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hot tub

I’ve always assumed this is from a Tom DeSimone film (NOPE!), and the bottom guy is Eric Clement, but while I’m confident it’s Eric, what about the top guy? and is it from a film?

these 2 images I nabbed from a 1981 Stroke magazine, but they originally appeared in Encounter #6 (1980)

update: you can look in the comments to see the verbal thrashing, or just go here to see I’ve asked this question before!

6 replies on “hot tub”

Oh Jesus Christ, BJ – honestly! I identify these guys, bring the receipts, and you still doubt, ignore, forget, or give someone else credit! Why do I even bother? For God’s sakes, take notes! : )

Will this refresh your memory? I doubt it! : /

And the thanks I get! This time, you’re NOT welcome! So help me, if someone, once again asks, who the “Spoogy Guy” is, my head will explode! : |

When will you guys learn; when it comes to all-male porn, “I” am simply RIGHT! (Except, when I’m not)
“I” know everything! (Except, when I don’t)

Just kidding! : D

; )

Okay, now you just being “coy”. You’ve done that before, “Did you say something?” You know full well, that the “Spoogy Guy” is Rick Faulkner, from the five movies he did for director, Steve Scott. : |

This is actually the third time, you’ve pondered “Eric Clement and …? “ It was at “Male Models from the Past”, remember? Mon Dieu! This is getting, fatigant! See, I can speak “French” too! : )

To bolster my claim, I just watched Dane Tremmel(l)’s scenes in “Raw Country” and “KCTC”. I’m certain it’s him! Look at his profile and dick! Check out my gushing at this link below:

He has a craggy face, scruffy hair, puffy eyes, and a snub nose, yet I still find him very attractive – a ravaged handsomeness! I prefer him without the mustache, because it covers his full, sensual mouth. I know you’ll disagree. : (

Does “Encounters #6”, show Dane’s right hip area? Close to his pubic hair, below the waist, is a strawberry tattoo. He also seems to like wearing cock rings or bands. : |

Sheesh, this has been exhausting! Can someone else, give you a *SPANKY-SPANKY*? How about it, Johnny-My Pet-Llama or zephyr? Honesty, BJ! You deserve it! : /

On a positive note, Tremmel(l) is so sensual and uninhibited – likes to kiss and rim! It wasn’t until rather recently, that I realized that both Dane and Skip Sheppard; were both in “Raw Country” and “KCTC”, and shared scenes together! Thank you, BJ and Woody from GEVI! : D

Okay, glad that’s out of my system. It’s time now, to chill. : )

I shouldn’t give you the power, to upset me. Just kidding! : D

; )

I’m weighing in, I guess. At the risk of more thrashing. ; ) No spanking though. No need.

Based solely on the photo of Dane Tremell on GEVI, I would’ve said no. The face just doesn’t look right to me.

However, I have looked at Encounter No6, and the top in photos there (and seen here above) definitely has a strawberry tattoo on his hip/groin. So the strawberry tattoo part is correct. The guy above definitely has a strawberry tattoo.

Also, if you look at screencaps from scene 3 of the film “Raw Country” you can also see that “Dane Tremell” has a strawberry tattoo on his groin. So, I guess that confirms that the top guy above is in fact Dane Tremell.

I do feel like this is very deja vu. As you said, we’ve been over this before. Perhaps the reason it feels unresolved is that the photo on GEVI really doesn’t look like the guy above. Maybe because of the mustache, as you suggested in the previous post?

Well done, Obsessed! I think you’re right. As always, you’re very exuberant about it and I know you’re just teasing, but I think we can let BJ off the hook, right? : )

Not in question: it’s a really hot photoset!

Still unanswered: is there a film associated with this photoset?

Tom DeSimone has become one of my favorite directors; his films have humor in all of them. I would have liked to see a Flesh & Fantasy 2 hinted at the first film, but a sequel did not materialize until the 1990’s & none of the original people are involved. It’s a sequel in name only.

Tom DeSimone only made a handful of Catalina films as Lancer Brooks & William Higgins was more involved with the company at the time.

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