bj's gay porno-crazed ramblings |
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
EASTERNBLOC normally a new gay bar opening isn't all that interesting to me, especially these days (5-1/3 months dating my wonderful BF, but who's counting?)..... but this one grabbed my attention. First it's the late 80's retro (oh god, my 30's are now considered "retro"!!??) design, bringing back memories of wearing those tacky CCCP t-shirts and Lenin pins and all that.... Probably more so, it's opening up in the same space as the old Wonder Bar at 505 e 6th St. Gosh, the amount of time I spent in that What? Oh stop - I probably won't go, anyway. But if I did, I'm just trying to support local gay businesses, sheeeesh! What? Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Oh, leave me something to breathe!I was not a fan way back in 1980; in fact, I don't think it was until 1989's The Sensual World that I really appreciated her music. That disc I played to death, just loving every murmur, every breath. From there I went back into the catalogue, and bought Never For Ever - which, of course, is just fantastic. Click the pic to hear Breathing, the final track from that album. Monday, November 28, 2005
Pink Tanga Briefswith all my eBay obsessiveness, how did I let this auction get away from me? And that teeny bit of ball showing - a very nice touch! Saturday, November 26, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
A for effortSaturday, November 19, 2005
remembering ROGER![]() during my early days on eBay, a really nice customer just outside NYC mailed me a stack of magazines; most I sold immediately, but this one, MANSCAPE 2, had this great spread on ROGER, called Remembering Roger, which includes this fantastic photograph. It's an 8-page, 8-pic, all color photospread - including a 2-page centerfold - beautifully photographed by someone named "Starbuck." Well, time to sell! Friday, November 18, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
uh oh
From the looks of my in-box, many more than 5 of you got the answer right - SAL MINEO and DON JOHNSON. The pics are from the 1st issue of IN magazine, July 1969, taken at the Los Angeles production of Fortune & Men's Eyes, which Mineo directed. Wednesday, November 16, 2005
who is it?Think you know who these guys are and where this pic is from? The first 5(ish) folks who correctly identify the two men, and tell me where the pic is from (I don't mean what magazine i scanned it from), I'll mail you some sort of unsellable homosexual pornographic material - a magazine, a paperback, just a little freebie. Meanwhile, who wants to see the pic of BARRY (below) that I couldn't post in my eBay auction for the item? Tuesday, November 15, 2005
how to be invisibleit's official - the new Kate Bush is so good that my constant playing, and cranking up the volume on various tunes, has gotten me into an argument with my next door neighbor! (She lets her door slam shut all the time, shaking and rattling my shelves of vintage dinnerware, and tells ME.... I digress.)![]() Friday evening I arrived at the boyfriend's apartment baring (bearing?) the gift of music, and upon opening the door heard the intoxicating strumming of what is now my current fave song on the album - How To Be Invisible. Oh well - fortunately I had a back-up present, a tupperware full of fresh-baked cookies. Next I thought of giving the disc to my neighbor buddy, but before I could do that I got an email from him telling me he's got it! Dang! And I just can't return the thing, it would seem so, um, anti-Kate to return it, you know? Luckily a pal of mine is celebrating his birthday this week, so I have his gift all ready! Here is one of my all-time favorite Kate songs, This Woman's Work from her fantastic 1989 album, The Sensual World. Monday, November 14, 2005
NOT pornoCurrently I have quite a few gay-themed, homo-themed, hustler-themed NON-PORNO books, I figured you might enjoy a quick look. One of my favorite 'blurbs' is from the back cover of The Twilight Sex - "A frank and alarming study about the forbidden sex practices of homosexuals. The physical passion of one man for another is the least understood deviation of our times - and the most popular! It's so nice to be popular. Friday, November 11, 2005
i wanna be up on the roof Thursday, November 10, 2005
don't sell, don't sell
damn! I was all ready to post this for auction, but Jay Little's Somewhere Between The Two, with it's man character a female impersonator, is a bit unusual. And doing a bit of research, of course one of my favorite online sources for info on vintage paperbacks - Adult Novels of Men in the Womanless World - Gay Pulp Fiction of the 1950's and 1960's - had this to say: "The Paperback Library was a New York publisher that reprinted many gay-themed novels (both gay positive and negative) as exploitation pulps. Some, like James Barr's Quatrefoil (1965, originally 1950), were highly acclaimed works and is even back in print today. The common theme is gay men coming to terms with their sexuality in the "shadowy alleys of cities," and they are often gritty and dark. Several notable titles include K. B. Raul's Naked to the Night (1964) and Jay Little [Clarence Lewis Miller]'s Maybe - Tomorrow (1965, orig 1952), the latter tagged as "America's Secret Best Seller." The Paperback Library could seemingly take anything and turn it into an exploitation novel, but almost all Paperback Library are actually worth reading. Despite their motivations, they performed a service by taking good books originally from smaller publishers and reprinting them for a mass audience." grrrrrr Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Yup, they're all up for sale, auctions over this afternoon (quite likely well well before you even read this) - but just in case, here are the eBay auctin links: STAG #2, from 1967; Straight TO Hell - issues 46-51; PHYSIQUE PICTORIAL Vol 29, from 1977, with lots of Athletic Model Guild photos; and of course, a magazine jock-full of NOVA stars - JOCK SHOTS - GYM NASTIES #2 Tuesday, November 08, 2005
local boy makes it bigHONCHO DISCOVERY: K. GARRETT After years of searching all the seediest spots in NYC (OK, so maybe I wasn't always looking for magazines...), I've finally found this October 1999 issue of HONCHO magazine with a gorgeous neighborhood man on the cover. HONCHO claims to have discovered him in 1999, but many of us discovered him many years earlier, bartending at CROWBAR on east 10th St. Sometime later, he moved on to that place in Chelsea, BARRACUDA, so I didn't see him around much. But then, one spring afternoon, riding my bike through Thompkins Square Park, just about to circle the dog run, I spot him, leaning on the dogrun fence. My heart stops, and so do I, taking out my cheap camera and trying some telephoto lens nonsense, but not much detail at that distance. So I began riding again, slowly circling the dog run until I get close, then behind this man. OMG! His levi's are riding just a bit low - not sleazy low, but just enough to give a hint of, oh jesusmaryandjoseph! - a BIKE brand swimmer-style jockstrap! As I slowly passed him, peddling just enough to keep my balance, I thought I was gonna faint; too shy to try the camera again, way too shy to stop. A few hairs peaked above the 'strap, below the t-shirt, as I slowly moved along, trying to get my heart beating again..... Of course, now, I can gaze at his pics on BMB; and to tell you the truth, the man looks zillions better now, 6 years after that HONCHO spread. Still, I just don't know if I can be disciplined enough to sell this issue. Monday, November 07, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
LEATHER MASTERSigh. Maybe I should have posted a COLOR pic of that guy on the fabulous 70's couch above. Click pic to go to eBay auction, more pics here. Saturday, November 05, 2005
very very soon, there will no doubt be some gay porn rambling on this page. 1st I have to get PETERREADER.COM to take me off their list of "contributors" - um, if I hadn't noticed they were HOTLINKING my images, I wouldn't have known the site even existed, ferchrissakes! SO I guess "contributor" = "guy who's blogpics get unknowingly posted elsewhere" Meanwhile, on a more serious note - file this one under "SAD FACTS" - Dan White served 5-1/2 years for killing Harvey Milk and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone; Matthew Limon served 5-1/2 years for having oral sex with a consenting 14-year-old. Friday, November 04, 2005
MATTHEW LIMON OUT OF PRISONWhile he's still under "house arrest," after 5-1/2 years in prison, he's finally out! Since yesterday evening, he's been with his aunt and uncle, on a farm, under the big beautiful Kansas sky.The AP wire story wasn't written by the guy who'd been following the story for years, John Hanna, and is poorly written, to say the least. Just notice this one sentence, and the different account by the KANSAS CITY STAR -
Defendant in gay sex case released from Kansas jail Thursday, November 03, 2005
Matthew Limon updateHe's scheduled to have a hearing this afternoon, 3:30 CST, where his attorney is going to ask that he be released pending further action by the state of Kansas. Kansas is supposed to re-sentence him, and that should mean 4 years LESS THAN the time he has already served! Let's all cross our fingers, pray, chant, or whatever it is y'all do when you want something to go well.There's a very good column over at FindLaw - The Kansas Supreme Court Rights a Wrong, Ruling that the State Cannot Penalize a Teenager for Being Gay - where the columnist notes that the Kansas Supreme Court should have taken this case years ago to reach this appropriate decision. She goes on to note that even in last week's decision, they erred in making Mr. Limon continue to stay in jail and wait for a hearing when they had the authority to simply free him right then and there! Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
all saints dayjohn sex, klaus nomi, ludlam, freddy mercury, joey ramone, d. wojnarowicz, baby gregor, mapplethorpe, warhol, divine, leigh bowery, howie m., wendy o. williams.... don't inhaleSo, my roommate's houseguest pops out of the other room, in his teeny tiny briefs, handsome, semi-hairy, dark; Spanish, I think. I'm readying eBay shipments, he's taking a shower. Gulp. 15 minutes later, I go into the bathroom and nearly gag on the 1/2 gallon of green cologne he's obviously dumped on his body. Phewwww. Not that I was worried about any sort of, well, ya know.... |