I’ve been trying to get a handle on my magazines – with excel spreadsheets, notepad notes, some scanning – and these 3 images wound up on my desktop. The first makes me laugh – for years – YEARS! I thought that was Cliff Parker – the balls, the boots, the ass. But nooooooooooooo, it’s an unknown model from a 1980 PLAYGUY magazine – but we have the photographer’s name – Joseph McEarthy (not made up at all!)
Below is model JOSE, photographed by Savage, for a fashion spread in a 1979 PLAYGUY magazine – for Marksman Productions (who of course have a Canal Street P.O. Box to order a catalogue). There’s just something about that pull ring on that zipper!
yes – below, pet peeve, right? I left the bottom edge of the page so you’d see it wasn’t me. But besides the pet peeve (poor REX!), this is a David Warner pic from a David Warner film (Muscle and Sweat) that I’ve never seen and don’t think it ever made it to VHS or beyond. Grrrrrrr! If we find the film, (note that lumberjack Stan is paired with Rex!), of course we’ll post (royal “we” or am I asking y’all to help??!) and add those two other pics from Playguy.