"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno NOVA films pornoclips

how i got the answer

oh my. you’d think before I go pulling boxes out of closets, loading up VHS tapes, and banging the VCR remote over and over again to get that last bit of life out of the batteries, I might check a previous post (How he got the story) to see if I already have an answer to the question of where have we heard that dang song! (the non-porno version – They Lied to Me). But nooooooooo! So, while I was at it, figured recording/converting to digital (and posting the full 20-minute short film) was in order, and you can see how long you can last with that dang song playing before you turn the sound off!

How I Got The Story

NOVA Films, How I Got The Story, starring Michael Christopher and Beau Matthews

"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno pornoclips

Good Times Coming

I just nabbed this VHS from eBay for a good price, even though I am supposed to be thinning my collection, not expanding it. A quick pop in the video player to see if it’s in good shape, and oh – “what’s that music?” Taking a suggestion from a reader, I clicked on Shazam on my phone….

i fast-forward, hit play, click Shazam again, and…. over and over, NO RESULT – TRY AGAIN… then I get to the Lance clip and the very familiar “Make Love To Me”… and….nada! so it must be some William Higgins / Costello Presley concoction/creation? (who’s doing the Costello Presley documentary?)

director: Dan Allman (60 minutes) (1982, compiled from shorts)

starring: (in order of appearance) Mark; Lance and Thor; Jamie Wingo, T.N.T., Chaz (Holderman); Lance again (solo); T.N.T. and Jeff Holden

P.S. – at some point, and I got so frustrated I don’t remember where, it i.d’d Keep On by Touch.

music in gay porno pornoclips Xmas

(say it with me) Christmas present… Christmas present… Christmas present….


director: Francis Ellie (1979)

Starring: George Payne & Jack Wrangler; plus Brian Ray (Santa); , Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed

Yes, XMAS rerun – clip from Navy Blue – Classic story – two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC, each secretly in love with the other, but can’t bare to admit it to the other and risk jeopardizing their friendship. They part ways, and Jack Wrangler is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70’s bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course. (BTW, the music is SPACE’s Magic Fly). This is also the film with the wonderful blowjob in the helicopter flying over Manhattan skyline scene.

"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno pornoclips

size matters

see original 2006 post – garbage pickin’

director: Matt Sterling (1983)

Starring: Bill Henson, Brian Michaels (aka Bobby Madison), Eric Stryker, Doug Weston, Matt Ramsey (aka Peter North), Lance Chisholm, Scott Avery, Mike Ryan, Brad Walsh, Steve Krause, Joe Porcelli, Don Webber

Jack Wrangler music in gay porno pornoclips Richard Locke Steve Scott

Gemini Jack

quick clip – love these two!

directed by: Steve Scott (1978)
Starring: Jack Wrangler, Richard Locke, Chris Adams, Duff Paxton, Mike Black, Terry King, John Seychelle, Lucas Severin, Jacque Houff, Doug Thompson, Gene Braun

Heatstroke Joe Gage music in gay porno

Porn Got Me My Record Deal

WOW! WOW! WOW! – just watched this, soooo cool! Man Parrish and the story behind his music for Joe Gage’s Heatstroke. Just one of about 40 chapters in this series, Man Parrish Stories, that he put together last summer after deciding writing a book wasn’t goona happen, why not just make, and publish, himself telling his stories? Can’t wait to watch more!

"vintage" porn stars in the name of leather music in gay porno pornoclips

Nights In Black Leather (1972)

Director: Ignatio Rutkowski (1972)
Starring: Peter Berlin (AKA Peter Burian), Rick Jedin, Tom Webb, Al Joffrey and Jeff Salem

This is Berlin’s first film – I actually think THAT BOY (1974), which he also produced, directed and wrote, is much better – but this is still a great little film showing bits of San Francisco gay life back in 1972. The party with a handful of drag queens is great, and the best, sexually speaking, is the final scene, where Berlin watches two lovers go at it, and joins in. (see below). I’d love to know the source of the music used in the preview above.

update/edit Boysenberry Jam by MOBY GRAPE

Nights In Black Leather