P M Productions

my dick is down there

stop looking at my wall art!!

Rory Miller , from the film Big Mack – which seems to be his only movie – I think I saw it, but looking at the description on GEVI, I’m not sure. But would love to see it now! Wall-art and all!

Drummer magazine Xmas

Charley, a living Christmas tree

from the comment section, ZEPHYR points us to the Leather Archives & Museum page on VIMEO – and the above video with an Xmas theme. Thanks, buddy!

I’m super happy to see another resource, and love when folks use alternate spots (I LOATHE UTUBE) to do this – apparently, Leather Archives has been there for 11+ years! “As VHS video tapes reach the end of their life, we are working hard to digitize all 1,000 tapes in the collections of the Leather Archives & Museum. This clip is an example of the videos we have in our collection and a representation of what we are trying to save for future generations.”

I had this issue of Drummer, but like many periodicals, it got sold off in the great purge of 2017 – and I only saved 4 or 5 images from that issue, and now realize there were more pics of Charley (Charley goes leather !) – which I did not scan! Anyone got issue #89 in digital format?

Not to jinx them – but if you’ve every scrolled through my archives 10+ years back, more links tend to be broken the further back you go, so for videos especially, I prefer to host my own – but use the link above, bookmark, and make comments to encourage them to keep up the good work….. but… just in case…

NOVA films


  • SOLO #1 – Dan Kennedy (1978)
  • SOLO #2 – Jeff Hitchcock (1979)
  • SOLO #3 – Gregg Donovan (1979)

Three SOLO magazines above, with a corresponding solo video, all contained in the compilation Fistsfull. Dan is probably my favorite, for obvious reasons, but I like the mirror imagery with Jeff, and of course Gregg has the best (blue) outfit! So many zippers, so little time!


I hate Christmas!

I wanted CHA-CHA heels

“I hate you, I hate this house, I hate Christmas!”

Holiday tradition to re-run this post – Xmas 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and gosh from 2003!! – but c’mon, it’s DIVINE, ferchrissakes! So, I hope you all enjoy this clip I snagged a couple zillion years back from’s FEMALE TROUBLE pages. (which appears to be long gone – too bad!)

Clicking above, as usual, will open video clip in new tab; clicking below will play the clip right here in this post.

How many gay porno blogs have this many search results for “CHA-CHA heels” (old blog)

“CHA-CHA heels” (current blog)

don’t forget to click the XMAS tag above to take you to other nice n naughty Xmas posts!


Indian Dream?

Indian Dream (1974) – I am genuinely puzzled why this was in the drafts folder – OK loop and all – maybe it was just me wondering why the title – they’re supposed to be cowboys, right? And there’s no “Indians” in sight, so, um, what?

We get 5 minutes of them picking each other up, then suddenly they are somewhere else, jacking off together and… OK OK, why am I trying to find sense in this?

print porn models


from Man-Age

Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. porno pet peeves pornoclips


“JUICE, it’s a wild sensation; JUICE, it’s an inspiration”

as mentioned a few times in the past coupla weeks, another Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.’s film has been restored and is getting an NYC screening! THIS SATRUDAY the 14th!!!

JUICE (1984)

Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003

Starring: Michael Christopher, Butch LaCross, Vincent Thomas (see interview link below), Robert Vega, Emilio Leone, Eric Ryan, Francesco Lorca, Jeff Stone, and Jeremy Scott

I wish this promo was of better quality, but I made it years back as an wmv file, now an mp4, still, I think it’s fun despite the quality

OK – So, i’m JUICED cuz I plan to get to the screening (but I’ll barely be in town 48 hours, I have a deadline to meet and – wait, that’s the plot of the film!) – I just hope no one feels the need to warn me about their being SEX in this PORNO MOVIE!

But I’ve got other things to be peeved about – check out this box cover art I found a while back – (yes, you can call it a JUICE BOX if you will) – apparently a subsequent VHS release, but Michael Christopher wasn’t good enough for the box, so rando scarey hair man was their choice???!!!

“A photographer working at the magazine “JUICE” has 48 hours in New York City to get some hot pics to meet the mag’s deadline. Eric Ryan and Michael Christopher, talk about 2 nice fat cocks! Michael Christopher in another gentle, sexy performance.” – nice quote!

OK, another scene – Butch LaCrosse and Jeff Stone “model” for Michael…and then… oh, don’t want to spoil the scene before you see it.

can i just say if someone can make this JUICE t-shirt a reality, I’ll cream my pants!

JUICE – the theme song – I swear someone transcribed it for me years back, but if anyone is in the mood, we’d all be ever so grateful for the lyrics!

Added bonus – i posted this the other day, but here it is again – I stumbled upon this 1987 Vince Thomas interview from Stallion magazine; check it out, includes interview + nekkid pics! (or download zip file here )