"vintage" porn stars Joe Gage pornoclips

Is that you, Joe(y)?

So, the other day I am looking something up, and through GEVI I discover, or realize rather, that Dick Trask is in Erotic Hands which I never knew before (I think I have the tape somewhere, but sorta skimmed it), and then I am poking around more stuff, and learn more stuff, so I need to confirm by going to the actual videotape, which I have to find in the assorted boxes stored and stashed around the apartment but my VCR doesn’t seem to work since I got the new HDTV last Christmas or whenever…. it’s actually a bunch of jumbled wires and usually I’m good at this stuff, but now the best I can come up with is watching a VHS tape in black and white, so some thing is wrong, and an hour later I think I got it, and then see another guy in a related movie pops up, unexpectedly, but I no longer have the ability to convert clips to digital, so I take a couple of snaps (the stills you see above) and figure why not add a quick clip, so y’all can tell me if it’s him…. and now, since GEVI has some of the info jumbled, and some not quite right, or sorta out of order, I am compelled to watch the whole movie to figure who’s in it, and who’s doing who, and in what order.

All that just to ask y’all – it’s him, right?



Director: Tony Prince (1981) Starring: Chris Burns, Ray Medina, Sky Dawson, Todd Marshall

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

I sold this one? oh well!

The International Guide to the Fine Art of Fellatio

“They want it so bad, they look up at you like a Cocker Spaniel”

(1989) Starring: Michael Braun Brawn (just listen to the way he says COCK-K – how long have I been spelling his name wrong?), Lon Flexx, T.J. Anderson, Eddy Crane; introducing Craig Anderson, Ted Cox, and Brian Travis

Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can “right click” and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips



“Physical fitness was never like this before!”

Starring: Sonny, Jerry, Michael, Sean, Jon, Bruce (AKA Steve Cruise, who you remember from such films as Sizing Up in his leather pants), Chris (Chris Thompson – who you remember from such films as Coverboy, Blown Away, Getting It, Getting Off Campus, Spring Break, Nightcrawler, New Wave Hustlers, 7 Card Stud and Faces ), and Derek (Brad Foxx)(1985)

Another “never should have sold it” video – who knows, maybe I have another copy buried somewhere, but I sold Disrobics back in 2006 – and here’s a scan of the ad for the tape


awww, oh f*ck, man!



“Rarely has there been male entertainment so determined to please it’s audience with new, different, and shocking action than Midnight Geisha Boy!”

from STAR FILMS, producer Dick Martin (1973? or earlier) director: Barry Knight

Starring: Sammy Bond, Roy Rich, Sammy Fuller, Burt Rains, Ray Revel, and more

I have little info on this film, other than this trailer from JAGUAR FILMS official trailer reel (Vol. 1). The trailer says it’s from Star Films, and I haven’t yet figured out the exact relationship between Jaguar and Star. Unfortunately, the words “This movie not available” runs through the entire clip. I was able to find out, however, that Geisha Boy is indeed a lost film, and never made it onto videotape. The police, in one of their many raids of Jaguar in the 70’s, confiscated every copy of the movie and they were never returned. It does make me wonder, however, if someone who had one of the old movie houses from back then still has a copy, or if Jaguar, like Colt and others, ever sold 8mm versions of these films.

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

daddy dearest / dean johnson

scan didn’t come out how I’d hoped, oh well

intro clip

this needs an update/re-edit

another clip