Hot Tub AKA Extra Hot Tub from the 1980 film Flesh and Fantasy
We’ve got Jim Bataglia and Bob Moore (we only see Bob in 2 other films?? – both from Steve Scott, Performance – is he in the audience for the “performance? and Turned On! – is he in the fantasy/orgy scene?). I digress. DeSimone chooses a male/female couple to introduce each scene (off camera) with a perplexed lady wondering why she’s involved, as the male lays out the storyline, briefly.
oh, and shout out to DAVID M who pointed out this is same hot tub/back yard as we saw over in The Hot Tub post from a few days back – thanks DAVID!

Images are from a magazine OVERLOAD, which has photos from the film – but oddly changes all the models’ names, the scene names, leaves one scene out, and (no complaints here) has 2 photospreads for the Overtime Training scene. Probably a future post breaking all that down. This scene in the magazine is called Hard Water.

and the cover of the magazine – which I wish I had a better quality scan, but what can you do?