Monday, October 31, 2005
The Club Camden always open for gentlemen only Can you imagine, in 1970, what this bath house in Camden, N.J. was like? I'm guessing it was part of the CLUB BATHS chain. As you can see from the ad there were several other "warm and friendly" places to visit in New Jersey, New York, Ohio, etc.
posted by bj at 2:24 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
DISROBICS returns I know some of you don't frequent these pages that often (odd, but true), and wind up discovering that some pornovideoclip that I've posted has already been disabled by the time you've found it. Well, apparently something I posted on March 07, 2005 has been making the rounds on the interweb. LADY BUNNY links to the iFILM version, and then it's also over here at A lesser man would want some sort of credit, or linkage, or acknowledgement, but heck, I'm just glad y'all get another chance to see Chris Thompson, Steve Cruise, and several other HHHHHot, hhhhot men dance around and wiggle their schwinkies in that fanastic closing number from 1985's DISROBICS.
posted by bj at 10:26 AM
update on Matthew Limon The Kansas City Star is reporting this morning that Limon could be out of prison by the weekened! OK, OK, I am way too cynical in this case to hold my breath for that, but, it is moving along. "On Thursday (yesterday ), the court expedited its process of issuing final orders, a legal procedure that normally takes 20 days. The move, which came at the request of Limon�s attorneys, means Limon will be released as soon as a Miami County district judge agrees. That could come any day."Gosh, if I weren't a complete stranger, not to mention a dirty old middle-aged man who runs this semi-perverted website, I would love to be there when he gets out, and have that LIFETIME TV moment, with hugging and tears and all that jazz. But it's good enough to know he will have that moment soon with his family.
posted by bj at 9:15 AM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
bondage break  No, not me. Hard to tell if this guy is taking a break from bondage, or a break that involves him being in bondage. I love this 1974 magazine that this is from, GAY BONDAGE, Vol. I, No. 2; it's too bad I must sell it. One would think that the highlight would be the 12 page, 18 photo spread, A THIEF UNDER FOOT, with none other than Fred Halsted's lover JOEY YALE. But, tucked near the back of this lovely periodical is a feature called: Macrame' Lesson - "Bill knew ropes but only those used for macrame'. He had never had an experience in bondage and was reluctant to try it. He finally agreed and we set a date. He worked on his macrame in his garage, usually nude. The day of our bondage date, I found him hard at work..."
posted by bj at 1:40 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Rubbin' It  Clay Russel in another of those NOVA photospreads MY FIRST TIME - this time with a guy named ERIK. Of course, if you look at this other magazine I posted yesterday, STUDS IN STYLE, the same guy is called MARC. Here's additional pics from MY FIRST TIME and from STUDS IN STYLE.
posted by bj at 3:19 PM
Monday, October 24, 2005
TY ARTHUR  Could he really have only appeared in two films - Beached and Soccer Games? With a schnozz like his, it's a shame. But thankfully, he's done plenty of photospreads for NOVA; and apparently, even appeared in some male clothing catalogues in the 70's like AH, MEN.
posted by bj at 3:12 PM
Friday, October 21, 2005
MATTHEW LIMON! don't yet know exactly what this will mean in terms of when he finally, FINALLY gets out of jail, but... this is fuckinFANTASTIC!!!"The Kansas Supreme Court ruled today that the state must impose the same penalties for statutory rape regardless of whether the sex was heterosexual or homosexual.
The case was brought by Matthew Limon, who was sentenced to 17 years in prison after he was convicted of having sex with a 15-year-old boy a week after his 18th birthday in 2000. If Limon had been convicted of having sex with a 15-year-old girl, he would have received a maximum sentence of 15 months.
The state�s so-called Romeo and Juliet statute allows for lesser penalties for sexual relations with a 14- or 15-year-old, so long as the partner is under 19, is less than four years older than the victim, and is a member of the opposite sex.
Limon�s attorneys argued that the last provision of the Romeo and Juliet statute violates the state and federal Constitution by holding out different penalties for a separate class of citizens. The court agreed, and also found that the statute violated a 2003 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made it illegal for states to penalize homosexual activity.
The Kansas Court indicated that the Romeo and Juliet statute may remain in place if the state eliminates the provision exempting same-sex relations."
Here's the link to the Washington Post's Associated Press story by John Hanna - I'm looking forward to more info and ananysis as the day goes on..... you might remember that HANNA has been following this story for years, and this article will no doubt get more fleshed out later.
Gosh, it's been years since an actual court case has made me this happy, seeing a real injustive, finally beginning to get remedied..... gotta run. oh yeah, and the Kansas Supreme Court opinion is here.
posted by bj at 12:13 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Julio Campas? You'd think getting up at 7:30 on your day off, you'd actually have something accomplished by 10am, eh? Trolling eBay this morning, I'm clicking and bidding and "watching" various bits of porno and gaystuff, when I find an 8mm COLT film with a familiar face. Not that many bearded, Hispanic men in porno in the late 70's, and I think it must be Ray Medina. But when I go to Gay Erotic Video Index, and look up The Big Box, it lists two names, Julio Campas & Lars Lundig; clicking JULIO's name, it shows no aliases, and no other films. RATS! So, I go hunting through several boxes of stored porno in the storage space above teh closet to find the old COLT videotapes, get distracted watching the other 'loops" on The Best Of COLT Films part 1 LT60 (Killer & Butch, Gym Nasties, Coming To The End - OMG! is the sight of Rocco shooting on Nick Rodgers's face the hottest cum shot ever!?? - oops, sorry, I digress - then Playing With Danger - OMG! is the sight of Jack Hacker rimming Clint Lockner as Clint shoots on his very own face the hottest cum shot ever?!! ....... where was I? oh yeah, so the last loop is The Big Box and the delivery guy is this hot bearded man with tight Levis and a yummy butt and bulging crotch, and well, yes, it's him! Seeing his pierced, glistening chest in the California sun as he sits on lucky Lars' face is a GREAT way to start the morning.
Then, of course, I must figure out all the other films the man has been in, and remember that I have a tape that might have another pic of him, Rawhide. I must find that box, somewhere on the big shelves behind the desk. So, by the 3rd cup of coffee what I know so far is he goes by RAY MEDINA in the films Rawhide, Gayracula, and in Zeus Studios Tightropes 06; as R.W. Stone in Steve Scott's Wanted (remember the forced blowjob of prison guard Jack Wrangler at the beginning? - fuckinamazing!) and finally, as far as I know, this one COLT film, The Big Box as Julio Campas. phewwww! What's for lunch?
btw, that's Sky Dawson in the other cowboy hat, who you may remember from such films as: Falcon's Champs, Biker's Liberty, and Take It; and of course as Al Parker's co-star in the amazing 1982 film, Turned on!
posted by bj at 10:06 AM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Michael Christopher  Ahhhh, Michael Christopher! You may remember him from such films as Best Little Warehouse in L.A, JUICE, Fade In, Fade Out, GAYRACULA, Skin Deep, Trick Time, DOING IT, A Few Good Men and NOVA's How I Got the Story (among many others). I'd have to say my favorite performance of his was in Arthur Bressan, Jr.'s Pleasure Beach . He played the role of a gay lifeguard who works with straight lifeguard Johnny Dawes, who is annoyed and yet, ahem, rather curious, about Mr. Christopher's sexual escapades. By the film's end, they are in love, of course. Corny, but it works. (And don't forget the fantastic scene with sexy BEAU MATTHEWS - yum!) The pair also worked together in Lancer Brooks's (AKA Tom DeSimone) Skin Deep, where Dawes is a dirty book writer, and Christopher plays the hustler with a heart of gold that moves in with him. Oh, another good one to check out is Trick Time - not so much for the sex, but there's an actual interview with him (as well as Johnny Dawes) by Joey Yale and Fred Halsted - revealing Christopher to be quite a sweetheart! The pic above is from a magazine I'm selling - Those Hot Guys Next Door - one of those magazines using photos of NOVA FILMS stars. This one has a great 12-page photospread of him, including a 2-page color centerfold. Click the pic to go to the auction page.
posted by bj at 12:13 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
BUTCH  you can call me Butch, Buttch Barnes, Butch McAllister, or Rick Masters
posted by bj at 5:32 PM
linkage not sure how many of these links work - but give 'em a try, and let me know if I got something screwed up. (they're all up there in the "drop-down" menu, under all the blogssss) atkol forums bent BestBearBlogs Bjork Bijou Video culturebot Dreamland Joe Gage Gay City News Gay Erotic Video nightcharm queerday queerfilter smutjunkies Guide to Springfield
posted by bj at 11:32 AM
black socks
posted by bj at 9:40 AM
Monday, October 17, 2005
posted by bj at 6:57 AM
Friday, October 14, 2005
No you'd never cry to them just to your soul Had some "quality time" with the boyfriend yesterday. No plans, just meandering around the city in the rain, and occasionally stopping in a record store to find BRONSKI BEAT's first album, Age of Consent. He really wanted to have the song WHY but the best we could come up with was Jimmy Somerville's The Singles Collection. It had the song, but the 3:58 time seemed off, so I wouldn't let him spend 18.99 plus tax (full price?? - NEVER!), insisting we could find the original on the original album/CD. We didn't. And I found out I was wrong, that the album had a 4 minute version, plus I have, tucked away in the stacks, the 12" 7-minute(ish) version. Ordering the CD from Amazon this morning, I couldn't wait til we got the hard copy, so I downloaded a few tunes, and gosh, does it bring me back! It's funny, sometimes you hear people talk about Bronski Beat/Somerville and say "gee, they never topped that album!" - but listening to it today, I can't imagine how proud I would've been to have ever accomplished anything close to it - so beautiful, so haunting, so angry.... just amazing! And it also reminded me how, as impressive and important it was for "us" (gay folks) - especially young people - to hear this, it amazed me just how fuckin' blind str8's can be. I remember my brother coming off the dance floor back in like '85, commenting on how great the song that had just played was, and if I knew who she was ( "WHY?" 12-inch version) - I told him who they were, began to recite lyrics, etc., as his eyes just glazed over and rolled into the back of his head..... Another time, watching MTV, and the video for Smalltown Boy was on. You remember, Jimmy oggling this good-looking swimmer guy with a, well, swimmer's build, then Jimmy gets beat up in an alley, then his parents kick him out, then he's on this train to.... the big city? The video ends, I'm in tears, and the Vee-Jay, Mark Goodlooking says, "ah, Bronski Beat, and SMALLTOWN BOY, a song any young man can relate to....." - HUH? is he clueless? was this a wink-wink to "us" - I doubt it. more likely clueless. anyhoo - here we go - the two HITS:
posted by bj at 12:31 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
 from a little magazine entitled "Jerking Off In The Gym" which features some nice NOVA FILMS models.
posted by bj at 6:13 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
director: Steve Landess (1997) Starring: Trenton Comeaux & Anthony Gallo (this scene) + Peter Wilding, Austin Black, Beau Lyons, Buddy Larue, Mack Peters, Chris Dano, Tito, Brian-Mark, and Sam Ritter I realize the quality of the video and sound may suffer a bit, but I did a rush job on this little 2-minute clip. A very nice man named FLUFFY donated a bunch of stuff to BJLAND today, most notably videos with an "uncircumcised" theme. Some are dupes, and therefore I can't sell, so I will need to figure out a way to give a few away.
posted by bj at 2:34 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
REX - case 1849  "He was referred to the clinic when his parents found him stealing his mother's lingerie to wear while committing auto-fellatio on himself."
posted by bj at 1:37 PM
Sunday, October 09, 2005
promises, promises  ugh, sounds like one of those dang musicals an ex of mine used to listen to (well, no doubt he still does, but I don't have to!) I was referring to me, saying I would scan some more Mr. Parker for ya. Most of you have already clicked the pic and discovered that MR BJ has nothing better to do on a Sunday morning than give you folks more AL PARKER, but I trust some of you will show your gratitude in appropriate ways (I said appropriate!!). And a few of you have written in telling me of other AL PARKER ball-in-butt stuffin' incidents like: in the fantastic film WANTED where he does it in the barn with his real-life boyfriend Steve Taylor ("Actually a much better scene than that other one." - Fluffy - why yes, I have readers named "Fluffy"!); and a Canadian reader says he spotted AL in Flashback stuffing his balls up another young gentleman's wanting, waiting, ass (my team of AL WATCHERS has yet to identify the young man, but we are diligently working on it) - so there ya go....
posted by bj at 8:48 AM
Friday, October 07, 2005
Bruno and Nick "Welcome to the world of TARGET - a world where masculinity prevails and virility is king. Within these pages you will encounter a varied assortment of men, embodying the super-muscular image as well as the lithe, wiry look of 'today.' Here the electric tension of leather rubs elbows with the fluid elegance of the classic nude, and so it should be." from JAVELIN, No. 1 1975 - Target Studios
posted by bj at 2:01 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
don't try this at home TURNED ON!
"stick your tongue in that ass"director: Steve Scott (1982) Starring: Starring: Al Parker, Sky Dawson, Beau Matthews, Jim King (AKA J.W. King), Gian Carlos, Joel Thomas, Greg Dale, Jim Rodgers, Bob Moore, John Trent, Lee Brubaker, Rick Faulkner; special appearance by Scott Taylor; cameos by Mike Davis and Steve Taylor. READER MAIL: "Now, I swear I didn't dream this, but I remember a scene with Parker where he shoves his cock and BOTH balls up some dudes ass!" Well, it's from the scene with (lucky) John Trent (who portrays the part of "logger" - obvious from the costume, eh?) in Turned ON! (duh) which of course is amongst the Top Ten Best Queer Videos of All Time. The movie seems to be out of print, in yet another inexplicable "who has the licensing" nonsense in the porno world - but BIJOU VIDEO HAS IT LISTED as a "Special Order item" - not sure what that means - if anyone finds out before me - please let me know!
posted by bj at 2:02 PM
a plague of softiesHave I mentioned lately how much I love the Gay Erotic Video Index? I use this valuable resource daily, and often many times a day when working on auctions. I also refer to it when considering buying a tape on eBay - like just now, this morning, something called Inmates. The eBay page quotes the back of the box: "A scorching film that gives the viewer a raw, revealing insight of man-to-man prison sex! The sweat, the thick uncut c***, the bulls, the headjobs, the private manlove, the jealousy when another hot prisoner is thrown in a 2-man cell and one suddenly becomes the lonely outsider......" Now on to the Gay Erotic Video Index - "As told by a narrator two prison cellmates become lovers only to have a third prisoner join them and spoil the relationship. The tension resolves when all three become lovers. The sex is inhibited by a plague of softies." - OUCH!
posted by bj at 11:07 AM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
more from AL PARKER ALBUM you'd have to be a moron to stay indoors scanning porno magazines with amazingly beautiful weather like we're having in NYC today.
posted by bj at 3:00 PM
Upson Downs Having a BF, of course, has it's pluses and minuses. 3 months ago, 99% of my incoming phone calls were either sales calls or bill collectors - so I would usually ignore the phone and let the answering machine get it. Now, that's down to 95%. And now, I answer the phone whenever it rings, hoping just in case it's him - and usually to my disappointment. So, this morning, early early early, I am sleeping, the phone rings, I grab it to hear: "I need to speak to the member of the household in charge of making telephone decisions." One of the upsides of having this particular boyfriend is acquiring a bit of his sense of humor, so without thinking, I replied "And what about MY needs?
posted by bj at 9:45 AM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Ahhhh, to have an apartment in Manhattan with a view!
posted by bj at 12:03 PM
AL PARKER ALBUM  gosh, I lost these scan yesterday afternoon, and just now found them again. I suppose you want me to show you inside the magazine, as well?
posted by bj at 5:55 AM
Sunday, October 02, 2005
art A pal of mine was giving me some videos to convert to DVD, when he said "oh, I have some magazines you might want!" This is from JAVELIN, a TARGET publication from 1975. More (probably, maybe) later.
posted by bj at 8:38 PM