what the?
Bruno and…?? in a pair of awesome matching (not same) t-shirts!!
what the?
Bruno and…?? in a pair of awesome matching (not same) t-shirts!!
from a Bunkhouse magazine… I’m showing the full page below, so you can see the source. You know the pet peeve I am speaking of, right?
forgot to note the year, from Stallion magazine – “Stallion night at Studio 54”
from photographer Roy Blakey – he’s got the entire issue, Masculin International 11. FYI, I did NOT crop the model’s head off the top pic, it came that way, and it happens to be the best picture in the series; next is the t-shirt I now MUST HAVE; and then, the magazine’s cover. No model name; there are others in the magazine I recognize, like Roy Garrett, Jeff Stone, Joe Porcelli (who I think went by “Paul” when he was in these Masculin International magazines)
Great face, hot body, nice ass, good balls, but
oh, ok – just an “OK” cock – which was often cupped, and out of sight, if I recall correctly – but still, early 1980’s doing that late 70’s look very very well – and 4 out of 5 is quite respectable! And really, it’s a lovely cock, just not on the big size, average, acceptable, but I mean, you’d barely come up for air after devouring the rest to notice, right?
While these pics were published in Torso in 1985, I wonder if they are from earlier in the 80’s. And of course those pics of him and Mickey Squires from 1980 – scorching, and probably appeared in at least a half dozen non-Zeus publications through the 80’s.
I forget where I found this, but it reminded me I have too, too few PETER DE ROME posts! And yes, of course I want the shirt.
update: – his name is Ray Arnez, modeling for MAN-AGE, apparently likes cigars, roof top sex, and is (was) studying law.