You’ve probably seen this 3-way all over the internet for years – it’s from a loop – Overtime Training – which was part of Tom DeSimone’s 1980 release, Flesh & Fantasy. And nooooooooooo, not gonna call it Flesh & Fantasy 1, even though a “Flesh and Fantasy 2” was made nearly 20 years later. Original title, regardless of Catalina or whichever corporate overlord owns the rights today.
Director: Tom DeSimone (1980)
Plot: workers complaining about asshole foreman; foreman hears them and a confrontation begins, which of course leads to foreman being ‘forced’ into sex with the pair – Check out foreman Randy Gutzman – he’s in only one film? Go ahead, click the link, you’ll see 5 titles, but they are all the same scene from Flesh & Fantasy. I mean, those puppy dog eyes asking for more! Too bad, right?