gay marriage" measures would surely have been approved, and there should be a decent sized crowd based on that alone. Of course, the election night results were even worse than many of us had anticipated, and this made me think the turn-out for this event would be even bigger. One friend of mine declined my invitation to come along, saying "I don't need to be yelled at by Larry Kramer - yet again." I completely understood, and didn't push it. I didn't anticipate necessarily enjoying his speech, as much my own need to be where other gay people would be. Just before going, I joked to a pal - "I can't remember the last time I was in a room of gay men where we weren't either all drunk or naked."I am not going to give you a report on Kramer's speech. I'm not a terribly good reporter; and, to be quite frank, it wasn't a very good speech. 15 minutes after his standing ovation (which I happily joined in), sitting quietly in my seat, staring at the stage, i thought this is so sad - look at how many people showed up! (they had to turn people away, I learned later) this is not the guy to be talking to us now - but we have NO ONE! Earlier, as we came into the hall, I realized I hadn't been to this place in over 10 years - back when ACT UP had it's meetings here. By late 1994, when I had stopped participating in ACT UP, the group had moved back to the Gay and Lesbian Community Center. But still, the flood of memories from this room flooded into my head, and the images of missing faces, as well. I started to say something to my friend (ex-boyfriend) sitting next to me, and I could feel the emotion begin to come thru my eyes, and I fled. Just getting up and moving kept the tears at bay, but I went out into the hallway to get some air, some space, and collect myself. Out there, except for it being nearly empty, it looked the same as it did 10-12 years ago. There were these huge tables, empty now, but back then, there would be these 3 or 4 huge tables full of handouts - background information, reports, alerts for "actions" - just tons of paperwork that you would stand in line for and take up a good 15-20 minutes collecting before the meeting started inside. It would be very social - lots of kissing and hugging, and yes, a good amount of flirting and cruising. Staring now at the empty tables, I snapped back to "reality" as a man walked by, a familiar yet aged face, and he smiled as he saw my eyes come back from the empty tables. So I headed back into the room, took my seat and waited. Only two things from that long talk stick with me - and only one was from Mr. Kramer himself. It's easy to dismiss so much of what he says, not because he is wrong, but because once he goes overboard, with broad generalities of how things have never been worse, how horrible "they" are and how selfish we all are - it's natural and easy to defend ourselves by poking little holes into his arguments. But one sentiment - and let me be clear, this is not so much what he said as it is what I heard - clearly oversimplified, inaccurate, and even "wrong" in so many ways, but still - about fifteen years ago, several thousand gay men got together and fought for the lives of other gay men. with hard work and determination, after several years, they secured better drugs, and quicker approval of these drugs. and the plague, the massive amounts of AIDS deaths, came to an end. And then we stopped fighting for our community, and got back to fucking. Later, during the even-more-painful comments/questions part of the evening, Andy Humm spoke. (gosh, why isn't THIS guy in politics?!!?) The gist of what he had to say was that if Kramer doesn't see the need for a new ACT UP like gay group, shouldn't we be demanding more of the Gay groups we already have? Shouldn't we be demanding that they be more accountable, more democratic, in terms of community input, participation, and decision-making? And shouldn't we be more involved in these groups? Not write-a-check involved, but actively participating, more grass-roots oriented? Kramer grabbed me on the gut level - why aren't we doing anything??! - and Humm grabbed me on the 'pragamtic' level - how do we make our institutions work for us? I don't know what is next for "US", nor for me, which is really all I can actually affect. But as the world moves on, the discussion over whether the gays ruined it for the Democrats continues, and we discuss how the Democrats ruined it for us, we need to get to work soon. The tragedy of today's gays - ok, so that wasn't really today's topic. It was the title of Kramer's speech, and quite frankly, after months of psychoanalyzing closet case politicans and Gay Republicans, hating the democratic party for not standing up for us, then giving in and being pragmatic and endorsing them, I'm tired of the useless fighting and name-calling and more interested in effectiveness. Being right isn't good enough any longer. Yes, GAYS IN THE MILITARY, GAY MARRIAGE, employment non-discrimination, adoption etc etc etc. But HOW do we get there? or even closer to there? Sunday, November 07, 2004
more of the same, except differenthic. do people really do that when they've been drinking? a decent night that ended in disappointment, but at least i had the sense to leave the man who liked me petting his head, but showed no reciprocation. once some other guy in the bar began hitting on him, i figured it was time to leave. ugh. i don't do the competing thing. you show interest, or i leave. so here i am. typing with no caps. that'll show the bastard. Saturday, November 06, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
chins up! there was some good newsGOP spokesmodel, er, California Closet Case (and best dressed) Congressman David Dreier won re-election; and of course, another in-the-closet Republican, Jesse Helm's lesbian granddaughter, Jennifer J. Knox, won election as a District Court judge in North Carolina. Ya see, those Republicans don't hate all gays, just the uppidty ones who keep getting in their faces, asking for more and more and more - marriage, benefits, TV shows, the right to die in Iraq (or are we in Syria yet?), etc.But seriously, folks. Someone asked me about my KERRY vote - remembering that it wasn't too long ago that I said I wouldn't vote for either major party candidate. And up thru this summer, as much as I wanted BUSH out of the White House, I couldn't bring myself to actually pull the lever for Mr Kerry. And to be honest, a big part of it was easy - hiding behind the BLUE STATE mentality that New York would give its handful of electoral votes to him anyway, I wouldn't have to tarnish my soul with a tawdry vote for a man who doesn't quite believe in my equality - he may be closer than most, but he ain't perfect. And then that annoying reminder late in August (no, not the Republican convention) - yet another press release from the ACLU regarding the Matthew Limon case. The ACLU can put on a happy face and keep releasing these hopeful press releases, but in my heart I know, that kid is staying in jail for a long time. Ever since Lawrence vs. Texas in the summer of 2003, I can't think of a single instance where this so-called expansion of gay rights has had any effect on any subsequent cases. So back to Mr. Kerry. There is no way, with a Bush second term, to see any expansion of our rights as gay people - but with Kerry, there was at least some hope. And so late on election night, the overwhelming sadness wasn't merely losing, but the manner in which the "other side" won - on our backs, appealing to bigotry, and sending out that message to gay kids everywhere - stay in the closet, hide your true self, be ashamed. And where, in all of this, is that silver lining? Gosh, it's taken a lot to find the teeniest bit, but I am happy for it, and it is good news, indeed. Despite the early notions that the "youth vote" didn't show up - the sad fact is that they did, but the old (and middle-aged) folks showed up in bigger numbers, too. But, if we could have left the election in the hands of the 18-29-year olds who voted this past Tuesday, this is what that electoral map wouldn've looked like: Thursday, November 04, 2004
excuse me
but i just have to explode explode this body off me i'll wake-up tomorrow a little bit tired
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
you have the power to take this country backI never, ever get up this early, but I just got to get out there and vote. I am so fuckin' nervous. The first time I was in a voting booth was 1972. No, I'm not quite that old, but I made my mother let me accompany her. I don't know why, but despite her assurances, I just had to see her pull that lever for McGovern. My parents promised I could stay up late that night and watch the returns and see Nixon defeated. I suspect they knew better, but couldn't bring themselves to break my 11-year-old anti-war heart. Needless to say, with Nixon's landslide, I was crushed. And up until a few weeks ago, I would've bet money on Bush's re-election. But, my little progressive, optimistic heart has gotten the better of me, and I've begun to get hopeful, and think Bush may just soon be the outgoing President of the United States. I can't bare to think what it'll be like if he wins, but needless to say, I'll be glued to my TV and my computer for a good chunk of the night. Meanwhile, this bit of inspiration to rev me (and maybe you) up; someone put these bits from Barack Obama and Howard Dean together - you have the power to take this country back.update: There is never a line to vote in my neighborhood, and of course, there is no real contest here in New York - for ANY of the elections - President, Senate, etc. So I was delightfully suprised to see lines, and a healthy bit of chaos at my polling place on East 4th st. Now back to bed. Monday, November 01, 2004
The best part of the night was later, after saying goodbye to my pal who accompanied me to the local sexclub. I peddled uptown (13th St) to have a cheap beer or two, knowing not many people would be at Phoenix, but was sorta looking forward to a wind-down of sorts. The sex I had was OK - and I probably should've taken fuller advantage of the couple who I had experienced individually before. The one guy has the most wonderful mouth - goateed, thick thick full mustache and tons of white, black and silver hair. Very very oral, both on my cock, and better yet, mouth-to-mouth. Damn, I could just chew on his upper lip for hours. But these guys were a bit more down to business, and once the oral guy and I were going at it, his partner approached him from behind, "preparing" his pal for entry. This got him very excited, of course, but he kept his attentions focused on me. BackDoor partner latched on, made his entry, but all the while kept his focus on my face - intense eye contact, but no actual face-to-face contact (I'm guessing he could tell how much I wanted it, and figured the teasing would be more intoxicating, and it was). Anyway, I was building up quite a sweat, and had a nice hard woody for MrMouth to chow down on, but I kept pulling him off, as I was getting too close. But I guess they were in a hurry, and it was suddenly obvious that these boys were about to pop - and they did, nearly simultaneously. MrMouth was especially nice, as he kept up some post-cumming kissing and affection, as BackDoor man simply smirked handsomely from behind. Then the old pat on the ass, pulled up jockstraps and underwear, and they were off. I stayed too long, and nothing quite approached the intensity of that pair, as disappointingly brief as it was. And I was long ready to leave, but couldn't quite interrupt my pal to say goodbye. So I (im)patiently waited, and eventually he came up for air, and we headed out together. Walking up Ave B in the fall air was great - warm, a bit foggy and moist, and we said goodnite and I peddled uptown. At the Phoenix, despite it being not crowded at all, the bar was impossible to approach, and I walked all the way to the end, then started back up as I noticed a handsome man leaning against the ice machine. Hmmmm, nice. At the bar, waiting for my 2 dollar beer (from the sweetheart who amazingly has figured out I go for whatever beer special there is, and knows what I'm drinking before I ask), I look over and HandsomeMan is smiling back. Now I'm taking a good hard look, and my smile turns into a smirk of sorts, and he responds with a sorta questioning smile back. See, the guy has some sort of costume, something I can't for the life of me figure out, but of course I remember it's Halloween, and about half the folks in the bar have an outfit on, and the other half, including me, don't. Some sort of cape, hair extensions or something from his... from his chin! And some off "bun" thingee on his head. But what strikes me is that through all that, he still manages to project this strikingly handsome face, and that's what give me the big smile; silly outfit, and a face I could, well, let's keep my overly romantic thought processes at least somewhat secret. There's a bit of a stand off, as I grab a bar stool, and he leans firmer against the ice machine. Then he's talking to one of the pool players, and I figure, OK, pal, ball's in your court. You know the rules. The guy with the friends can't expect the solo guy to make the initial approach. I settle in, but keep enough eye contact going to not seem aloof. goddamn, though, he's a good looking man, and maybe I shouldn't be playing it too cool. But the good news is that it wasn't the usual looking over, looking away, looking back thing, but lingering smiles, and casual distractions leading right back to more smiling. It wasn't too painful, as he eventually gave in when he saw a spot next to me sorta clear, and he came over. I can't remember what he said, or what I said, but we just leaned close, and began talking about nothing. Another goofy smile/laugh from me, which he again looked perplexed, what's that about? he asked. Oh, it's cool, I'm just a bit taken aback - you have an amazingly handsome face. And I lightly touched his chinhairthing, which was full and composed of many shades of brown and black and maybe even blonds and whoknows what else but it felt even better than it looked. He dug that, and grabbed a nearby stool and we sat and had long pauses without speaking, which wasn't uncomfortable at all, but rather endearing and comfortable. I excused myself for the bathroom, and when I came back, his feet were propped up on my stool. Enough room for half of my ass, so I sat down, and grabbed one foot, found my way to his ankle, and up under his pant leg. Mindlessly petting his ankle and calf, he smiled and told me he's getting too comfortable, he might fall asleep, but don't stop. Soon I brought up that he needed to get home, as he had mentioned work in the morning. Outside, I turned right as he turned left. Where are you going? he asked. Vehicle I responded as he joined me near the light post as I unlocked the bike. And this was our first kiss. Light, quick, but such a good face, I had to stifle my giggle again. One more quick one, and we headed across the street. Some talk about how tired he was, and as we got to his front door, he apologized for not being up for me coming in (he's just visiting, and staying with a pal); but I assured him it was cool, and told him he should look for me at work the next night. He repeated the name of the restaurant, we kissed a few more times, I let go of his hand, and as I pulled away, and the gate to his building closed, we took one last glance, and I turned the corner and headed home.