music in gay porno P M Productions pornoclips

Tough Guys

Director: Mac Larsen (AKA Joe Gage) 1982
starring: Eric Ryan; with Bob Shane and Keith Anthoni (slurp to both of them!!), Roy Garrett, Tharon Davis, Jeremy Gage, Ryan Harker, Jeff Weldon, Jeff Stone (as the “leatherman”) and Members of the West St. Gang, NYC. (Tony Zohar as the janitor? crap, do I need to watch the entire film to confirm?)

So, I’m working on a videography for Eric Ryan, and needed an image of Tough Guys cover art, and had no higher quality version…. several days later… I got it. But still the post needs a lot of work, and figured why not do a clip? – I loved this film from 1982 – it was part of what made me want to move to NYC (which happened in 1983!) So Eric’s introduction to the tough side of town was fun and amusing (and he’s got such a lovely cock!) Figured why not throw in more than the promo (which I posted as part of the Jeff Stone videography with the Giorgio Moroder music) and added Eric’s scene with the rich art collector (below).

Tough Guys – scene 2

music in gay porno Xmas

Christmas present…


director: Francis Ellie (1979)

Starring: George Payne & Jack Wrangler; plus Brian Ray (Santa); , Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed

Another rerun, another clip from Navy Blue – but it’s just soooooo good! Classic story – two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC, each secretly in love with the other, but can’t bare to admit it to the other and risk jeopardizing their friendship. They part ways, and Jack Wrangler is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70’s bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course.

The music is SPACE’s Magic Fly. This is also the film with the wonderful Jack Wrangler blowjob in the helicopter flying over Manhattan skyline scene.

music in gay porno pornoclips Xmas

Santa’s jockstrap

Navy Blue

directed by: Francis Ellie (1979)

Starring: (this scene) George Payne and Brian Ray (Santa) – ; also stars Jack Wrangler, Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed

This great scene from Navy Blue finds sailor George Payne wandering around Manhattan, stumbling upon a Santa raising money for charity who uses several awful double entendres to pick up sexy sailor George Payne.

and enjoy (NOT) the crappy Xmas music soundtrack – “Sleigh Ride”, by Leroy Anderson, then the “Ukrainian Bell Carol”!

more Navy Blue

"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno pornoclips


Gym Nasties on BJland. and sure, let’s see if we can figure out the tunes….

"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno pornstar - videography

Jeff Stone

who you may remember from such films as

  • The Subway (1980)
  • Oil Rig #99 (1981)
  • Tough Guys (1982)
  • Cum and Get It (1983)
  • In the Name of Leather (1983)
  • Red Ball Express (1983)
  • Trisexual (1983)
  • Juice (1984)
  • Mind Games (1984)
  • More Mind Games (1984)
  • Cherokee Station (1984)
  • Hard Disk Drive (1985)
  • The Punishment of Gary Wilde (1985)

These last 3 I have some doubts; was he really in them, and are these dates accurate?

  • Cocks & Throbbers (1994?)
  • Grunts (BIC) (1994?)
  • Drill Me Sir! (2003?)

who you may also remember from such magazines as

  • Mandate, August 1981 (centerfold)
  • Blueboy, December 1981 (cover)
  • HONCHO, February 1982 (cover)
  • HONCHO, April 1983
  • Stallion, January 1983 (cover)
  • ZIPPER 1983 (cover)
  • (cover)

and how about a little promo from one of my favorite Jeff Stone films – Joe Gage’s (Mac Larsen) Tough Guys; where “leatherman” Jeff Stone is working out, pumping iron in his leather chaps (yes, in leather gear!) as a burglar (Bob Shane) is in the loft attempting to crack a safe. Roy Garrett sneaks up on him with a gun, and foils his attempt.

and yes, that was Giorgio Moroder’s – Pauls’ Theme (Jogging Chase) from the Cat People Original Soundtrack!

you can see Jeff Stone at GEVI

boots Francis Ellie music in gay porno pornoclips

boots & saddles

Director: Francis Ellie (1982?)

Starring: Jack Wrangler, Scorpio, Roy Garrett, Adam DeHaven, Chip Kingsley, Claude Caswell, Joe Ryder, Lou Ricky, Ray Poole

there’s a plot! Jack Wrangler must track down a trick who mistakenly believes Jack gave him gonorrhea – only to wind up in the hands of “Nazi” Scorpio (thankfully, other than a swastika flag, there is nothing Nazi-ish going on, unless some spanking = Nazi); great disco soundtrack, like Dennis Parker’s New York By Night, and King Errison’s Manhattan Love Song (Ellie usually uses cheesy library-recordings of non-copyrighted music, but not here!); even several actors appear in the film in non-sex roles ( I wrote that back in 2003, but can’t tell you who)! This particular scene has one of my favorites, Roy Garrett, trying to have sex in the bathroom of Greenwich Village’s “notorious” BOOTS & SADDLES; they’re kicked out, then finish up in the stairwell.

and some stills previously on BJland

note: the actual bar, in business from 1974 was forced by high rents at it’s longtime home at 76 Christopher St. to move around the corner in 2014 or 2015, then only lasted a couple years at 100A Seventh Ave South (and re-emerged in 2020 as “Playhouse Bar”?)

"vintage" porn stars music in gay porno pornoclips

HUGE RYDER (for men only)

(note: this clip is the 4th segment, For Men Only: – below are credits for the entire video)

Director: Bill Clayton (AKA Matt Sterling) (1982) pre-condom

Starring: Lee Ryder, Joe Reeve, Mike Welden, Mark Hunter, Steve Rossi, Brian Spence, Rick Jensen, Matt Stoker

52 minutes running time; shot on FILM, pre-condom

  • Hot City Streets – Part 1: Lee Ryder and his buddy bump into another pair, and go into an alley.
  • Hot City Streets – Part 2: Lee and 2 of his buddies retire to a clubhouse.
  • Take It Like A Man: Mark Hunter watches Joe Reeve work on his motorcycle; soon they are taking a break.
  • For Men Only: Lee Ryder stops at a Service Station, and goes into the men’s room; Rick, the tall blond attendant, as well as a third hot looking guy also go to the rest room.

I almost posted the same clip as years back (only 11 minutes), until I previewed it and saw it didn’t show the “set up” – Lee arriving at the gas station, then going to the restroom – so the clip above is the clip 16-minutes – previously, this is what I posted years back – Lee Ryder in HUGE (old archives)

and we also have some excellent work from some youtuber named tymatzz – check this out! Music from Huge / Huge 1 – (don’t forget to subscribe and like!)

more Lee Ryder discussion – “big ears”

Jean Luc Ponty – AS shows up in Hot City Streets Part 2 as well as VALLEY BOYS, directed by Sid Roth.