NOVA films pornoclips pornstar - videography Surge Studios

Wade Davis

who you may remember from such films as:

… and that’s it for Wade’s film work! Most, but not all, of his magazine appearances are via Something Wild. And while he’s done only that one film and I oddly didn’t even mention his name in my very liberal post (but did years prior – Something Wild) – he’s in one of my favorite scenes. But just to refresh your memory, Wade plays a boss interviewing Glen Armstrong, and one of my all-time favorite interactions on the porn screen happens – scroll to the first clip, 45 seconds in, “Tell me Glenn, just how liberal are you?” delivered just perfectly! That’s the clip just below, and the full Glen + Wade scene is further down.

who you may also remember from such publications as:

  • TOOL SHOP – from the film Something Wild
  • Something Wild – 94 pages
  • Something Wild Vol 1 No 1 – 48 pages
  • Honcho July 1983 – photos by J. Wayne Higgs
  • Long Schlong , paired with Cliff Rogers (Surge) – same pics also appeared in Bullpen and Good & Plenty
  • Footlong ?? – pretty sure it’s him

So that first clip is “scene within a scene” – Glen is telling the story of his potential new boss (Wade) hitting on him, where Wade tells Glen the story of just how “liberal” the work place is – with him stumbling upon a pair of workers going at it, seeing a 3rd worker watching, and soon they are all going at it. Then (below), we come back to the interview, and Glen deciding he’s very liberal, after all.

Wade appears at least 3 more time in print outside of the NOVA Something Wild magazines – a Honcho – the only solo appearance I know of; a Surge publication Long Schlong (and those images pop up in other publications) just below; and finally, something I am 98% sure is Wade – Footlong, further down.


Above: Honcho 1983; below from a magazine called Footlong, with Geraldo & Gary – I’m guessing guessing “Gary” is Wade.

VintageGayVids review from YorjYefferson


Something Wild theme – by Garth Evans

porno pet peeves pornoclips Surge Studios


I was very excited to see this comment from CRAIG, ID’ing the cover model from the Job Site movie as Drake Woods from Head Trips (1984). SO excited, in fact, that I spent a good amount of time putting together a post with video, images, VHS box cover art, and links, only to discover that – I POSTED THE CLIP BEFORE – and not that long ago in this 2021 post – Head Waiter.

But we’re here – so watch the clip here, or there, but read the post there it’s got some decent additional info – but but but – after Craig points out Drake Woods (replying to our JohnnyLlama) is the cover model – I take a re-look – hot guy, right? How cum I don’t recall him in Head Trips and what else has he done? Nothing! Nothing else that I can find, at least! He’s credited with 3 videos on GEVI, and it’s the same scene, Restaurant, from Al Parker’s Head Trips. Pics? well, the cover art is probably his best pics – sure he looks good below, in action, but no real straight on pics. Of course Tico looks great, and I may well have focused my camera mostly on Tico as well if I were the photographer (well, if i got any work done, that is) so here we are. Actually, the 3 men, all lightly hairy, each with one or more tattoos, and they get quite sweaty… I think I’ll take a little “alone time” break now.

Al Parker Surge Studios

barber blowjob

A Few Good Men (1983) – Director: Steve Scott

love this quick clip – the opening credits of the film with a new recruit Greg Johnson (only porn film?) getting a buzz cut from “a Marine barber.”

edit/update: I inadvertently used a couple of pics of Brian Thompson, who is NOT in this scene, but in another scene later in the film – scroll down on this Brad Peters post of from scene 5 of A Few Good Men and you’ll see Brian in action.

Al Parker Surge Studios



Thursday, September 12, 2024
The 4 Star Theater
2200 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA 94121

I think I read somewhere this film got some bad reviews; my gut tells me it was because it is primarily a cocksucking film, Al Parker’s favorite activity, and something he is just totally perfect at – that face with cum shooting at it? c’mon!

because they can Surge Studios

Self Suck

from one of those all pics, no model names, no photographer names, no publisher, even, magazines – Self Suck. But clearly from Surge Studios, and of course from one of my all-time favorite films, Turned On, from a much commented on scene with Scott Taylor.

Surge Studios

leather squat

I was surprised to see no mention of Loading Zone in my videography of Steve Collins – then I realized I posted that well before I started including publications. Loading Zone was a Surge publication, with no corresponding movie. I read in Al Parker’s biography that Al realized the real money was in magazines, so he put a lot of attention there.

I’ve posted at least one image of Steve and partner Jim Preston – Jim may well have not done any movies.

print porn models Surge Studios

below the fold

back in 2017, as the “big move” was approaching, I was trying to thin my porno collection (and add to my savings for what might be a period of unemployment) by selling off a whole bunch of stuff on eBay – but, I tried to at least do some “high res” scans of some parts of the magazines I was selling off. Too lazy, or just too time-consuming to do entire magazines (which I regret now, but really, who has that kind of time?), I tried to at least capture some of the best images. And the above image IS great, but – why oh why didn’t I scan the bottom half????!!! Silly pornologist!

SO these two pics are from a SURGE magazine – Stretch” (the bjland search link will get you more than just that magazine, of course). Never figured out who the blonde here was – joining Steve Taylor (videography, but no publications listed) and Mike Davis – but but but – this just occured to me – could it be one of the guys from Surf’s Up ?

update: – nope, check pic in comments, NOT same guy as Surf’s Up