Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. pornoclips

Try the porn theaters, you never know

as mentioned earlier this week, another Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s film has been restored and is getting an NYC screening!

JUICE (1984)

Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

Starring: Michael Christopher, Butch LaCross, Vincent Thomas (see interview link below), Robert Vega, Emilio Leone, Eric Ryan, Francesco Lorca, Jeff Stone, and Jeremy Scott

“A photographer working at the magazine “JUICE” has 48 hours in New York City to get some hot pics to meet the mag’s deadline. Eric Ryan and Michael Christopher, talk about 2 nice fat cocks! Michael Christopher in another gentle, sexy performance.” – nice quote!

I chose the above scene because it not only shows some 1980’s NYC, got the film-within-a-film bit, but mostly Eric Ryan’s answer to “got any ideas?” is “Try the porn theaters, you never know” – THAT WAS MY 1980’s NYC MOTTO!

JUICE on letterboxd ; JUICE on GEVI

“JUICE, it’s a wild sensation; JUICE, it’s an inspiration”

JUICE on BJland (maybe some posts from 2001-2010 blog?) and JUICE on BJland – surprisingly not as much after 2010 – to be ameliorated!

Added bonus – while I wasn’t a fan at the time, I stumbled upon this 1987 Vince Thomas interview from Stallion magazine; check it out, includes interview + nekkid pics!

"vintage" porn stars

best little

someone mentioned being a big Michael Christopher fan (or was it the biggest?) And then i stumbled upon these, from The Best Little Warehouse in L.A. (1982) and figured some more MC exposure before the NYC premiere of JUICE was in order (see details below)

restored version of Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s 1984 film,

Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. Richard Locke

STALLION 1984 aug


40th Anniversary of Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s 1984 film,


world premiere screening – new 2K restoration!

Monday, December 9, 2024
IFC Center
323 6th Avenue (& 3rd St), New York, NY 10014

early 80’s NYC; porno within a porno! Dean Johnson doing his Debbie Harry impression (OK, I made that one up!) what more could you want? oh, LIVE AUDIENCE! When was the last time you watched porno in a theatre, the way it was meant to be shown????

Starring: Richard Locke , Daniel Holt, Johnny Dawes, Robert Vega, Dean Johnson, Andrew Dupree, and Jan Boscamp.

and don’t forget, less than a week later, another restored version of an Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s film

JUICE (1984)
Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003 (my old neighborhood!)

Close Up Productions


I bought this magazine, Captive Men #1 because I was curious how Daniel Holt looked all tied up (I enjoyed his pornformance in Gage’s “In The Name of Leather”) – but once I opened the magazine, and I’m all like “Hello Bart Sterling!” Apparently there’s a movie – Captive Men – but I can’t recall ever seeing it or even seeing it available.

(edit/update: – within minutes of posting – here we go – Captive Men – for sale/download)

Ha ha! I love Daniel’s expression – yup, buddy, Bart’s slab of mean easily competes with yours! Gosh I wish there were more color pics – check out Bart’s beard!

Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. pornoclips

DADDY DEAREST – 12/9/24 showing!

40th Anniversary! World premiere new 2K restoration!
Monday, December 9, 2024 7PM
IFC CENTER 323 6th avenue, New York, NY 10014

WOW WOW WOW!!! I’m very excited about this, one of my favorite films – but, alas, I left the city 7 years ago! (road trip???) But YOU SHOULD DROP EVERYTHING AND GO! Seeing this on the big screen again would be awesome. There is, alas (do people actually say “alas”?), 1 likely downside. Sigh. Yes, “it ain’t the old days” and that means it’s gonna have no man2man action off screen or behind the screen or in the audience or down in the basement or… still, I’d go if I could. A few clips to entice you – out of order, but I love this first clip below that is 10 of the last 14 minutes of the film.

Daddy Dearest (1984) director: Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.

Starring: Richard Locke , Daniel Holt, Johnny Dawes, Robert Vega, Dean Johnson, Andrew Dupree, and Jan Boscamp.

While I know I should add more to this post, I also need to get out of the house before the sun is gone – perhaps more later.

Don’t forget my Daddy Dearest page

also coming up:

Another Bressan film restored – JUICE – with a screening at Anthology Film Archives SATURDAY DECEMBER 14 – 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

more Daddy Dearest on BJLAND

print porn models


AKA aka Joe Mario; seems to be just the one photo session that I can ascertain, and the pics show up in 2 magazines – Magazine #1 from 1978; he’s the cover model and there’s a 16 page spread of him, solo – Joe Mario. Also appears in Champs #1, published in 1981, same set of images, just 7 pages, and he’s “Mitch.” I wouldn’t be surprised if he made it into a Honcho or Mandate between ’78 and ’82, but I would be surprised if we find an image not included in these 2 magazines already. Anyway – someone wanted more Mitch/Joe !



Roommates (1970ish) – Dakota, Ken (bearded) and Roger – I love this film, but I have to warn you, don’t expect sex. Expect to see 3 very handsome bodies, some posing, touching, lathering… sexy as fuck!

previously on BJland – wet beard – and 16:01