I’ve long suspected that our JohnnyLlama works in a bookstore!
enjoy this clip of Johnny at work –
OK OK, from Heavy Equipment (1977); director: Lancer Brooks; – cast: Jack Wrangler, Roger, Chris Adams, Chris & Tim ; non-sex roles: Steve Tracy (Chester, the clerk), Adam Neumar (boss), Jennifer Cashoty (lady customer), and David Warfield (old man)
music: Roys Ayers Exotic Dance, and that gosh darn muzak/jazzy Working On The Railroad

note the lack of Kurt Williams name in the ad! CUZ he ain’t in the film (and least not a sex role) oh, and see me below cleaning the house trying to find my VHS copy of this film. Then, of course, taking a break with Mr. Wrangler
Seriously, it took a week to find the video – and – see below – my desk, the one I am sitting at as I type, and where I compose 95% of my posts… look on the bottom shelf… what the? Anyway, appears that I do have a version that has the sound properly synced – so maybe a future post?

Mr. Gay Nude – where are you?