I seemed to have forgotten he (Brandon Wilde) started mid 80’s; this is from a 1985 IN TOUCH
I seemed to have forgotten he (Brandon Wilde) started mid 80’s; this is from a 1985 IN TOUCH
This was originally a very simple post – the above pic, and that’s it.
Just enjoy it for a moment – beautifully composed, great body, the veins on the hand popping as it’s holding that upright gorgeous cock – Regarder!
Any regular reader would know I am a huge fan of Ben Chapin (AKA Michel Guillot), and while I may have seen the image before, I love it and think it’s enough to feast your eyes on and not need any text or additional pics. So, I had just scanned it from a newly acquired old magazine (Jockstrap – more on that in another post), cropped, uploaded, and continued scanning the magazine when I get to – oh, you’ll see. “Porno Pet Peeve” just isn’t enough. Anyway, I gasped – what art director thought this was a good idea??? Here, a bit more Ben before we get to the porno magazine art direction tragedy that this one simple page had me gagging in disbelief (the bad kind of gagging, no?).
So anyway, I get that no one created a dirty magazine thinking decades later some old sleazy rambling porno crazed guy would be uploading pics and complaining that each image isn’t perfect – the “inset” has it’s place, and I can see that sometimes it can add some interest, or just alternating the way each page is set up makes the magazine look better. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this post and you’ll see an image that, while I would prefer no inset at all, instead seeing the full beautiful image of that man without his shoulder cut off; but I get it. But if you dare, scroll just past this and see the horror, the horror of art direction gone amuck and someone who thinks it will look nice to obscure one of the most beautiful cocks ever to make it into a magazine.
Ben! (Michel!) please avert your eyes and don’t look at what’s been done!
If you’ve gotten this far, just know that there is a place to see the image as it was intended to be – on an earlier post I made of Ben Chapin!
So what could possibly be wrong with this photospread of hunk Steve Regis, from the January issue of JOCK magazine to get it labeled in the “porno pet peeves” category? The first pic below should clue you in, but there’s actually another reason the 9-page photospread, as hot as Steve is, coulda been better/hotter. While I didn’t include all 9, only the first pic has Steve in the bike shorts!! WTF? I mean, not everyone can pull them off (teehee – glad there’s no pics out there of me from the 90’s in them) – but Steve sure can. I guess I will have to locate a copy of The Brawnzmen to see how long he keeps them on.
(is this a bad link? – Steve Regis – it’s got a nice bio / videography of Steve)
why oh why is his cock cut off???!! Next pic is better, but we get full cock at the expense of one of his pits!
just a couple older posts with Steve at the “old blog”
I could be wrong, But I doubt it. I don’t think this gentleman with the glistening nipple appears anywhere in this film, Falconhead Two. But I know this is the original artwork from way back in ’84. I love this film, but save that for another time. I recently downloaded a digital version of the film, decent quality and it had the VCA intro, making me hopeful that it would be the full version (later versions have that HIS intro, and often the film is only 65 minutes!). Clocks in at 79 minutes, 17 seconds if you eliminate the VCA into. My notes always had 82/86 minutes, and if you look at the box cover art, just below, you’ll see where I got the 86 minutes from. But, since this download ends suddenly during the closing credits, I figured I’d check my VHS. Mine comes out to 81 minutes, 26 seconds (again, eliminating the intro that’s not part of the film). So I think it’s the closing credits with Barresi jacking off. Who would cut that off???!!!
Falconhead Two posts on the old blog page
And don’t forget to check out this VintageGayVids review over on Reddit (which does have a link to the film).
Log Jammin’ – (1982) – ummm –
Brentwood loops strung together by T.J.Thomas and (someguy) “narrating” the scenes; if you pay attention, they clearly didn’t see or describe these scene correctly. And who’s our boxcover art coverboy ?? Who the fuck are the guys credited on the box cover? and the director/producer? put together some chopped up films strips from someone else’s work and…?
I sold my VHS copy in 2007 – appears to be Scene 3: Breakdown (Brentwood) with Jack Burke, Scott Anderson, and a 3rd guy; OK, I’ll admit I got bored and gave up on ID’in the 2nd three-some – anyone?
music by Jean-Luc Ponty and Jean Michel Jarre, right?
as mentioned a few times in the past coupla weeks, another Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s film has been restored and is getting an NYC screening! THIS SATRUDAY the 14th!!!
Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003
Starring: Michael Christopher, Butch LaCross, Vincent Thomas (see interview link below), Robert Vega, Emilio Leone, Eric Ryan, Francesco Lorca, Jeff Stone, and Jeremy Scott
I wish this promo was of better quality, but I made it years back as an wmv file, now an mp4, still, I think it’s fun despite the quality
OK – So, i’m JUICED cuz I plan to get to the screening (but I’ll barely be in town 48 hours, I have a deadline to meet and – wait, that’s the plot of the film!) – I just hope no one feels the need to warn me about their being SEX in this PORNO MOVIE!
But I’ve got other things to be peeved about – check out this box cover art I found a while back – (yes, you can call it a JUICE BOX if you will) – apparently a subsequent VHS release, but Michael Christopher wasn’t good enough for the box, so rando scarey hair man was their choice???!!!
“A photographer working at the magazine “JUICE” has 48 hours in New York City to get some hot pics to meet the mag’s deadline. Eric Ryan and Michael Christopher, talk about 2 nice fat cocks! Michael Christopher in another gentle, sexy performance.” – nice quote!
OK, another scene – Butch LaCrosse and Jeff Stone “model” for Michael…and then… oh, don’t want to spoil the scene before you see it.
can i just say if someone can make this JUICE t-shirt a reality, I’ll cream my pants!
JUICE – the theme song – I swear someone transcribed it for me years back, but if anyone is in the mood, we’d all be ever so grateful for the lyrics!
Added bonus – i posted this the other day, but here it is again – I stumbled upon this 1987 Vince Thomas interview from Stallion magazine; check it out, includes interview + nekkid pics! (or download zip file here )
I was very excited to see this comment from CRAIG, ID’ing the cover model from the Job Site movie as Drake Woods from Head Trips (1984). SO excited, in fact, that I spent a good amount of time putting together a post with video, images, VHS box cover art, and links, only to discover that – I POSTED THE CLIP BEFORE – and not that long ago in this 2021 post – Head Waiter.
But we’re here – so watch the clip here, or there, but read the post there it’s got some decent additional info – but but but – after Craig points out Drake Woods (replying to our JohnnyLlama) is the cover model – I take a re-look – hot guy, right? How cum I don’t recall him in Head Trips and what else has he done? Nothing! Nothing else that I can find, at least! He’s credited with 3 videos on GEVI, and it’s the same scene, Restaurant, from Al Parker’s Head Trips. Pics? well, the cover art is probably his best pics – sure he looks good below, in action, but no real straight on pics. Of course Tico looks great, and I may well have focused my camera mostly on Tico as well if I were the photographer (well, if i got any work done, that is) so here we are. Actually, the 3 men, all lightly hairy, each with one or more tattoos, and they get quite sweaty… I think I’ll take a little “alone time” break now.