Tuesday, April 29, 2008
   This is from one of those odd compilation videos that sits on my shelf, I go to auction it, and I find - damn - this guy is familiar, I need to figure it out - and then weeks, or months, go by, and I've only gotten so far. So enuf is enuf, it's selling for 99cents, and figured out there's adorable Nino Scappa (aka JEFF), target model DAK, and some other cute boys from the 70's OF COURSE - SELLING this ( on eBay, - auction item #180237400485, ends SUNDAY May 4th.) sorry, no clip of Mr Scappa, but each pic above is a separate clip - two Scappo stills below 
posted by bj at 10:18 PM
M stands for mmmmmmmmm!DIARY OF AN "M"    Director: Manolo (1975) Starring: Mike Adams (AKA Kurt Williams) , Ray Jons, Ed Fine, Bob Hines, Steve James, Roy Quinn (as the doctor), Tim Christy "This is the story of a man plagued by sexual dreams. Tall, hairy and handsome Mike Adams keeps having unnatural, lust-filled dreams that end with his partners disappearing. He desperately confesses to his surprisingly realistic shrink his dilemma, but the old lecherous therapist is more interested in the sex, and so are we!" The main character, credited as Mike Adams is actually Kurt Williams, (who you remember has the distinctive, and HOT Cobra (python) tattoo on his left bicep) who starred in Kansas City Trucking Co in the Desert Rat 3-way scene with Duff Paxton; co-starred with Clay Russell in Snowballing - grrrrrrrrrr!; and Tom DeSimone's Where Joey Lives, among other mid 1970's precondom classics. Also of note is one of the Christy Twins is in a scene (probably Tim, but could be Chris- I dunno, they're twins!) OF COURSE - SELLING this (on eBay, - auction item #180237398739, ends SUNDAY May 4th.) Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 12:25 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I said I wasn't gonna sweat it, oh but I didQ. How many times do you listen to a campy old song, alone on a Saturday night, with tear-filled eyes, before you realize it's not campy, it's f*ckin' depressing, and you (finally) turn it off? A. three times - MAYBE
posted by bj at 12:45 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
I'M BEGGING - buy my shit!OK, can I get more direct? But first, my apologies to fereigners, canadians, youngsters, and folks who don't have an eBay account and can't see the adult listings - but the rest of you ---- My eBay ABOUT ME page has a cupla old scruffy pics of me, and current auction listings. Meanwhile, it's the weekend, and I can't decide......Kiss Factory or Piss Factory?  sigh. why can't it be both?
posted by bj at 8:47 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lee Brubaker / Ron Baker Whatta coincidence! Someone is selling the magazine HARD LEATHER (ends SUNDAY April 27th.) that I had just mentioned has our "turned on cub" in. Too bad I'm in the selling, not buying, mode!
posted by bj at 8:41 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
godddamit! It's KURT WILLIAMS!  So, I'm sitting here trying to focus on getting some auctions together, trying to make some eBay money, and I've only got two videos ready, but am working on a 3rd one. But dammit if the first few minutes isn't this really great mid 1970's guy-in-therapist's-office trying-to-figure-out-his-dreams sequence and I just have to stop and watch. Then I'm thinking, sheesh, the box cover art doesn't do this guy justice (I have two copies, one from BIJOU VIDEO that I'm selling, the other with box cover art which I like to collect, I am keeping), this guy is hot! I'm totally distracted, forgot all about crying at work (another story, another time), and then we get to the first sex sequence, his shirt comes off, I see his left arm has this cool COBRA TATTOO (or is that a python?, I dunno!) as I realize - godddamit! It's KURT WILLIAMS! who you remember from such films as: Where Joey Lives, Snowballing and of course, the way-hotttt 3-way scene with Duff Paxton (often referred to as the Desert Rat scene) from Joe Gage's incredible Kansas City Trucking Co. OK, back to work. (who wants a clip?)
posted by bj at 9:44 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Lee Brubaker ....the search continues for more info on this man. A few months back a reader looking for more info on him says that Mr. Brubaker (left) also modeled for Zeus as 'Ron Baker'. I've mentioned him a couple of times, based on his appearance in one of my all-time fave films, Turned On! with Al Parker - over here in handsomest man in one of my favorite films, and over here in TURNED ON (CUB) . I sold this magazine about 2 years back, and unfortunately it's the only pic I saved with him in it. Ratz!
posted by bj at 11:07 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Its not time to make a change, Just sit down, take it slowly.Father And SonI have to say, I am fascinated by how music can really, I mean really, affect us (me) despite how often the lyrics don't really match what we are feeling. Maybe that's why I am drawn to a group like Sigur Ros. But does depressing music make us depressed, or do we seek out sad music when that mood hits? I guess last night, at 3 am, waking up sobbing, then turning the TV on so the neighbors don't hear, then coming to this machine for some distraction, and ultimately music, answers the question for me. Ever have something happen, and you don't tell anyone, and you don't know why, at least for awhile. Then you kinda realize that somehow you were hoping it didn't really happen, or maybe it's reversible, so if you hadn't told anyone, then you fix it, then you don't have to tell anyone - "nevermind, i'm fine"? yeah, me either.
posted by bj at 10:58 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
I want it looks comfy - his shirt, that is. I think the bar opened in '74 (18th and 10th), but don't think it was still around in '83 when I arrived in NYC. Meanwhile, must be at work at ungodly 8am today! yikes!
posted by bj at 7:04 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
oops - where's my editor? fixing the pic size below...... now!
posted by bj at 8:04 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
  Director: Joe Gage Starring: Richard Locke, Will Seagers, Casey Donovan, Derrick Stanton, Paul Baressi, Bob Blount, Richard Youngblood, Johnny Falconberg, Joe Walsh, Michael Kearns, Joseph Kearns, Shawn Victors, Becky Bitter, Dan Pace (aka Rocky Genero), Scott Sinclair, Gregg Dale, Bob Damon, Roy Harwood, Chuck Cord, Matthew Forde, Steve Rideout, Rev. Spoonball (on the radio), Joe Gage and "The Gage Men" (Carlos Balajo, Patrick Graham, Paul Guild, Erling Hitt, Beau Lovejoy, Max Osterhaut, Jose Solica, Nels Stensgaard, Shelly Gard). Music by Al Steinman, Harmonica solos by Chuck Thatcher. OF COURSE - SELLING this ( on eBay, - auction item #180233108403, ends SUNDAY April 20th.) Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 8:54 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
daddy, a bag of dildoes, and youMEN OF THE MIDWAY
   Director: Roger Earl (1983) Starring: Chris Burns, Jack Strider, Tim Kramer, Beau Matthews, Toby, Donkey Dan, Jeff Powers, Shelly Williams, Bruce McDonald, Duane MacMuchula, and SPECIAL GUEST STAR - Paul Barresi (listed here as Paul Baressi, a common spelling mistake) Paul Baressi informs Chris Burns that now that his Mom has left them, Chris is gonna have to start turning tricks to bring in some income. After the initial word from Barresi about selling his ass, Chris refuses, gets his tattered underwear ripped off of him and punished, then taught with a dildo. A paperbag full of various dildoes is brought out - Baressi in his boxers and Dago-T teaches Burns how to take various kinds. After he's learned his lesson, Chris is rewarded with being allowed to service Baressi." This video is also up for auction now on eBay - item #180233109270, ends SUNDAY April 20th.) Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 8:57 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
As I wake I'm going out of my mind porcelain
remember that silly self-pitying post about wrist-slashing Moby tunes? gosh - how could I have left this one out! It all came about because, well, because I took a listen to his latest, and wasn't at all impressed, and WOW - i had forgotten just how good PLAY was (is).
posted by bj at 1:15 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Kansas City Trucking Co. VS. Kansas City Trucking Co.  "It's all real; and it's real HOT!" blah blah rerun alert..... two trailers for same classic film - Joe Gage's Kansas City Trucking Co - Click the left pic to get the one you see from the VCA/HIS trailer tape, and the right one has the superior voice-over version (which I am fairly certain Joe gage told me he edited himself), which was on my TMX (Topman Video-X) version of Closed Set, as well as a few other great movie trailers. Yes, yes, yes - the VHS video is for sale on eBay (cheap! last time I looked) - item #180231014292 - but the auction ends Sunday the 13th!
posted by bj at 11:18 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
   Director: Steve Scott (1981) Starring: Al Parker, Jack Wrangler, Will Seagers, Dan Noble, Duff Paxton, Frank Ross, R.W. Stone (AKA Ray Medina), Rob Stevens, Sam Benson, and Steve Taylor I should give you a description of this, or at least a run-down of the film - but I'm on lunch break from jury duty (one of the many benefits of having a bike, and living downtown, I had time to come home for lunch!) - Jack Wrangler forcing Ray Medina to suck him off; Jack Wrangler forcing Sam Benson to suck him off and get f*cked; Al Parker and adorable Duff Paxton 69; AL Parker in a brief, and disturbingly hot prison rape scene; Al Parker and Steve Scott in an amazing and tender love-making scene in a barn - oh wait, this is a clip from that! OF COURSE - SELLING this ( on eBay, - auction item #180231014075, ends SUNDAY April 13th.)
Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 1:39 PM
let's play: WHICH MOBY SONG MAKES ME WANT TO SLIT MY WRISTS FASTER? just kiddin.... just cuz something is sad and beautiful, and makes you cry, it doesn't have to mean nothin
posted by bj at 2:13 AM
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
secret footage from the Saint's BLACK PARTY
  or, from the 1974 film, Drive Director:Jack Deveau (1974) Starring: Mary Jim Sstunning (a.k.a. Christopher Rage) as Arachne; Mark Luna, Mark Woodward, Peter de Rome, Peter Fersen, Shawn Roberts, Michael Corrigan, Frank Ventgen, Brian Destazio, Richard Abel, Jack Brusca, Harvey Shamber, Jaap Penraat, Stan Glinter, S.V. Newman, and John Fromme - In the disco: Freeman Freeman, Chris Ritter, Avery Addison, Bill Gillers, Steven Sampson, Bill Fitter, Jim Case, Ted Valkus, Renfroe Meyer, Lorrenzo Lasalle, Arch Fairbanks, Denny Mans, Arch Hilborn, Ray Frank, Chris Mobley, Al Kelms; In the Steamroon: Marty Marks, Rusty Lewis, Tray Christopher, Nick Shulman, Paul Turley, Rober Alvarez, Clif Dover, Jack Deveau, Mark Sayles, Joe Gun, Seth Poole; In the Locked Room: George Culver, W. Grippo, Marvin Desimone, John Willard, Paul Conaway, Frederick C. Mongue II; In the Dungeon: Curtis Brtown, Carlyle Taylor, Cal Mansour, Kenric Hawley, Joaquin Mineo, Richard Morrisey; In the Water Bucket: Harold Reardon, and Under the Blade: Kenric Brown. OK, OK, kinda lame title, not to mention a week or two late.... the most fascinating part of this (besides the roaring elephant sounds during the edited-out fisting scene) is the performance of Christopher Rage, perhaps his earliest film appearance, credited as Mary Jim Sstunning (i guess the extra "s" is for xtra stunning, no?) for lead role, and Tray Christopher for his writing credit. Anyhoo.... as you should guess, SELLING this ( on eBay, - auction item #180231053593, ends SUNDAY April 13th.) Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 9:53 PM
Sunday, April 06, 2008
   "That'll be one beautiful buck, baby."Director: Joe Gage (1980) Starring:Roy Garrett, Casey Donovan, Richard Locke, Clay Russell, Clinton Coe, Bud Wallace, John Steele, Richard West, Suzanne Tyson, Bob Shane (non-sex role, alas!) and of course, The Gage Men. WARNING! DANGER! I can only hope you read the warning! danger! before clicking for the clip. It's from my all-time favorite (porno) film, BUT it involves a chick. To my closest friends who know me as a Kinsey 8, the fact that I can not only watch, but actually enjoy this scene is bewildering. Roy Garrett goes to the local porno shop (in rural Montana in 1982 - willing suspension of disbelief, anyone?) and winds up feeding dollars to Jolene (wonderfully portrayed by Suzanne Tyson, who you no doubt remember form the 1981 classic, Wanda Whips Wall Street, but I digress....) and doing terrible, disgusting, sickening things - meaning he touches "it", she touches her own "it", he even.... oh, I can't even type it... but there's also these two other guys watching, and watching each other. It's not about gaysex, it's about Male Bonding (with a vengeance, as the video box says) I ---- JUST ----- LOVE IT! bonus points to whoever can identify the str8 porno on the screen Rory sees before coming upon Jolene's booth. oh yeah, it's a ten-minute clip, so be patient while downloading OF COURSE - SELLING this OOP (out-of-print) not yet on DVD, only on VHS version ( on eBay, - auction item #180231015379, ends SUNDAY April 6th.) Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 6:41 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2008
honcho mag auction ends Sunday the 6th   how's that for being direct?
posted by bj at 8:29 PM
Friday, April 04, 2008
i hear the bass, i hear the bass, in my face gracethe problem with taking a sick day, is that it makes it a bazilion times harder to go into work the following day; but somehow i managed that yesterday, but here it is, i am to report for duty in 28 minutes, and am still in yesterday's boxers, and last night's bedsweat. try to find deeper meaning in the above song - (hint: there is none - selected specifically for that reason) - nor in the photo - everything is random, and, well, random.
posted by bj at 9:27 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
While I kinda disagreee that " immature" is the right word, it is the title of her sweet, sad song, so I can't exactly change it.
posted by bj at 8:38 AM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
sometimes the flowers last longer than the reunion 
posted by bj at 8:55 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
"C'mon, let's go get us a beer"El Paso Wrecking Corp
   Director: Joe Gage (1980) Starring: Richard Locke and Fred Halsted; plus Clay Russell, Guillermo Ricardo, Keith Anthoni, Mike Morris , Jared Benson , Lou Davis, Steve King, Aaron Taylor, Robert Snowden, Ken Brown, Rob Carter, Jeanne Marie Marchaud, Veronica Compton, and in non-sexual roles Georgina Spelvin, and Stan Braddock; plus "The Wrecking Corps" - Hal Dorn, Joe Gage, Ty Harper, Delmer Jackson, Yank Jankowski, Christian Laage, Buck Lingren, Ed Murray, Bill Oberfeldt, and Al Yeager opening credits ain't usually that important, but those of you with the DVD of this film, and most of you with a VHS tape, will notice your version is chopped up, and you can't make out what-the-heck they're talking about before the credits roll. So here ya go, enjoy it. OF COURSE - SELLING this full, uncut, 90-minute-version (on eBay, - auction item #180228916716, ends SUNDAY April 6th.) Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.
posted by bj at 8:54 AM