pornoclips VHS cover art

more videos!

….. the purge continues.. cleaning out old videoclips, let’s start with – FALCONHEAD (1975) – director Michael Zen (a review on reddit over here

and bit from The Other Side of Aspen 2 (1985) – I think I can safely assume that ALL OF YOU have seen this one!

10 Plus #2 (1993) – if you squint, looks like Ryan Block, Mark Andrews, and Nick Manetti ( who wouldn’t strip to that music!) who says gay men can dance? from director Jeff Stryker – yes, I said director!

MEN’S ROOM (1996) – Sam Crockett, David Cline (or Thompson?), and Randy White…. ahhhhh, Sam Crockett – was it the accent?


i like beer

who wants the t-shirt?

Joe Gage music in gay porno pornoclips Richard Locke

Locke-apalooza! (GAGE edition)

Kansas City Trucking Co. (1976) intro – yes, the first 30+ seconds the screen is black and you vaguely hear, a radio? And soon enuf, the haunting them by Al Steinman – til this day still gets me excited!

El Paso Wrecking Corp. (1977) – again, black screen for first 1/2 minute or so – and this is the FULL intro, usually not seen on most VHS and DVD versions. What can you say, Fred Halsted & Richard Locke! and they never get it on – who does that (or doesn’t do that?) in a gayporno? Joe Gage, of course.

L. A. Tool & Die (1979) – for this trailer, the music is (but in the film, don’t recall if it plays, but otherwise, it’s Music by Al Steinman, Harmonica solos by Chuck Thatcher. ) from Isaac Hayes – Run Faye Run – from the Three Tough Guys soundtrack.

L. A. Tool & Die (1979) “I think you’re in the wrong place, buddy” Oh Richard! my fave scene with Locke – I just love the quotes, like: “And if there’s anything I like better than sucking cock, it’s kicking ass!” or during the fight, when he calls the homophobe “porkshop” – and before JohnnyLlama asks, I don’t (yet) know who Richard’s bearded friend is in the men’s room, or if he appears in any sex scene (would have to be group, otherwise I’d have noticed, or would I?)

Heatstroke (1982) “It’s 7.a.m., it’s 112 in the shade, and the temperature is rising.” – loves this trailer, but, if your kinda ladyphobic like me, be forewarned, there’s a good amount of Suzanne Tyson’s kinda nekkid body is this clip – and also, of course, Man Parrish‘s HeatstrokeTHE porno movie soundtrack song!

Heatstroke (1982) – Locke plays it straight!!! well…. first he offers Clay a beer, chats him up about Locke’s former / Russell’s current, girlfriend, then talks Clay into showing what his ex-girlfriend’s been getting, then, well, why not a handjob? then……


Mustang Previews

Mustang Studios, division of Falcon Studios – like Falcon, often had previews at the end of their tapes – this features previews of: Teach Me (To Take It), Share My Feeling, (with one of my fave mid 70s’ stars, Joe Markum), Scott, 3-way Plug-In, Climax, (Mark and Ken, such nice boys), Twin Reflections, Around The Rim (“The only thing better than sex with a friend is sex with two friends.”) and possibly others…


Forbidden teaser

Forbidden Portraits (1982) – just the intro for now….


desktop clutter (pt 12?)

WTF HONCHO 1991? was this before or after the art director was fired? – Rod Mitchell + Kyle Hazard

Lucky Pierre (man in the middle) Mark Farrell – I’ve been trying to figure out who he is, in another context, forever

Rodney James

Brad Peters

pornoclips Richard Locke


Daddy Dearest (1984) – been posting about this film for 20+ years! (Daddy Dearest – “blogger” posts) As I continue my purge of my harddrive of WMV files, pornoclips of movies I have the entire film of, and preview clips, thought I’d throw together some Richard Locke.

Cruisin’ The Castro (1981) – filmed before L. A. Tool & Die, but not released until 2 years after – here’s Locke enjoying some time with Don Talon and Will Seagers

Forbidden Letters (1976) – “tells the story of Larry and Richard, two lovers torn apart by the harsh realities and homophobia of the penal system” – recently restored by the Bressan Project and released by Vinegar Syndrome.

another clip – why not – Forbidden Letters (1976) – Ask Any Buddy podcast takes an in depth look (listen?) at this classic.