one of my favorite pics of Clay – from 2 different sources – Target’s Ramrod 4, and the April 1980 issue of Honcho – I’m sure I’ve posted it before. It is neither the first, nor last rerun this blog!

one of my favorite pics of Clay – from 2 different sources – Target’s Ramrod 4, and the April 1980 issue of Honcho – I’m sure I’ve posted it before. It is neither the first, nor last rerun this blog!
Director: Fred Halsted (1988) – Adam and Company
Starring: J.D. Slater, Clay Russell, Danny Brown, Kris Todd, Rob Swack, Steve Erickson, Don Miller, and Cesar Blanco
Fred Halsted’s last movie as director; probably last as actor/model as well – Halsted is a voyeur in the César Blanco / Danny Brown final scene. I’ve grown to like this, perhaps the first scene (see here) and the final, with hunky César Blanco as the best parts.
Truck Stop – trucker Clay Russell picks up hitchhiker J.D. Slater for some hot action in the back of the truck (alas, the clip stops after the pick-up; but watch the friendly goodbye waves from J.D. at the end)
Warehouse Load (1978) – starring Clay Russell and Ron Stevens.
Apparently, I’ve posted this before; but when I realized I have two versions of the film, one maybe 20-30 seconds shorter, but also different soundtracks – I thought it deserved some attention. I’m sure the original had no soundtrack, but then when it went to video, got added music; the one above, which I previously posted is longer but added that awful tacky “old timie” music, like someone’s tying someone to railroad tracks or something! The one below, is shorter, but with different music, which, I must say, I also don’t think was the selection when NOVA first put this out on videotape – I think it is also a much later version, music-wise – and there’s at least one frequent poster who may well recognize it. In any case, which do you prefer?
from Clay Russell and Butch McAlister
Warehouse Load – part of the Men at Work magazine and film loop series (1978) – with two of my favorites, Clay Russell and Ron Stevens. I don’t remember where I got the clip, but try to ignore the music, or turn it off completely – there’s no dialogue or even fake grunts.
I just wish I had better versions of the images from the magazine – the ones from the 8MM flyer are great, but I only have bad shots of, not from, the magazine…. of course, this post, cleverly title Russell_RonStevens, shows one image I love 3 times in case you miss it the first two!
Director: Six Card Stud (1975) – Clay Russell, Dave Daniels, Paul Strand, Perry Rand, Scott Heith, and Tim Christy
I could find no pics of any of them together, let alone all 3, so what the heck – been wanting to use that amazing CLAY RUSSELL pic above for ever (and if I could EVER get a hold of the magazine, or scans from….) and once I nabbed this preview clip and realized who else was in it – I realized I have very few pics of the others! As much of I am a fan of Clay, the few moments of Paul Strand on that sofa showing off his butt in this clip made me more interested in his scene than Clay’s; if you look at the link, you’ll see that Clay is paired with Tim Christy (and despite Clay retaining ALL his back hair for this film), I’m just not into Tim. Plot – these 3 play cards, relaying a sex story each. The finale you’d expect would be the 3 of them, right? and yes, you get to see them, slurping away on each other’s crotches… for….
less than 30 seconds! WHO WOULD WASTE THESE 3 IN THE SAME ROOM? My only guess/explanation is that the film of the 3 of them never got developed properly…. or maybe it’s yet another VHS version that had 3 of 4 scenes, and didn’t care. I suppose finding a review from the time might clarify.
Have I ever made a “tag” for “El Paso Wrecking Corp.”?
probably not a bad idea, but exhausting! and this teaser pic, where I haven’t included the actual cover pic, or inside pic, of Mr. Halsted? An experiment, as I keep forgetting that the wordpress program automatically resizes images, so I can leave larger file sizes for folks to right click on and view, or save, bigger. Or if on your phone or tablet, you can do that 2 finger thing. No, not THAT 2 finger thing! dirty minds!
Actually, I really liked looking at Richard Locke and Clay Russell – and seeing how much taller Richard is! Is the text saying the 3rd man (with clothes on) is Same Gage?