I lazily thought, for years, that photographer/ director of photographer/ cinematographer/ cameraman TOM HOWARD was the same person as pornstar Tom Howard (AKA Flex Gordan) – previously seen here, here, and here on BJland (and of course here on GEVI).
But, alas, every once in a while I am wrong (stop snickering)! All this to say I am happy to see this photo of furry furry furry man Tom Howard (right) working with director Steve Scott (left) as seen in this Manshots interview. But my god! Balding bearded furry (look at the forearms – the neck!!!!) was actually a str8 guy who happened to be very good at what he did, and loved his work – as you can see in this Tom Howard interview. I created a separate page for it, as its too long for a post. Enjoy! (or download this zip file for your convenience)
Manshots/Jerry Douglas: In an underneath shot, the men would straddle the cameraman?
Tom Howard: Oh, yeah, many times. I never got wet. I never got splattered. Maybe the lens did.
BJ: – with that beard? ain’t that a f*ckin shame!

(poor Steve! these shots are NOT good!)
One reply on “who knew? – Tom Howard”
That’s interesting, I never knew who he was either. The interview is quite good, and informative about a lot of the films he worked on w/ Steve. Not sure if his Hollywood identity has ever been connected back to his work in porn or not, based on what he said in the interview it sounds like he’d rather keep it that way. But there are a few clues that he tells the magazine (Jerry Douglas I think did most of their interviews, though sometimes credited as another name), as well as these pretty good pics of Tom.
Sometimes I wish the rest of a film’s credits on gevi were searchable instead of only the director slot, as many people credited for directing did other roles on different films — producer, camera, writer etc.