Can’t remember where or when I found this pic, but judging from the colorization, it just has to be from BUTT magazine, right? Beautiful fall day out there, so obviously I am inside diddling. But I did manage to tweak my Joe Gage page a bit (part of my “directors” pages that I sadly rarely ever update!) But check it out, criticism of the constructive kind is always appreciated!
4 replies on “Gage Brothers”
Your directors pages have always been great references for my research into the genre
“Can’t remember where or when I found this pic, but judging from the colorization, it just has to be from BUTT magazine, right?”
Right as usual friend, never knew why they tinted all their pics with that lavender hue but it did make them distinctive. The pic above is from the interview ‘brothers’ Joe and Sam Gage did with Butt magazine in April 2007:
It’s the second of the four pics, you have to click on the one of Joe standing in front of a teepee to get to the rest; and it just says that was what they looked like in the 70s. Pretty interesting read.
Knowing how into the T shirts of the era you are, it’s the fourth pic that’s really interesting – an ad for Gage Gear that appeared in an issue of Blueboy. You could order T shirts with four different images on the front, the last two are easy for me to place (C is Richard Locke and D is Casey Donovan) but who are A and B? If I had to guess now they kinda look like James Dean and Al Parker but I could be wrong. Not sure if you ever saw that ad before, or maybe even did a post about it but it seems right up your alley. They also sold some “hot talk tapes” which I know you’ve mentioned a few times before.
I wish they’d bring Butt back lol, the website was pretty bare bones and nothing flashy but I still liked it. At least the core of the website is still online.
over here – gagegear, and over here
and this ol’ page on gagegear
and here – gagegear – famous mustache
How about that, I even replied to your 2015 post. They must have run that ad in a number of mags then. Glad you’ve seen it, and since 2015 me thought that B = Al Parker then I should just accept that as fact in 2022.
(I did search the word ‘gage’ before I left the above comment, and seventy-something posts seemed like a lot to wade through, should have done ‘gagegear’ which would have narrowed my choices significantly)