bj's gay porno-crazed ramblings |
Friday, November 30, 2001
I'm sure you'll be hearing the original plenty, but I love these other versions, too - My Sweet Lord - Hare Krishna, indeed My Sweet Lord - gospel house mix? My Sweet Lord - boyish mix My Sweet Lord - live for Bangladesh, sounding great 30 years later, man
tuesday's datedo I start with the "he's a nice guy, but" routine? or just the facts? ok, let's try a factual account: He gets here around 10:50 (not that I was watching the clock or anything..) and has a bag with 2 beers, which is cool, cuz I'm not (usually) big on drinking alot with a stranger, especially on a sexdate ( I prefer drinking to excess in a public place, where I can yell obnoxious things at pals randomly, but I digress..). Still looking handsome, and still very tall, very shaved-headed. I get on my tiptoes to kiss him, we do the beer thing, sit on the couch, and start to talk about nothing in particular (AOL chatrooms, computer games, the funny coincidence that I saw the "forceable massage" Seinfeld episode only hours earlier, and this guy is a masseuse (messieur? massage guy? whatever)). Soon some light touching, occasional kissing peppered in the conversation, nice and slow, feeling rather natural and relaxed.Kissing gets heavier, and although he mentioned he doesn't do massages on "tricks" his hands are firm, and strong, and kneading various parts of my appreciative body. It's all very affectionate, just what I've been missing, and yearning for. And smiles; he has a great face, and it was nice to stop, and just look, grin just a bit, see his grin widen as he eyes my face, grabs, pulls, and strokes my body..... At some point I am naked, totally naked, and he still has his clothes on; I pull his shirt off, feeling a bit exposed; we slobber on each other's body parts, but in a slow, caressing manner, not forced, not in a hurry. Several times he said really sweet things about me, or a body part, that he liked. But somehow, even after stuffing his thick thing down my face for awhile (balls were way too big for my mouth, which normally would be swallowing them), neither of us stayed hard for very long at all..... We continued for quite awhile, over 2 hours, in fact, of carressing, kissing, slurping, even snuggling. It almost had the feel of being boyfriends who no longer had the need to impress, get the job done, but actually of just enjoying the touching, the grabbing, the smooching...... eventually, without saying anything explicit, we both sort of stopped the heavy petting, etc, and began to talk a bit, again about nothing in particular, just conversation, and when we realized it was after 1:30 a.m., he said he ought to go. I didn't offer for him to stay, not out of the fear of rejection, but more in the needing/wanting time to myself before bed; as he dressed, he said he had fun "playing" - gosh, i hate that word, I know i'm an idiot who's hung up too often on language, but it just makes me think of kids games, and goddamn! this is serious stuff! (hehe) - and as we stood by the door, a few more kisses, he said he'd like to do it again, I nodded in agreement, but already knew that I wouldn't. I can't explain why, other than I just wasn't "grabbed" by him, although i liked him, and liked our evening together. Just nothing made me want to do it, or something like it, again. So, I shut the door, pop the popcorn in the microwave, spoon out some ice cream, and head for the TV, and a game of MARBLES on the computer.
.......head........still........aching where.....did.....that.......scratch come from?...... ooh, nice email from one of my blogcrushes - this one's not married, just several thousand miles away, but still, I can dream, can't I?
sheesshhhhhh! "what about the date, what about the date?" - so, my ramblings about porno, disco, and cookies ain't as interesting as me describing how some guy's cock is almost too thick for me to get in my..... okay, I just kicked out last night's more "impromptu" date, and the coffee is starting to sink in (mxing in with several Rolling Rocks)..... give me a few to get my bearings, and I'll try to remember what happened Tuesday night. Thursday, November 29, 2001
avi vs. mov fileI'm struggling with a few short porno movie trailer clips I have, and they are in "avi" form; if anyone out there knows how to transfer to an "mov" file (if that can be done without spending any money) or even if it's worth the trouble, any help is appreciated. Also, I need help to see how the file(s) look; so anyone who is willing to look at a trailer or two, tell me how fast it loaded, etc., that would be most appreciated.cookies yes, cool overcast days make me wanna bake, and a batch of GINGER SNAPS are already done; next: "HELLO DOLLIES" - yup, sounds pretty faggy, but it's my grandma's recipe for these delicious squares - chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, pecans, graham cracker, coconut...... any local boys are invited to come over and sample my goodies! BETA HELP........ I realize I shouldn't be writing anything since I havent had any coffee yet, but today being all cold and wet, looks like I might spend even more time than usual at this keyboard, on this page, with little tidbits of info, and PLEAS FOR HELP of various sorts.#1) I need access to a BETA video player, so that I can make a VHS COPY of a porn tape I just bought. It's a hard-to-come-by film, featuring AL PARKER, so I bought it on eBay thinking it might be in good shape, and possible include some cool porno movie trailers. Anyone in NYC who can help (if you have a set-up of both BETA and VHS, that's ideal; but I could drag my vcr over, with the appropriate connections, if necessary) So, e-mail me if you think you can help, I will be ever so grateful (gosh, too many Simpsons episodes!) Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Don't know if this qualifies, 'cuz I love it, and I luv what it reminds me of; but I'm sure enough of you prefer the original ........ I hope none of you think A Whiter Shade Of Pale is an Annie Lennox song; naw, we need to go back, way back..... (oops, sorry, wrong reference)...anyway, it was a Procol Harum song, but you knew that. I know it better as the theme song from William Higgins' classic The Boys of Venice, performed by Munich Machine. Yup, another one of those porno theatre memories. While you listen, picture blonde long-haired skinny guys on the boardwalk of Venice, California, and Eric Ryan on roller skates (skates, not blades - it's 1981), bumping into Derrick Stanton, knocking him over and injuring him. So they hobble over to Derrick's new apartment, and have a look at the injured leg. Eric decides that a massage is in order, and guess what? Disco music starts playing, and they have sex in the bathroom, all the while the skates are on. This was Higgins' first big hit, and many of his later films had "original" songs like Brothers Should Do It , Members Only, and of course, These Bases Are Loaded. This one is another of those "wish I could figure out who all the songs are by" porno videos - but, alas, most of my pals wouldn't be able to help me (either not old enough, or not into disco). And the disco dance-floor fantasy scene at the end with Kip Noll and Emanuelle Bravos is soooooooooooo much fun! I made an avi file of part of it, but it's like 10MB's, so I couldn't figure out how to post it properly (but I can always email it to interested nice boys). Anyone who has a copy of the video and can let me know the other songs, it would be greatly appreciated. (Or some sort of arrangement with me sending you a copy...) Especially the one that's playing when Kip and Emanuelle meet on the dance floor, it's fantastic! Tuesday, November 27, 2001 really, not nervous at all. It's only been 2-1/2 weeks since any sort of interest in my body has been paid, and that was a "partnered" guy who just got too excited modeling some cockrings for me........(those married guys sure know how to cum fast, and LEAVE fast!). Before that, gosh, a groping in the Cock's back room? Does it count if it was just my beer bottle? (I really gotta stop standing around with my thumb hooked in my pants pocket, holding my beer) Anyway, I've got a whole 4 hours to make myself presentable, without looking like I made any effort. I almost forgot, this guy's cock is really huge, like "ow! my petite mouth can't take any more!" huge - He works til 10, then will come by around 10:30, says he'll bring beer. So, does this count as a real date? Who cares, right? Trouble is, I really dig his face, and if the night goes well, I might wind up, like um, liking him....... hmmph.
Bjork Remix Web is a fantastic site, where "amateur" remixers get a chance to show the world their BJORK remixes - there's a lot to sift thru to find the really good stuff (Joga alone has 56 remixes!), but if you're anything like me, sometimes, like last night, when you can't sleep at 5 a.m. and CNN just doesn't do the trick, finding a cool song like J�lasveinar (Christmas Men) is worth the time. The remixer took a song Bjork recorded in 1977 (when she was 11 and doing a children's TV special, I think) and gave it this very cool, haunting sound - perfect for you folks who like making off-beat Christmas mixed-tapes (er, this is 2001, so I guess discs)! A couple of nice guys have emailed/mentioned recently they liked the inclusion of Bjork songs here - some I post are "official" (like the acapella HIDDEN PLACE) and some are not (like the Pagan Poetry dance mix), but the remix site is pretty much winked at by Bjork and her record company, cuz they realize it's great publicity for her. Don't be shy, if downloading is a pain in the ass for you, and you'd rather, I can always e-mail you a song or two.... And the Bravo special was great (except for way too many commercials) - the opening 60 seconds was the best, a slowed-down version of Hyperballad played, with some sweeping landscape shots of Iceland, which eventually zoomed in on Bjork, all in white, on this amazing field of ice! Monday, November 26, 2001, looks like I have a (sex)date Tuesday night. SHIT! Only 23 hours to get this place, and myself, looking good. He's really tall, and, well, still nicely "proprotionate" from what I remember from when we first met over a year ago. I guess the good news is that it must've been alright the first time around, since he wants to do it again. Of course, I am so pessimistic, I'll be spending the next 23 hours thinking about how it could go badly...... see what I mean? Jack is supposed to be a sleazebag, having sex anytime, anywhere, with anyone, but he's licking the guy's fingers! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? case you forgot to set your VCR this morning (like me) to tape Bravo Profiles (BJORK), and are not near your tv/vcr now (but I am), they are re-running a 3rd time at 5 a.m. thier 1998 Profile. old not-so-horny fagsure, I went out, had 2 beers in the space of 90 minutes, 2 bars, and even took my glasses off for awhile in the hopes that if I just lowered my standards...........but, at least for the time being, I need to accept that I really don't enjoy the whole drunkard-groping-your-beer-bottle-thinking-its-your-cock thing. The one guy I attempted something with was barely paying attention, his head turning back and forth so much, looking around the room. I did my old random number thing - I counted down, and if he didn't pay adequate attention to me, I was outta there (not that he noticed me walking away). Too drunk, too drugged-up, what did I expect? And worse, the music totally sucked! "Everybody Dance Now"? Good lord! So, I tried The Phoenix, but no one goes there on Sundays, faking interest in the jukebox while my cranberry juice was gone in two swigs. Back to The Cock, the music getting worse, the boys looking uglier, and acting stupider, and the pints of Haagen Das in my freezer beckoning me......I was home by 2. Seriously, I am completely in envy of this - sitting around in boxers and t-shirt having breakfast with the in-laws - oh yeah! Crap, ever need a stand-in? I'm really a lovely young, er, lovely man when it comes to relatives..... back to sex..... I know on the one had I shouldn't have any expectations of anonymous sex, or meeting guys in bars, but there is a difference between Jeff Stryker sex, and Al Parker sex - affection. You can, and I have had, sex where you are actually looking at your partner, using your hands and lips in all the right places; you know pushing your face into his neck, gently kissing that spot just above the waist on the side, whispering barely audible oohs and ahhhs, massaging his calves while you flick your tongue on his balls..... old fag or horny fag?A little past midnight, do I stay home and watch this Liz Taylor/Warren Beatty movie on AMC, or go out and look for meaningless sex?Sunday, November 25, 2001
ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz cleaning house, which is good, but nothing to write home about. but, the good news, is that I am finally feeling horny again, so maybe I will get out of the house later...... then again, there's plenty of Haagen Das in the fridge....... and yes, still posting auctions. 2 with Jack Wrangler - this pic is from around 1974, and as much as I love Jack, I'm glad he eventually learned to go a little lighter on the mascara! I must say, he really is the best masturbator; I mean, I was watching that one scene from Kansas City Trucking where he's all alone, and the sounds of the highway give it this trippy feel, with the headlights occasionally flashing, and he is just whacking that mighty meat - obviously, having a great cock like his helps, but he really loves showing it off, takes great pride and pleasure in it, and does that one-hand-on-the-balls, the other slamming up and down on the shaft thing...... Of course, my other fave, Al Parker, is the quintessential cocksucker. Ever see him in Turned On, where he's persuing Sky Dawson? Holy shit, his beautiful face, that beard, and his alternating gentle slurps and deep gulps, the way he waits for the cum to splash across his whiskers, not gobbling it up, but first slowly licking his own face, then diving back in just under his partner's balls, and a few more slurps on the last drops falling ..... what a man! I feel I've learned important things from both these men....... (hmmm, is this my belated Thanksgiving blog?) Saturday, November 24, 2001
that's okay, honey, I'll make the coffeethat's what I said to my imaginery boyfriend a few minutes ago, as I got up to make coffee. I'll probably crawl back into bed with him soon, it's very cold in the apartment, and the heat isn't on. It's a rainy day, which is cool, cuz I hope to straighten up around here, ship out some porn, list some more porn on eBay, maybe even dive into the "personal" video tapes and make some still shots to post on the "audition" page - I think there are 2 guys I haven't yet revealed to the world. And I also want to work on this movie trailer clip I have, that I've uploaded to my site, but from the 2 folks who've tested it for me, it takes nearly 2 hours to download (they have dial-up connections) and the trailer is less than 2 minutes! - anyone out there have any ideas how I can speed that up? It's an "avi" file - is there something I can do? Sigur Ros disc just started, so time for more coffee, and getting under the covers........ Friday, November 23, 2001
soooooo tired, soooooo achey. that apt cleaning job Wednesday really wrecked me. I need to go back up there today, ugh. I mean, its decent work, but I hate going uptown, and it took me ALL day yesterday to get rid of the stench that was stuck to my body - several different kinds of baths - baking soda, that peppermint "natural" stuff - I came so close to just pouring bleach all over my body. My boots are still on the fire escape, I'm rather afraid to see what the story is with them. I just stayed here most of the day, trying to get my body back to it's normal, natural aroma - hehe. Last night the phone rang around 8pm, I let the machine pick up. It was this guy I ran into on the street about 2-3 weeks ago. We had an "AOL date" maybe a year earlier, and so we chatted for awhile on the street, then he took my phone number. I didn't recognize the voice, so I didn't pick up. After replaying the message twice, I realized who it was, but I felt too insecure at that point about my body odor, so I didn't call back. Maybe I'll call tonight, his message sort of left it at "if you're in town this weekend, would be great, been meaning to call you" - so, I suppose I should call him after work, if I don't get all stunk up again! Thursday, November 22, 2001
a pal of mine who works for RED HOT sent me this Amazon link - apparently RED HOT'S tribute to DUKE ELLINGTON is super-cheap over there, so if you're already an amazon shopper (or even if you're not) at 5.99 plus shipping, why not grab a few copies of RED HOT + INDIGO! as a stocking stuffer - hell, send me one!
............can't decide if I should write about my aching body - from 11 hours of hauling stinking garbage out of an apartment (not my own!); or how I had a morning hard-on when I woke up, the first one in weeks - but, um, that was it, I looked down in surprise at the almost-stranger, and made some coffee and checked my email. Goddamn I'm boring! Wednesday, November 21, 2001
![]() and don't forget, BRAVO PROFILES is re-running it's show on Bjork from back in 1999 - 3 times on Monday - 6am, 2pm, and 5am (technically Tuesday, then , eh?). It's primarily focused on the making of Homogenic, and has some great footage of Bjork running around Iceland!
one pal of mine couldn't bare listening to it, but I thought it was sooooooo funny; don't really know the sourse, probably some English sit-com, but on with the BJORK BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, here's Short Term Affair.
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
![]() Monday, November 19, 2001
Jack WranglerBeen keeping myself busy watching/reviewing/auctioning more porn - this is from a favorite, Gemini, and since I just got a second copy, I'm about to auction it on eBay. Jack Wrangler actually approached director Steve Scott with this idea of an All About Eve split-personality like character, but Steve thought 2 was all Jack, and any porn flick, could handle. So, Jack plays the role of a nice guy with new nice guy lover, as well as this "bad" personality who goes around having sleazy sex in backalleys with Richard Locke while Pink Floyd plays. He also is sandwiched between 2 guys in a pool-table fuck, as well as a contruction-worker worship scene (more Pink Floyd), and a great men's restroom/gloryhole scene. Eventually, when the lover discovers Jack's horrible problem, he commits him to a hospital for treatment.
Sunday, November 18, 2001
hmmmmm. well, yesterday, another feeble attempt at getting sex. I should've known when he kept yapping on the phone about anything and everything, after we agreed I'd be at his place in just 2 hours, that I should've backed out. But, I figured that I am so disagreeable and unadventurous lately, that I should really take advantage of the only sex-invite I've had in a long while (last Saturday's photo-shoot fluff/blowjob doesn't count). His place was a mess - newspapers, magazines, dogtoys, pots and pans (not dirty, just dusty) everywhere. And the dog, as sweet as she was, really required a lot of attention. Then, at one point, we are sitting on the bed, and the dog (female) comes over and starts humping my host's leg! But it got worse - he started egging the dog on, with all sorts of sex-talk "Oh yeah, you're the best, c'mon, fuck me stud!" and shit like that! Seeing my jaw on the floor, he tried to laugh it off, shook off the disappointed dog, and tried to return his attentions to me. I tried to make conversation, not quite ready to leave, but not ready to get all snuggly with him (his leg was probably still wet). He did the half-way massage thing, and I started getting sleepy. Then he took the dog out for a pee, and put some music on. Which at first was cool, but by the time he came back, the music was that Enya song that is the background for that WTC memorial website that I watched last Sunday morning and balled like a baby for 20 minutes, so I started to get all insular and quiet. We tried the hugging, light kissing thing, which was good, he has a nice body, nice head, stubbly goatee, all salt-and-pepper; but the music went into this Henry Mancini movie soundtrack thing which is really just elevator music that you might know the name of.... we retreated to the bedroom again, but I just couldn't get it up, and once he had me completely naked, I knew it was useless. He lit up a joint, and while I usually don't like to smoke with strangers, I hoped it would relax me. Well, it did, but in that listless, "sure, do what you want, let me know when it's over and point me to the fridge" way. And after awhile, when he kept moving around, and switching positions, I got suspicious that he was on one of those Chelsea Boy drugs that goes by some letter of the alphabet. Ugh. You know, he takes a few licks, you groan, he moves on to something else, his elbow jabbing in your side, he moves again, sticking some body part in your face, you try to make "slurpy I'm into this" noises, and then just when you 're in a groove, he's gone, disappeared to change the lighting or temperature. Ice cream. It's Saturday Night, shouldn't I be having pizza? Wonder if I have the fixings for brownies at home? Ok, I'm gone, and there's no hope of getting me back. Eventually he senses this, and says "if you need to go home, it's cool" but it takes me the longest while to leave, I'm such a guilt-ridden wimp, I think I have to make sure he cums first. UGH. I mean, I love seeing a guy cum, I love making a guy cum, but again, it took awhile. He could tell I was willing to wait til he came, so he postioned me for the manner that would get him off, and then the noises! I mean, I loves grunts and groans and all that, but this was real loud, and was like something from Hanna Barbera! I kept looking down at him, expecting to see Elmer Fudd and the Tazmanian Devil; and the dog looked real worried, she kept looking at me with these "what the FUCK are you doing to him" eyes! He came, but then started the zone-out post-cum phase, so I got up and tried to find my clothes. On my bike, discman blasting tunes from BeautifulGarbage, I started to think about what to have for dinner, and as soon as I walked in the door, made some food while spreading the take-out menus on the couch. Then I was a slug on the couch for the rest of the night, disappointed again, knowing that I'm just not cut out for this - I'm really good at the post 3-month thing: once we're dating that long, and I'm secure, I make dinner for you, I'm really great in bed, I'm sailing! But this interveiwing thing is for the dogs, really............... Saturday, November 17, 2001
WEINERS!ok, we have 2 winners - each guessed 4 correctly, both having gotten the 3 listed below, plus
sorry about the delay - I'd love to be able to tell you I was out last night, doing all sorts of unspeakable things, but, alas, I was on a very long phone call with mom, then, well, I passed out on the couch. contestok, the following "RUNNERS UP" (or is that runner ups?) correctly guessed:
Friday, November 16, 2001
what're u lookin' at?so I shave my ears, so what? working on the list of losers, er, runners-up, for the contest - do I have to do links and all that? contest update got a bunch of entries (entrances?)..... anyway, a bunch got 3 correct answers, but I have to double check the few who ventured 4, 5, and 6 guesses, and will post the winner late tonight. Yup, Friday night, single, in Manhattan, and I'll be busy verifying, then posting, the winner of the theatre poster - cockring contest. One guy, well, his entry was so funny (but quite wrong) I may have to post that, as well. ![]() Thursday, November 15, 2001
so, as I am getting near the bottom of the bag of porn I purchased on Sunday ( 35 videos, 5 mags), I find that someone tossed in this flyer - hmmmm. "Fits any penis size" - HEY! what the hell are they trying to say? meanwhile........... BOYS I WANNA PLUG
such a pretty cityI'm watching Law and Order, and I have further proof I'm a BIG FAG when: 1) I wished I had taped the show, after realizing how many potential male suspects are dressed in blue collar uniforms 2) I squeal when I realize the eventual female suspect is Diana Scarwid, who played Christine Crawford in Mommie Dearest (not to mention starring in Strange Invaders, as well).
on 42nd street X-rated is the beat see some skin up on the silver screen at 53rd and 3rd a dollar is the word turn that trick, you better hurry kid Wednesday, November 14, 2001
ok, a whole 30 hours in this thing, and while I feel a bit like stupid sexy flanders, I swear, I still don't see a need to change. I mean, it's not like I work, or have a boyfriend, or even any sort of potential ex-boyfriend on the horizon, I needn't worry about impressing anyone, I just need to be comfortable.......and with 2 hours of decent tv on tonight to look forward to (yeah, West Wing finally won me over, since it's a decent warm-up before Law and Order). ooooooooh, Malcolm just shot up a million points, playing one of my fave Elvis songs: Pump it Up.
well, still havent taken the union suit off - lets see if I get too sweaty running around town today doing errands - a bunch of packages for the post office - 4 various porno-related items, one Frampton poster (dont ask, but yes, I agree, that's obscene!). HMV to see if the bjork dvd-single is there, bank for deposting money (yeah, 28 dollars - woo-hoo!) oh yeah, and thanks to all you folks who sent in entries for the cockring contest, er Theatre Poster contest; a few of them had me on the floor laughing "I don't know much about Theatre, but the font on the top left hand corner was only used from 1974-76 for Joan Plowright productions, and she only worked with John so-and-so.........." anyway, I'll be checking them all and posting the winner (if he doesnt mind) Friday night/early Sat morning. I guess I should make it official, entries must be sent by noonish Friday ....blah blah Tuesday, November 13, 2001
gosh, I don't think I will ever take this thing off, all-cotton, comfy, perfect for stuffing my face and watching porn all day.............but..........does it make my skin look blue? CONTEST![]() hmmm, not sure if something is wrong with my email program, or if there are no people reading this page who know/like Theatre (hint: British, 70's), or if no one wants a free cockring. The idea last week was whoever guessed the most Theatre Posters in this pic would get a free, NEW, UNUSED leather snap cockring. I swear, it's still in the baggy, untouched, don't be afraid to enter! Or even if you don't want it, or haven't a clue what the posters say, Email Me anyway, just so I can check if the email program is working - but seriously, only ONE ENTRY has come in , with ONE CORRECT guess - so, by Friday, I'm shipping this thing out to someone - why not you?
...gosh, I hate those restless nights, where I keep waking up every 20 minutes, checking CNN, then looking in the fridge for chocolate, then crawling back in bed; waking again, check CNN, nab a few pics of video boxes for my porno auctions from the internet, have some ginger ale, crawl back into bed; wake up , check for chocolate in the kitchen cabinets, check CNN, drag the blanket onto the couch, fall back asleep; wake up, check the news online - Pack-It Jeans making a come-back, check desk drawer for chocolate, check CNN, they're giving more time to the Afghanis shaving their beards off than to the revenge killings of 100's....... oh, I'm sure I must be sleeping again already..... Monday, November 12, 2001
Sunday, November 11, 2001
I am sooooooooooo high! spent the afternoon at this fund-raising benefit (is that redundant?) for Gay Men's Chorus, over in the West Village called "Porn Again" - basically, the members of the group (plus some donations, I think) threw together their unused porn to sell off. Well, hoping there might be a few good things there, I got there soon after it began, and scoped the place out rather quickly. Free snacks? Later! Scoped out the various tables, and made a bee-line to the cheap table. Finally, my years of "studying" are paying off, I could recognize titles with no boxes so fast (Score - Joey Stefano, director Chi Chi Larue, 1990, grab it, Joey takes a nice facial in this one) El Paso - hmmm, old label, might be the "good" unbutchered version, Grab it. Bullet Pac#2, might have Bruno (it did!! yeah!) Grab it. Colt - those sell, grab 'em. I even ran into a neighbor, we chatted briefly, but I had to tell him I was focused on this; fortunately, he's a member of the Chorus, so he was happy I would be spending money. Sizing Up - isn't that Matt Sterling's 1984 film with Matt Ramsey (you younger folks might know him as Peter North)? grab it!! I was fairly aggressive, the browsers got the idea that I was serious, and stood out of the way. Ranger in the WIld (hmmm, not to be confused with Al Parker's Rangers, but still Daryl Brock, Max Grande!), The Big One - music by Costello Presley; Best of Jon King, Summer of Scott Noll, Bijou? Wakefield Poole's second film, from 1972, with an original video label? cool; no, I grabbed it first, get out of my way --grrrrrrrrrr! Anyway, being one of the first 100 to arrive, they also threw in 2 bonus videos - I barely made it home on my bike with over 30 videos and a few magazines. I went back - mostly cuz I figured I could use a beer, relax, and actually SPEAK to my neighbor, who's a cutie - but I didn't want to stay with all my porn and worry about it after drinking. Someone even tried to buy El Paso from me as I was checking out. Grrrrrrrrrrr. back off!!! (no, I was nice, I started to explain why it might be valuable, the homophobe getting tossed thru the bar window scene isn't in the more recent copies, and he sorta got bored and walked away, but 3 other people were impressed!). I had Pretenders first album on the discman, porn in a big shopping bag, and stuffed into my backpack - great ride home! I quickly checked that it IS the old El Paso, and then I headed back. Actually found 2 more decent tapes, including another Colt - this one..................wooooh!! Al Parker and Mike Davis in "Timber Wolves" plus Johnny Harden (this is a "keeper"!) And they even gave a bonus video to everyone when it was time to leave - The Road Home, which I have a dupe of, and I know it's good - Todd Gibbs, totally not my type in theory (smooth, blondish-red) but baby! what a body - oh shit! this is the one with Ryan Idol as a priest who jacks off while listening to confession! Think I'll be very busy for a few days, hehe.
i don't go out on Saturday nights. I joke that it's "amateur night" but mostly I don't care for the crowds of drunk people roaming the streets, looking for more entertainment, more alcohol, more drugs. But waiting outside for a performance to start, something I wanted to see mostly to force myself to "get out there" I realized it also has a lot to do with how I'd pretty much gotten used to being part of a couple - up until 2-1/2 years ago, I pretty much had a boyfriend ( 3 different "main" ones) for the previous 16 years I've lived here. So, of course, Saturdays were mostly taken. Sundays were the night to go out, often by myself. Anyway, stuffing this slice of pizza down my piehole (gosh, is that really a term people use?), knowing that it's usually a whole pizza, by myself on a Saturday night, I still wasn't comfortable being out. Ugh, I just feel too self-concious by myself on Saturday nights. But I figured I could get away with going to see a silly performance, and have some laughs while slouching in a dark corner.
The venue was small, cozy, and I guess I had like 1/2 a minute to find a seat, according to the guy at the door. The show started pretty quickly, a one-man thing, and I tried to get a groove in the plastic chair for my ass to get comfortable in. I know I should be writing about the show, how good it was, or some "critque" - but I first noticed hairy forearms. Beautiful hairy forearms. And his face was even cuter than the pics I had seen on the webpage, so I had to struggle a bit not to just zone out and smile to myself while stairing at this cute, expressive face up there (and the eyebrows! when he'd scrunch up his face, they'd go all slanty and lickable....). But it started pretty relaxed, some silly "hey you doing out there - woo-hoos" and shit. And then the storytelling. I expected silly filthy stuff, and I got silly filthy stuff (yeah the buttmunching, tongue-flicking thing, plus a bunch more); I even found myself stifling my laugh, as I can get kinda loud, and in a small room, well, I just don't like to get noticed. So, he's describing this lockerroomsex scene, very very funny, and his facial expressions and body language are both hysterical, and yet rather adorable. I'm pulled in, kinda relating to the silliness of having to perform (the sexscene) while your mind is thinking about all this other stuff, so I'm nodding, and laughing in recognition, and then....... I dunno, it shifted suddenly, and quietly, and quite unexpectantly. You ever watch a movie, and it's one of those intense close-ups at a difficult moment, so you only look like halfway at the screen? You are completely pulled in, but you feel this need to give the person some privacy, so you can't stop watching, but you can't watch head-on? And it wasn't anything earth-shattering, mind you, it just felt very personal, and he his voice was quiet, and slow, and measured, just enough for you to feel it, and recognize it in yourself, and have your heart slow down, and race, simultaneously. The experience of an unexpected "hot sex scene" where you try to go with it, and then you try to make it intimate, and you are being intimate, and yet the other guy, well, isn't? Well, that's probably very vague, but I guess what makes something "art" is that it gets at you, regardless of your ability to explain how it got to you. I'm sure it could use some tightening up, and someone could figure out a better way for this part or that part to go here or there; maybe it was just the intimacy of the venue, or my frame of mind, wanting the laughs, surprised and moved by the "more"; maybe just my mind wondering through all my own shit while viewing hairy forearms, cute mouth, someone very comfortable with his body; maybe it was just a good show. Saturday, November 10, 2001
have you seen this man? are you this man? do you remotely resemble this man? please contact me immediately! I was looking thru my KodakPictures file yesterday, and found a few shots from last summer's Folsom Street East fair - goddamn he's slurpolicious! Friday, November 09, 2001
Names, Darling![]() Tim Kramer Michael Christopher Jack Wrangler Pierce Daniels Lee Ryder J.D. Slater Roy Dean Derrick Stanton Clint Lockner Kristen Bjorn Eric Manchester Leo Ford Mickey Squires since "that day," i find i'm: lazy, horny, insatiable, distracted, anxious. anyone else? ........ woke up at 3, 4am on the couch, CNN still on. Seem to do that alot lately, as if keeping this vigil will keep the bad stuff from happening again (to us, anyway). Crawl into the bedroom, closing my eyes, flashes of "that day", tears, then anger at myself for dwelling on it. So let's just get this out of my system for the day: Fuck Saudi Arabia; Boycott the AIRLINES; fuck the oil companies; no more corporate bailouts; FUCK Saudi Arabia
So, while having made fun of all those folks who have the "buy me things" link on their webpages, I did, a few weeks back, create my own lil' AMAZON page; selecting a few Simpsons things, plus maybe a webnerd book, and a few art books. So, why the hell, when i just logged in to look something up, does it come up with this recommendation? Does it know how many hours I sit at this desk, staring at this screen, surrounded by bags of chips, and pints of Ben and Jerry's, my legs getting numb from inertia, getting up only to occasionally re-microwave my coffee?
Hitexplosion [11:35 PM]: hi
BJland [11:36 PM]: hey Hitexplosion [11:37 PM]: wassup BJland [11:37 PM]: not much Hitexplosion [11:38 PM]: im horny, drunk, and i want a cock BJland [11:38 PM]: let me know when you find one Thursday, November 08, 2001
.........taking a break from watching, selling, manufacturing, and distributing porno, I did some websurfing........ yeah,yeah, you probably saw Laid Off already, but it made me laugh ....... so back to the porno.....
so, I pick it up at the post office, i rush home.....
I open the box, and its a "small" cassette box, you know, the type that is the size same as the videocassette itself, so I think - "uhoh" - then, I notice that the "JOE GAGE'S CLOSED SET" logo is GLUED to the box!!!! and on the side, as well....... OH FUCK! so i insert the video (he didnit rewind!!) and see the quality is sorta "ok" not great, but nothing unusual (sorta yellowish hue to the skin tones), since I know that these video companies didnit always take the best care in putting this stuff out... so, while I fast forward to get to the "Good Stuff" - the hoped for previews - I look at the packaging again. The square glued-on label is actually NOT covering anything up, because the corner is curled up a bit, I can see that there are 4 small circles, like markings, for the place to stick the label - and on the side of the box, as well. So I get to the end of the movie (I never noticed the corny "titles" at the end - but I digress)....... and there's a preview for "Boys in the Sand" with this like beachboys tune playing over it (I'm sure the actual film had more classical music, right??). Then a preview for KANSAS CITY - a movie trailer preview, not a video preview!!! I'm soooo psyched, I can't beleive I knew this just from seeing the "tmx" logo on the video box in the eBay auction - so, long story short, 18 minutes of movie theatre trailers, PLUS: it lasts all of 2 seconds, but finally PROOF that there IS a watersports scene in Kansas CIty - I've never seen it on ANY of the videos I've rented, bought, borrowed or duped!!! Richard Locke has spoken of this, how he was waiting to do his scene, and the other scenes kept delaying, so he's drinking more and more beer - well, there ya go, it WAS in the original movie!!! now, the hunt continues. I'll have to re-check both copies of Kansas City I have now, cuz I swear I saw no sign of piss - this is scarey, isn't it? I really need to go look for a job................ Wednesday, November 07, 2001
![]() so, I had all these cool links and shit set up for a nifty blog to promote my porn auctions on eBay, and they went and cancelled 5 of my adult auctions! Apparently, I described the sexual activity going on in the videos, and, well, it's just not done; you're supposed to buy the merchandise without having a clue what happens! But, but the time you read this, I may have some stuff up, so take a look.............
.......or, just ship your old, unwanted porn to me.... more on that over the weekend......... I'll buy that for $60 millionMadison [9:03 AM]: you seem kind of sweet.. :)BJland [9:04 AM]: usually, but.... havent had my coffee yet Madison [9:04 AM]: just up myself.. thinking to order in breakfast... BJland[9:05 AM]: ahhhhh Madison [9:06 AM]: bloomberg won! i forgot until just now.. so happy.. Madison [9:08 AM]: i'm trying to quit smoking.. I think I'm going to cave in though.. unless you have something more "healthy" for me to put in my mounth.. BJland [9:20 AM]: Naw; but ask your new mayor Tuesday, November 06, 2001
![]() Following behind JockoHomo (oooh, that's a nice thought...) just remember that Halloween isn't over 'til the Simpsons say it is! It's The Simpsons Halloween Special "Treehouse of Horror XII" TONIGHT at 8:30PM/7:30C and while you're all trying to figure out the Theatre Poster / Cockring Contest below, here's a little song from The City of New York Vs. Homer Simpson and have you checked out the other blogger with all those "O's" in his name, johnny a go go?? miscellaneous stuffMy GOD Michael Christopher has a huge piece of meat! - No, that's not him over there, but I've been getting a lot of requests for info on director Arthur J. Bressan, Jr., and I'm watching one of his last films, Juice, which stars Mr Christopher (who you may remember from such films as The Best Little Warehouse in L.A., Gayracula, Pleasure Beach (a personal fave) and A Few Good Men),as a porn mag photographer who's boss Eric Ryan doesn't like his "arty" pics, so he's on a deadline to get more pics. Bressan also did a lot of work for P.B.S. apparently, and most notably did a few "legit" movies like Abuse which I haven't yet seen, but hope to rent this week. And lots of people want info on another of his porn films from 1984, Daddy Dearest, which was Richard Locke's last film, and also stars a young Dean Johnson, who apparently is hosting a new nite at a new(ish) bar, "The Hole", this Thursday called "Triple XXX"Meanwhile, I'm posting this pic over here (or there, can't remember if i did align=left or right)as a sort of contest - I'm trying to figure out all those theatre posters in the background, and as an incentive to helping me out, if you Email Me the most correct answers, I'll send you a cockring - pictured over there somewhere, it's a simple, yet elegant, black leather snap-on cockring. as we used to say in Chicago, "vote early, and vote often" Monday, November 05, 2001