bj's gay porno-crazed ramblings |
Friday, September 30, 2005
Just got a crapload of new paperbacks - so busy busy busy scanning, researching, and preparing. Good news is not all of them are X-rated, so you're free to take a peak at them on eBay.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
oh, canada
handful of STROKES![]() ![]() ![]() filthy filthy magazines. I was never much of a fan, but would occasionally pick up a used one (along wiht some HONCHOS, MANDATES, etc.) late at night coming home from The Bar as I would stroll up 2nd Avenue. One night I remember being shocked while looking in the amatuer poloroid section, seeing one of my boyfriend's neighbors. He had the standard black strips across his face, but as he was the only guy I had ever seen (so far) with those huge snake bite kit (I would learn the methodology years later) nipples, ANDRE was easy to recognize even with his shirt on. Sweet man, alwasy a hello, but you just couldn't help talking to his tits instead of his face. Needless to say, the links are to the eBay auctions. Wednesday, September 28, 2005
ROGER & PEE"Excuse me; where the hell's the toilet?" director: Jack Deveau (1977) Starring: Roger and Jack Wrangler; with Jayson MacBride, Garry Hunt, David Hunter, Eric Streiff, Joe Dellasandro (uncredited), and in a non-sexual role Tray Christopher (Chris Rage's voice as M.J. Stunning, a radio D.J.). HOT HOUSE is the notorious film from director Jack Deveau - notorious because it incorporated a sequence "starring someone you're sure to recognize - his tattoo reads 'Little Joe'!" - courtesy of someone named Norman Fisher. But more importantly - to me anyway - this was ROGER's first film (he did work for TARGET under the name Tom Garrett around the same time, but I honestly don't know which came first - suffice it to say that at the least, this was ROGER's first "talkie"). Briefly, Jack Wrangler (my fave porno actor, of course) picks up this stud (ROGER) at the health club, but when he gets home, ROGER needs to pee and runs off to the bathroom. Lucky GARRY HUNT (who, as usual, is fanfuckintastic) just happens to be in the shower, and in the interests of water conservation, suggests to ROGER: "why don't you just give me some of that?" Alas, the scene is cut from most video releases past the mid 1980's, and you'd have to be some sort of GAY PORNO-CRAZED guy to have a copy! Two more interesting bits (you're already watching it and stopped reading awhile ago, right?) is the disco music - which I can't name (PLEASE HELP!) - and the narrator/DJ - it's Christopher Rage billed as M.J. Stunning (you might remember his performance in the 1974 film, DRIVE, as the drag queen Arachne, billed at the time as Mary Jim Sstunning). Tuesday, September 27, 2005
for panchescoNot many guys can get away with wearing a pink blouse, but Mr. BYRON HAWKWOOD does just fine, don't he? You should see him in his little tight black sheer undies - hubba hubba. Yeah yeah, here's the link for my eBay auction for COLT OLYMPUS 8: OLYMPIANS #1, the magazine which contains him and other models, like Karl Mann, Mike Betts (who you remember from Muscle Beach), and Nick Chase. Oh, in case you didn't notice, clicking the picture above takes you to a supplemental page of pics from the magazine. Save know before I take the page down next week, boys. Monday, September 26, 2005
our way to fall"I remember a summer's dayI remember walking up to you I remember my face turned red I remember staring at my feet" gosh, even last night listening to this Yo La Tengo tune, I thought it was a song about Autumn approaching! Apparently, I wasn't paying much attention to the lyrics of Our Way To Fall, which is clearly about something else. update/note: - yes, I know, the song sounds odd, distorted - NOT the way it's supposed to - will work on re-ripping it later... I no longer love my MEDIA CENTER 2005 Sunday, September 25, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
can i get a witness?
A buddy of mine reacts to yesterday's New York Times "article" - A Sex Stop on the Way Home - in his The Times cruises a parking lot. Wednesday, September 21, 2005
vintage butts, etc.I think I posted these guys (the handsome stars of the 1980 COLT Classic: Muscle Beach, Mike Betts and Rick Wolfmier) a week or so ago, promising more. Here we go - I have several "vintage" (70's, early 80's) porno magazines up for auction with some fantastic photographs. Many of you may not know this, but eBay limits not only the types of pictures, but also the number of "adult" images in the "Mature Audiences" sections. But rather than explain the ins and outs of that, suffice it to say that I sometimes provide a link within the auction to additional images. Figured I'd share here for those of you who don't regularly check out the auctions, or who can't.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
ohhhhhhhhh, Mister Grant!![]() Probably best known for his work with COLT Studios (in such films as Hammerhead, House Boat and Flatbed; and FALCON (in such films as Working Late, Young Conquest and the fantastic The Crotch Watcher) he was in only one film where he spoke! The fanfuckintastic 1978 release from director Lancer Brooks, (AKA Tom DeSimone), HOT TRUCKIN' - you know, where "Gordon Grant stars as a horny truck driver who encounters some wild sex on the road while delivering his load." Yes, yes, selling TWO magazines with Mister Grant featured prominently -
Monday, September 19, 2005
some booksTwo aren't porno, they are written by Joseph Hansen books from his Dave Brandstetter Mystery series - kinda cool, beginning with the 1970 Fadeout, with an openly gay detective. The others are, of course, porno, but a bit different from my usual 70's and 80's offerings.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
ROGERgosh, I'd never seen this picture of ROGER - AKA Tom Garrett - who you may remember from such films as Target/Bullet's Good Neighbors, Garden Party and Deck Hands; Falcon's Bigger Than Life and The House Painter; and Hand In Hand's Sex Magic, A Night At The Adonis, and Hot House ; and of course, the wonderful 3-D film, Heavy Equipment. Anyway, I got a stack of magazines that I am slowly sorting for auction, and in one called GUISE I saw this from photographer Michael West. I recognize one of the photograph's from a 1970's magazine advertisement for Falcon, but otherwise had not seen this series. This and 2 others show Roger's beautiful smile! Yum! 9/19/05 update: I've listed the magazine on eBay. Friday, September 16, 2005
takin' it on the chindirector: OK Boys; produced by DIRK YATES (1988) Starring: Steve Ross; with Matt Erickson, Steve Carson; featuring Doug Grant, Matt Johnson, Bill Michaels, Jared Scott, and Tony Chase as Sal. One of those late 80's videos where they sometimes use condoms, but sometimes don't, like in the last scene, shown here. Of course, eBaying this one. WOW! I hadn't watched it with the sound on until just now - and it's just this great drumming with no fakey sexsound overdubbing or bad dialogue! nice. Thursday, September 15, 2005
grumpy manA couple weeks back, WIGSTOCK Saturday, in fact, anxiously waiting to be able to flee the workplace and walk up the couple of blocks to Wigstock when a voice says something like "That's a great picture." I turn to see someone waiting for the bathroom, who continues on: "That guy on the website, with the beard, it's so cool, such a great picture." Needless to say, it took me a few seconds to focus and realize he was talking about MY website, this page; geez, I posted it in the A.M. so who the heck remembers what he's done before noon..... and I sorta grumbled something fascinating like "yeah, sure, thanks." After coming back out of the bathroom, I think he said something else, but of course, in my own little world, he had already walked away by the time I realized what he'd said. So, my apologies for being a rude f*ck, ya just caught me a tad off guard. Above is an additional pic - the magazine it's from is being auctioned off (off course)- and here is the full centerfold of that same bearded model, RAFAEL Wednesday, September 14, 2005
working, working, workingGosh, I hate to give up this COLT magazine; other than the cover, it's conditon is really good, and it's OUT OF PRINT. And with the usual obsessiveness I give only to my porno, I did some research and found that the $250.00 COLT "archived" out-of-print issue offered on their site (pic on right) has a different cover than mine (pic on left)! Mmmmmmmmmmm, I DO plan on giving you boys some more pics from this mag, and the handsome stars of the 1980 COLT Classic: Muscle Beach. Meanwhile, I guess this is what my listings look like to foreigners, and others who can't/don't "sign in" to eBay.
doubtsthanks to the folks who wrote regarding my Monday post about having doubts. I spent all of Monday night at work depressed, contemplative, moody, and yeah, a little sad. But I think I've said this before - while all of that is uncomfortable, to say the least, it doesn't bother me so much THAT all that was going on. It matters more to me if the process of feeling that way helps me flesh out what is bothering me, and what can I do about it. AS one emailer pointed out (and thanks, if I didn't say so explicitly when I wrote you back) - it is not for me to decide if I am right for him, that would be his decision. I can only decide if he is right for me. Yes, of course. It just saddened me to contemplate that he could be concluding that, and those feelings happen when you have disagreements, etc. I do think that each of us, the BF and I, are actually both surprised at just how much we dig the other guy, and are both having trouble believing the other could possibly feel as strongly. So maybe I was indeed having the martyr complex (I love you SOOOOO much more than you love me, damn it!)All the while I was at work Monday night, I thought of coming home and taking down Monday's post - too revealing, and more so, too revealing of another person. Some may laugh at that - how many times have I described intimate sexual stuff here? But emotions are just so much more important, and the sex stuff was invariably about some unnamed "trick" or date. Here I was revealing something about someone I care a great deal about, and wondered if I should be doing that. When I got home, I re-read what I wrote, and it seemed generic enough. I don't think I revealed anything, really, about him; and about me, well..... there ya go.... In other news: Yes, yes, I will post more pics linking to porno auctions soon, but meanwhile, there is stuff I just don't think I can sell, but am desperate to get out of my apartment. So, below is a list of books I just can't throw away. Anyone in the United States (sorry, international shipping is costly) who wants one or more of them just has to figure out the email link above, and tell me what you'd like. Go ahead and be so bold as to give me a shipping address, as I am going to the post office often enough that if you are the first to ask for it, and I can get it out of my apartment fast, it's easier and better for me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
please, sir; may I have your baby?I didn't expect fireworks, I didn't expect shocking revelations, I didn't expect blunders. I did expect useless argumentativeness from democrats, and ass-kissing and softballing from republicans in today's Senate Confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominee Judge Roberts. I am slightly surprised that the far right doesn't get that this guy will likely be a Sandra Day O'Connor. And I was on the floor laughing listening to Alabama Senator Sessions go on and on about how wonderful Roberts is, never actually asking a question, and become the Webster's Dictionary definition on ass-kissing. I wouldn't have blinked an eye if the man said No need for a condom, sir, I'd be honored to have your baby."raising more than money!It's a Craiglist ad, so chances are it won't stay up long - but I do think this ad for AIDS Walk Los Angeles, Serve The Monster, gets a B+ for creativity!Monday, September 12, 2005
sometimes the pictures don't match the mood![]() click it, eBay auction, buy it, blah blah blah. It's a monday morning and i am overwhelmed with doubts. I know doubts come with relationships, all of them - whether "mere" friendships, or the kind that involve sex, and shared secrets, and hopes for a life together. I know this, I have experienced it, and yet, now, right now, for the moment anyway, I doubt I am right for him. This is no time for "hey guy, you're cool, you're a great guy" etc. I am not writing this to get that reaction. I think I am writing this to flesh these jumbled up thoughts for myself, and the structure of making it semi-coherant here in 'public' might help. Friends can't answer the question of whether I am a nice guy, am i a smart-ass, am I too biting and sarcastic and downright rude sometimes. They don't have so much invested, they don't experience the worries and doubts that, well, lovers do. Perhaps ex-boyfriends can help me understand what it is about me that gives mixed signals - "i love you" vs. "leave me alone I'm not even awake yet" - OK, those are poor examples. But apparently somethings i do or say, or the manner in which i say or do them, are rude and hurtful. And it is vague, and I don't quite see it, and that there is the problem. It is not OK for me to conclude that it is his problem. That is never the right answer, no matter what the relationship is - if indeed you want it to continue and in fact get even better. But I am genuinely perplexed, and saddened by this dilemna. I want to fix it, yet i don't, honestly, know what I am doing wrong, and so can't begin to be better. I am overwhelmed and frankly, a bit frozen - worried about making more, and bigger mistakes. Doubting even the little nicenesses that I want to do on a whim because they may seem contrived, or calculated. This is not what he has said, but more my anxiety getting the better of me and just doubting everything for now (I hope it is just for now). Sunday, September 11, 2005
SPERM BLACKOUT PARTY !!Usually there is some sort of "event" like a 3-day weekend, or GAY PRIDE/GAY SHAME, Wigstock/ Pigstock, etc., but this BLACKOUT PARTY at SPERM is tonight. But, um, with all the lights out, how am I supposed to keep track of my boyfrie...oh. Friday, September 09, 2005
director: Scott Hansen (1986) Starring: Chris Burns, Christopher Lance, Daniel Holt, Rick Donovan, Joel Curry, Julian Adams, Mark Miller, Melchor Diaz, J.D. Slater, Jeff Bentley, Butch Berger Remember Aaron Spelling's popular ode to shoulder pads and conspicuous consumption, Dynasty? Well, Dynastud is the gay porno spoof version. Christopher Lance plays poor little rich boy Steven Harrington (his family is rich and powerful due to the success of their company, DRILLCO) who gets to have lots of sex with practically anyone he wants, and begins the movie by getting it on with the stable boy, Melchor (who looks great; but, alas, he's in that jockstrap all too briefly!). Highlights include the painfully slow portrayal of Mrs. Harrington (yeah, caviar, we get it, you're rich), and of course the 3-way in the jet featuring the pilot, Rick "Humongous" Donovan, Mark "please don't make me act" Miller, and Joel "ever do it at 50,000 feet" Curry. (and yes, there are TWO sequels!) Thursday, September 08, 2005
when writers write about other writersI love comparing book covers for the same title - personally, I like the one on the left; but I can see why the half-naked man was put on the cover a year later, on the right, for the paperback version. (sex sells, moths don't) I have sold this book before, and am again. But I wanted to update the listing with some additional info, so I did some googling, and find Gore Vidal's 2005 New York Times piece: James Purdy: The Novelist as Outlaw. Gosh, I should know better. I mean, I realize I am a bit of a dolt, but I just want to hear: "It's a great book - read it, it will change/ruin/improve/destroy your life/outlook/relationship" and I know better than to see what one writer has to say about another, as they annoyingly/humorously/annoyingly tell you more about themselves than their subject. After the first 85 paragraphs, and splashing myself in the face several times with more hot coffee, I finally learned that Vidal liked Purdy, and the book. But, other than the fact that it pissed off people Vidal didn't/doesn't like, I couldn't tell you why he liked it. Probably why I've never finished a Gore Vidal novel - i always seemed to fog over and wonder why I am being told the history of Thomas Jefferson's silverware for 13 pages when I am reading a book on Lincoln. Wednesday, September 07, 2005
lazyBetween my 30-hour a week restaurant job, my full-time procrastinating, and a BF who, oddly enough, really likes being with me despite my irritability, grumpiness, and laziness - I must say I just don't seem to have much time for porno! And I know myself too well to make promises; all you can hope for is that as I gear up for some eBaying, I'll share the occasional pic or, egad! - didn't I used to post videoclips??? Tuesday, September 06, 2005
excellent shape with no rotting
Porn O'PhileI'm not actually reviewing a reviewer here (am I?), but, seeing as how I don't really pay much attention to modern/current porno, I thought sending you guys over to this extremely fun and funny guy's site would be a good idea. OK, it's not his site per se, but he does his porno review column for COCKRING.ORG, which I had previously thought was a subscription/ pay site, but apparently it's not. SINema is a page of reviews that are full of the info you need before buying/renting (who's in the movies, what do they do, how well do they do it, etc) and to me, more importantly, a very playful and fun way of talking about porno and the men who do it. And if you enjoy his writing like I do, let him know - everyone likes positive feedback and encouragement!Friday, September 02, 2005
cowboys?No idea why this is in my "cowboys" folder, but still, I like the picture. I would totally love to have that |