bj's gay porno-crazed ramblings |
Monday, January 31, 2005
still sick and feeling crappy... blah blah blah.... sleeping one hour at a time... blah blah blah.... I hate my balls, they keep getting caught between my knees.... blah blah blah..... mmmmmm, cowboys. Sunday, January 30, 2005
i hate being sick (who doesn't?)OK, I'm not gonna get greedy and ask for a hot new boyfriend or anything - I know at my age I should be reasonable with my fantasies. I just want 90 minutes - ok, ok - one hour with this furry stud pounding his big meaty paws into my sore, aching flesh. I'm clammy, sweaty, barely got any sleep at all last night, and look like total crap. I want him to ignore all that , and just give me one hour to help make my body feel better. And before he's finished, the last five minutes, I just want his massive, beautiful body to collapse on top of me while his big arms wrap around me, holding and squeezing me tight, whispering in my ear that everything's gonna be alright. Saturday, January 29, 2005
likeahorseinnyc And I don't doubt the guy has more pics on the usual M4M sites, too. Friday, January 28, 2005
this'll be brief. Sick, sick as a dog since late Wednesday night. You wouldn't believe just how much my body, and especially my head, aches. Coughing, all that stuff - and last night was worse than Wednesday night - waking up once an hour, either shivering from cold, or sweaty and clammy and burning up. yuck. Wednesday, January 26, 2005
and now for something completely, er, slightly, differentBeing depressed, and kicking myself for stuff I should've said or done is fun and all - but I am so much more than that (Ok, maybe just a little bit more than that). Anyhoo - crawling back into bed, I was fiddling with TV and video remotes and I thought - ooooooh, this really nice reader generously donated this box of stuff that is sitting on my floor, and a pal of mine is also going thru a bit of the blues, too - maybe this clip will cheer my pal up, and also serve to show this generous reader that not only do I appreciate his donation immensely, but maybe I can share bits of it here, spreading the love, so to speak. my own snoring just woke me upTried waking up early (11am), but have since then had two naps. I'm doing the hibernating thing all wrong. Sleeping only after 3 or 4am - and going out and drinking too much at night, then sleeping well into the afternoon just - well, it just isn't er, um, very satisfying. Last night I was hoping to bump into this guy I had met out last week. And within minutes of walking into the bar, while waiting to get my beer, he walks up, puts two empty beer cans on the bar near me, we say hi, he says my name, congratulates himself for remembering, (we both smile, and his face is even handsomer than I remembered) then I do a hemna hemna hemna what-do-I-say-now thing. I had noticed him when I walked in the door, chatting with a couple of friends. The bartender gives me a beer, takes my money, takes this guy's order, and all I can manage is "well, looks like you're not leaving...." and he adds "naw, so I will no doubt talk to you again." I retreat into the crowd, he (presumably) goes back to his pals, and we don't talk for the rest of the night.I'm not going to bother with a play-by-play, it would only be too painful. Much later I did manage to run into a bar buddy, he introduced me to a friend of his, the 3 of us are talking, and I can see, in the distance, my most recent love-interest (is that the right word? I don't LOVE him - yet - but I am INTERESTED in loving him, or making... OK, you get the idea...) looking great, and his body language is telling me that he is about to score with the guy he is now chatting up. RATS! Meanwhile, these guys are talking about one more beer at another bar, and I am anxious to leave. Whenever I see someone I'd like to go home with getting ready to go home with someone else, I really can't stand watching. But, of course I do watch, and the only way to avoid that, and the creepy feelings in my gut, is to get the hell out of there first. My friend's friend sees that our mutual friend isn't ready to leave, I am zipping up and putting my hat on, and he volunteers to leave with me. PHEWWW! At least I don't have the picture in my head of my new man walking out the door with the other man. I think I am ready for my next nap. Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
monday already?Not that my Mondays are much like yours. It's more like "hump day" for me, without the sexual implications - just your regular "worked 2 days, work tonight, then work 2 more 'til the weekend" thing. But I often go out on Sunday nights, and last night was no exception. 5 degrees out, don't know why I was surprised there were only 8 people at The Phoenix when I nabbed my first icy cold 2 dollar beer. Then that bar across the street where people do nasty things like smoke, and listen to techno-disco. And ya know, having that back room closed, and the little corner used as the NOTBackRoom, seems to be working to my advantage. There just isn't enough room for everyone who used to stand and gawk, and it's right there, plop, in the middle of the room, too; so it's also fun to just lean against the bar and watch the goings-in and outs thru the classy HeftyBag curtain they use. And I did get occasion to meet 2 pairs of very nice balls; one even hopped in a cab after closing to meet me down here on my block to come up into my apartment. I was on my bike, as I was all weekend - thanks to our Mayor who is running for re-election and therefore keeping the streets fairly well plowed --- mmmmmmmmmmm, well-plowed---- not that he'd get my vote, but he WILL WIN... I digress. There was no point in the boy suffering by walking to my house, and it was a bit too slippery to give him a ride - on the bike, anyway. Where was I? Bike, boy, sex, oh yeah. Man! I am not unused to the after-cumming I must go syndrome, but I guess I figured with the temperature and the hour matching - 5, and him living uptown (not merely above 14th, but like in the 3-digits of upper Manhattan) he'd stay. But no, he needed food, and his own bed (and perhaps whatever was in that bed, I didn't ask); but we did chat a bit as he dressed - supernice COCK, I must say, and well, his whole body was quite nice. He had some sort of cellular device that he put my info into - but I won't hold my breath. I slept til noon, had 1/2 cup of coffee, took a 2-hour nap, then watched a bit of Something Wild, and now must get done at a minimum some porno shipping, and perhaps something solid into my body - I mean food, of course. Oh, and here - if you liked the Bjork video, you may enjoy this mp3 of the Video Version of her upcoming release. Sunday, January 23, 2005
Until now, I didn't think it was possible to make an ugly jockstrap; but apparently, anything is possible. Austin Masters Collection on eBay?
If you dig the less grey version, (I can't imagine why) here's a few more pics from a few years back. Saturday, January 22, 2005
![]() It's awesome! I couldn't stop laughing - just what I needed. Click the pic, and you'll get the new video from - or, if you would prefer to download the clip and save for later, go to her site and you'll figure out the rest on your own, I'm sure. best posting on's message board:
Standing there in the doorway in that tight wife-beater? oh YEAH!!! Friday, January 21, 2005
not everything I buy on eBay is porno - this bit of VINYL I've wanted for awhile, and finally nabbed a copy. My turntable is buried somewhere in my Forbidden Closet of Mysteries, but fortunately I have a pal who has one of those thingees that can magically turn vinyl into mp3s. If memory serves me right, Willy Deville's Heat Of THe Moment is the highlight. Hope to be able to post it, and a few others, from the soundtrack to Cruising in the next week or two. Thursday, January 20, 2005
i miss youI was just thinking how I might crash soon. I figured going out and drinking and all that would have ended a week or two ago - and certainly this week's blast of Arctic air should've dampened that. But here I am Tuesday night, 10 degrees out, pedalling up to BIG LUG from work instead of over to my home and warm bed. And I had a nice time - ran into some folks I knew, met a couple of new guys - I really thought it would be dead and empty. And a pal was clearly interested in coming back to my place, and we did, and it was fun. And then last night - I even came home after work, but within an hour, at 1a.m., I just had to go out into the frigid air and up to the Phoenix - and the place was packed for a Wednesday! They even discontinued the $1.00 beer, which normally would have me out the door fast enough, but there were some handsome men, so I grabbed a beer and leaned. And leaned. And watched. You know that game you play when you are out by yourself where you check out some hot guy, and think he is it, but then you get distracted, and loose sight of him and see another really nice looking guy and this one is definitely it, but he doesn't seem to notice you, and you loose track of him and sometime later both guys are in some animated conversation with each other, lightly touching..... and you didn't even know you were playing Psychic Match Maker, but there you go, playing again.The music is good, so the fact that the crowd is thinning out, and everyone else seems to be engaged in conversation, I don't let it get to me. But it does, and the next bar is only a block and a half away, so I unlock the vehicle and pedal over, pay my 3 bucks, adjust my glasses (the warm air fogs me up), and check out the smoke-filled room. The music is kinda crappy, some sort of too-loud pop-metal, but I get the bartender's attention and he gives me the beer. Hmmmm. Where to lean? Standing in one corner, then another, eventually I decide not to let the "dancer" on the bar with his hands in his drawers intimidate me, so I grab the seat underneath him (or, rather, the stool by the bar near him). A Blondie tune kicks in - one of my favorite bands from college- and things seem to feel a bit better. The hairy Latino moves down away from where I sit, returns a few minutes later and grabs my head, in a massaging fashion. He's very hot, actually; probably one of the few non-smooth non-shaved bodied ones I've seen here - but still, it's his job, and I'm saving my money for beer. He pets me longer than I would imagine he would a non-paying patron, but he's gotten the attention of others in the bar, so using me as a prop obviously worked. I try to buy some water, but the bartender can't find any, so I am forced, for the rest of the night, to drink beer - boo-hoo, I know. Now GoGoBoy is leaning away from me, but drawers are pulled down, and his ass is about 10 inches from my face - lightly hairy, firm; thick hard calves, big leather boots. Nice. Very nice. The place is filling up, and I notice this guy, this seemingly out-of-place guy. He's maybe my age, could be older, could be a bit younger, who knows. He's standing, kinda leaning, suit, nice coat - maybe even camelhair - and he's bopping a bit to the music. I smile. I don't know why it struck me as cool; but he was also all by himself, just taking it all in, and then a Smiths tune comes on, and now he's dancing by himself - nothing crazy or silly, he's just letting himself enjoy himself, quietly singing along, moving in place. And a long string of great music continues. My mood is definitely lifted, just absorbing it all. Then, 3rd beer maybe, this absolutely adorable man appears - in just a sleeveless tee-shirt and jeans, baseball cap and scruffy face. Can't tell if he's by himself, but he's also enjoying the music, dancing around, showing off a real nice pair of worn worn jeans. Just adorable. Within minutes the GoGoBoy has gotten his attention, and even leans down to say hi. They chat for maybe only a minute or two, but both are clearly turned on by each other. Adorable Man returns to dancing by himself; I notice he dances practically exactly the same to a disco tune as he does to Nirvana, which makes me laugh, then envy him, then love him again. I amuse myself by watching all the freaks. At one point, I am struck by how many people seem to have fake hair. I mean, they don't have fake hair, but it looks like half the bar has like grunge-band hair-pieces on and when did the New Romantic Look come back? More beer. I'm pretty wasted - not hopelessly so, but enough to know meeting someone would be downright goofy, and the equipment would be useless, and my ability to put more than 4 words together is, well, nearly gone. But there's a good vibe in the place, all smoky and trashy. Then Mr. Adorable comes up and says "hey, how come you don't tip the guy?" He's smiling, and beautiful (he probably never doesn't look beautiful, the fucker), and I say "HUH?" He laughs, repeats himself, and I mumble something about being poor and needing all my money for beer, and he laughs again. And his own personal GoGoBoy appears, and they are holding each other's waists - and remarkably I don't hate them. I say something to GoGoBoy about liking his body hair, and he mouths something about 'manly this' or 'manly that' and i wisely don't pay too close attention - it would ruin the illusion. I turn to Adorable Guy and say something about how hot both of them are - he giggles and says "but who's going to be the top?" I try not to groan too noticeably and just tell him it doesn't matter, "you're both beautiful, you'll have fun." The lights are suddenly on, GoGoBoy has luggage, the music is still on but they are yelling at us to leave (this place is so classy); I can't tell if they are leaving together, but I am too drunk to worry about that. Somehow I manage to compliment the deejay without falling over the bottles and plastic cups, I stumble out, unlock, slowly ride past the Sidewalk Sale (it's 4 degrees outside, and they are lined up outside, thinking that one of the guys who ignored them all night, or who they ignored, will try to pick them up.... hey, it works for some people, just never for me) and somehow get home safely and in one piece. Today was a vague nothing day. The usual first day of my weekend - lots of things I ought to be doing, but I sit here at this machine typing and clicking and not even bathing or changing clothes - even for the quick run to the post office and grocery store. I spot a few webpages worth coming back to, bookmark them, have a couple of brief AOL chatroom chats (as horny as I almost always am, I am never as ready to have sex as these guys - what's wrong with me??) Then a conversation with a former neighborhood buddy. He's in Hell's Kitchen these days, and we are comparing notes on sex and dating and I compliment him on his new profile pic. He complains about all the bottoms instant messaging him ("Don't they read my profile!") I re-assure him it's just that he's hot, and they figure they can convert him into a top. I ask if he's tried any of the bigmuscle bigbear bearmuscle butchnude dudesnude butchdude musclemutt bigmutt muttbutt or any of the other non- instant messaging type "dating" webpages. And I send him a link to one of them as we laugh about all this silliness. He signs off, I stay glued to the computermonitor, eyes soar and hunting and i see him. HIM. I can't remember where I first saw his pic earlier in the day, but there he is, several non-naked pics, and this one, this one amazing close-up profiled handsome face that I just can't take my eyes off of. I only glance at the text - much younger, blah blah blah but his face, not even my usual type. OK, OK, he has facial hair, and presumably a cock and balls - so maybe he's my type; the rest is so much less important than the face - the part that makes you dream and imagine and wonder and........ I try surfing on other sites - news, bjork, webstats (it's been 20 minutes, has anyone else read today's brilliance!?) but keep coming back to that face, THE FACE. Then, crash. 8:05pm. CRASH.
i'm so impatient
"Give me a shoutout on your blog"
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
awwwwww, RATS! late last night I got home, and as my pal was getting comfortable in my bed, I was checking email. I went to the SPAM folder, and thought i was deleting just one junk email, but hit "delete all" by mistake - and someone sent something with a subject like "that song you were asking about" - RATS!! deleted, unrecoverable. (and gosh knows what else I lost by mistake, too) Meanwhile, got another email today saying it's "Soul Screamer" by Patrick Turner. (thanks!) but haven't been able to verify that - not much on the web, just some newer deejay with the same name..... Tuesday, January 18, 2005
directed by: William Higgins (1979) Starring: Eric Ryan, Kip Noll, Emanuelle Bravos, Clay Russell, Butch McAllister, Derrick Stanton, Johnny Stone, Jimmy Young, Scott Taylor, and Darla Lee (non-sex role). As I was saying yesterday, this is one of my favorite pornofilms. And one reason I was distracted by it yesterday was the realization that there is a lot of disco music in the film - not merely the main theme (Munich Machine's Whiter Shade of Pale) - but others that while not sounding familiar, made me realize this is yet another film I need to take a long look at and figure out which tunes are utilized. And of course, as I mentioned, the one during the scene above is the most memorable to me - and yet, I haven't a clue who did it. Now, if you haven't already begun viewing the clip, just keep in mind that it's several minutes of the dance floor sequence (the entire scene is subtitled Disco Magic), and then just a few minutes of Kip giving Emanuelle a bj. (It continues on to some more sucking, and then fucking, on a pool table that somehow appears on the dancefloor sometime after all the other dancers have mysteriously disappeared - but, alas, I can't show you the entire 20 minute scene!) So, if anyone can figure out who does the music for the dancefloor dancing scene, I will give you a big wet thick sloppy, er, thank you. Now - crank up the volume and figure this out for me!
Monday, January 17, 2005
This is one of those pics you uncover on your hard drive when you are trying to do something else. The other day I promised another clip from one of those UNCUT previews I had, but, alas, I never got around to it. Meanwhile, I decided I really need to post a clip from William Higgins's The Boys of Venice because there is this disco tune I can't for the life of me identify, and can't for the life of me get out of my head. It's really more like a great disco-riff, so who knows if it's from a real song or not. Anyhoo, I finally get around to plugging in the VHS tape into the player, and needless to say I get distracted by other scenes - it's a wonder this film didn't make it onto my 10 BEST LIST over at Nightcharm! (OK, maybe it's not a wonder - those 10 are better, but a BEST 100 is a good idea, one I will never ever ever have the time to do!) I've posted clips from this film several times, like the Eric Ryan / Derrick Stanton bathroom fuck (standing/wearing roller skates!); and the Scott Taylor solo (if you are going to do a solo whack-off scene, do it with someone like Scott who has the dick of two men!)........ and then I stumble upon the hot scene between Clay Russell and Butch McAllister.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Those few seconds at the climax where Butch is enjoying Clay's load.... damn! But I was sure I had seen the pairing in some NOVA stuff, and knew Mr McAllister had also done something for COLT (as BUTCH - in the wonderful cleaning-the-motorcycle let's-take-a-break film Killer & Butch). I remembered I had a pic or two of Clay and Butch from some NOVA magazines, but of course, he's probably using another name - like he did in HOT LUNCH - Rick Masters, I believe. So you can see where all this searching and figuring out can be a tad distracting. And while I will try to get that The Boys of Venice clip made, and uploaded - my advise is not to hold your breath. Who knows what else I will stumble upon enroute to that task. Sunday, January 16, 2005
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Normal GayWith an almost identical template as bigmuscle and bigmusclebears, the new kid on the block has the unfortunate name of Normal Gay (and the equally appealing tagline For Men With No Category). Searching is also nearly identical: by zip code (my fave!), state, age, etc., but with a few differences - like being able to search by "relationship" status or "ethnicity." But when did Caucasian become an ethnicity? I guess coming out and actually saying RACE wouldn't be quite right, eh? The "new" normal.Friday, January 14, 2005
Listing the top 10 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
She's my sister! She's my daughter!Can't remember where I saw this link to pictures of pornmodel Marco - but doesn't he look like he could be pornmodel Eric Hanson's twin (Latino) cousin? directed by: Lucky Luc (1990) Starring: Lucky Luc, Max Montoya, Alex Garcia, Dan Bush, Jim Martinez, Tony Davis, Chase Lungren, Jose Armando This is a quickie - and a bit odd, to me, for a preview. It's two best-known stars, Max Montoya (YUM!) and Tony Davis (ewwwww!) don't appear in this little trailer. It's a video I am currently selling on eBay, and if the Montoya scene weren't with Davis, I'd probably keep it. Montoya has a fantastic thick uncut cock, but watching it get slobbered over by Mr. Davis just doesn't do it for me. I'll try to post another trailer from director Lucky Luc tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I need a shelter to build an altar
I am supposed to be somewhere other than here in 10 minutes - I guess I will be late. I just ordered the Bjork/Medulla-DVD documentary the same day SSQD mentions the "drums or no drums" dilemma for Bjork on the great tune MOUTH'S CRADLE - so here is the tune bothways .