El Paso Wrecking Corp. Fred Halsted pornoclips

can I pop it for ya?

very brief clip from the Outside Henrietta scene from El Paso Wrecking Corp. – with Fred Halsted and Rob Carter

El Paso Wrecking Corp. pornoclips

come with a grown-up

As is often the case, I am working on a post, get sidetracked (or fall down a rabbit hole) and hours, possibly days later, that post hasn’t yet been published but a new one (or 2, or 3) appears in the drafts folder, to work on later, and set the same potential derailing in motion again. All that to say, noticed that this version of the El Paso trailers (there are at least 3, I think) hadn’t gotten much attention. This is with a female voiceover, (Gage mentioned once she’s a famous soap opera star from the time), kinda going for that “porno chic” feel from the early 70’s when allegedly mixed audiences were found at some theatres more for the fun of seeing an X-rated film, and less so for the sex going on all around you. (I suppose that’s where we fall today, whenever an old classic gets the remastering or gay film festival treatment. sigh.) And of course, watching this several times I am reminded of this one moment, seen above, that I don’t think is actually in the film! It may have been extra footage, something that didn’t fit the narrative (my take, based on nothing, is that it was to be part of the finale – which more or less takes place indoors, before the particular “wrecking” of a property, and they baptize the place with an orgy) – but I have seen no trace of this anywhere in the full film, and I have watched it dozens of times (likely more). So, enjoy – less that 90 seconds, but packed with man-on-man sexiness.

El Paso Wrecking Corp. (1977) – “It’s rated X, so come with a grown-up”

El Paso Wrecking Corp. Joe Gage


"vintage" porn stars El Paso Wrecking Corp.


Mike Morris, photos by Richard Lyle – from Playguy – Vol 2, No. 15

El Paso Wrecking Corp.


Keith Anthoni

El Paso Wrecking Corp. pornoclips

The Gardener and the Rug Man

from El Paso Wrecking Corp. (1977), here’s one of my favorite scenes – The Gardener and the Rug Man – hahahaha! like each scene isn’t one of my favorites!

In El Paso, Roger (Lou Davis) is cleaning and there is some kind of problem communicating with Diego (Guillermo Ricardo), the gardener. But they manage to communicate well enough after Diego pulls his cock out, and Roger jumps at the chance to get at it. I just love how long it takes Lou to “get it” – DUDE! GO GET IT!

now for the rambling: as I am culling poor quality or duplicate video files, I found that I had tried to download the DVD version of EPWC (El Paso Wrecking Corp), and figured, let’s take a clip, the one above – so I edited that, and figured, let’s take the orgy scene and make a good clip of it, until I realized the orgy scene was at least 5 minutes shorter than the original… and, and… wait, where’s the Fred Halsted, the BOY and His Dad scene that comes between the 2???!!! Right, I know this, it’s missing from later copies of the VHS tapes, and the early DVD copies… but I thought I had bought that WORKING MEN TRILOGY DVD set as was going to… oh – in the drafts folder with a comment on Les Stine being on the DVD cover of EPWC… this will be on the quiz, kids… Where was I? oh, so focus man, focus. Got the The Gardener and the Rug Man clip ready, wanted to check on pics, GEVI page for LOU (Guillermo Ricardo has been covered elsewhere on BJland), and whaaaaaat? Only 2 films? And looking at Wakefiled Poole‘s Hot Shots / Always Ready its says “non-sex role” WTfuckingFUCK?? Who would do that, waste that gorgeous face on a … so I tried to find the movie, just to be sure, and a quick fastforward seems to confirm that Lou is confined to role of chauffeur, hat covering his head, dark interior limo shots… and wait, who’s the boss in the 3rd scene, looks sooo familiar – Noooooo! focus! (and yes, I started draft post on that guy) came back to The Gardener and the Rug Man, re-watched, thought what a dreamy face and sexy voice, and well, started doing screen grabs of his bearded face, and here we are. Should I finally hit the “post” button?

El Paso Wrecking Corp.


OMG!!! how many times have I watched EPWC, and never noticed Stan Braddock (not to be confused with Stanley Braddock) appears twice in the film?????? And I’ve even posted clips both times he appears – at Billie’s Bar-B-Que – (“she ever see you kiss a man?” – oops, I digress) and then the “fight scene” just before the – Fred Halsted, the BOY and His Dad scene – this first clip, not on most VHS or DVD copies, includes the window-smashing portion of the scene. Later, Gene (Fred Halsted) gets hired and made foreman after taking down the foreman, who coincidentally happens to be the homophobe from the bar! who knew??? (OK, OK, JEFF in the comments knew, and pointed it out back in August).

and another thing! Stan, of course, never has sex in the movie – despite that “have a seat” mustache he’s sporting – such a shame – so thanks, Jeff, belatedly, for setting me strai… er, pointing this out!

And another thing, I was just flipping through an issue of IN TOUCH from 1978, noted the EPWC article that I’d need to get around to reading – and of course just went back and yes, Stan is indeed that guy in both scenes. always learning something new at Porno Academy, even if it’s old.

and here I’ve posted about the CHI CHI CLUB t-shirt he was wearing!!!