HONCHO, May 1981
HONCHO, May 1981
funny, assumed I had a “tag” for cowboys. just added, so, um, I just gave myself more work to do!
Stable Stud (1981?) – Cal Holt and Ted Roberts, in what I believe is their only film and for Ted, magazine (Cal is in Leather & Levi Guys 4, maybe more) – I kinda think this is late 70’s….
“Two mustached cowboys in their hats stare at each other as they approach by the barn door. One never takes his hat off and neither takes their boots off.”
Director: Kennith Holloway (1985)
Kenneth Rogers, Dwan, John Rock
This is the final scene, at the rodeo glory-hole. Very hung uncut Kenneth Rogers is jerking off in a stall; he spies on mustached hairy hairy Dwan who starts to show off, then Dwan gets oral. Dwan likes Kenneth’s ass, then he performs oral. Back and forth oral includes the Kenneth Rogers doing autofellatio and licking his own balls. Then Dwan gets topped condomless. In the middle of this, a 3rd guy, John Rock, shows up, and Dwan services him. Despite having 2 of the 3 magazines below that feature action from this video, I could not find an image of John Rock
3 magazines
Loads of Lust
Lust for the Thrust
Ride ‘Em Cowboy
who you may remember from such films as
Hard to find stills of Sean (AKA Shawn), 3 of his 7 films were from P.M. PRODUCTIONS. Check out the clip from Long Johns, below.
Shawn Gregory at GEVI
ohhhhh, Richard
and of course, below, from Target Studios , Ramrod # 2 COWBOY; and Ramrod #3 COWBOY
wow! J. Clinton West, who directed Dreamer (1974) then disappears from porn (as far as I know) for about 10 years, returning for Chip Off The Old Block (1984) and here he is credited for these great Mickey Squires photos from IN TOUCH magazine #53 (1981)!!
“mature” Mickey – wish I had more from this photo shoot!
can’t imagine how many cowboy Squires pics are out there, but he’s in In Touch #53 (1981), Too Hot to Handle #12, Bunkhouse 1-5, (1981) and of course Zeus Collection