Which version of Mike Braun from the Drummer Holiday (Gift) Special would you like as a Christmas Present.. Christmas Present?

Which version of Mike Braun from the Drummer Holiday (Gift) Special would you like as a Christmas Present.. Christmas Present?
I like that COLT didn’t go over the top Xmas very often, if at all (But I do think by mid late 80’s there was a proliferation of themed cards) – this is from the 1980 calendar.
did you know “gay interest” on eBay still yields some decent stuff? Of course, you have to scroll through thousands of listings (why are we gays interested in so f*ckin’ much?) to find the good stuff… I know I have seen this gentleman’s pic before, no doubt he is elsewhere on my hard drive, but here he is, unknown Eagle Studios daddy model
tradition! a clip from Navy Blue – but it’s just soooooo good! Classic story – two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC, each secretly in love with the other, but can’t bare to admit it to the other and risk jeopardizing their friendship. They part ways, and Jack Wrangler is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70’s bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course.
director: Francis Ellie (1979)
Starring: George Payne & Jack Wrangler; plus Brian Ray (Santa); , Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed
I have to add (this year) that it is a favorite scene, because it’s Jack ACTING with a dream sequence that’s got awesome disco music! I wanted to add a bit of the final scene, when Jack and George finally “do it” – but there’s no hint of Christmas at all! But, and I’m looking at you, Yorj, it’s ripe for another group project to ID all the music – I say that because, while zipping through the film, I paused briefly at a scene I’ve rarely watched, George and Anna Freed (for very very obvious reasons), hear what I think is Oxygen, pt 4 but…. I come to discover, may be from McLane Explosion and their version of Oxygene! What? mind exploded! …. then I began to look for a decent link for McLane Explosion, and discover they also do a version of Magic Fly, which I always assumed was from SPACE – here’s the version I’ve always assumed was in the film, Magic Fly. so now, my first Xmas post, trying to do an update and not a copy/paste of previous years, and hours (many hours) later, my mind McSploded, I am at a loss for words.
blahblah blah… This is also the film with the wonderful Jack Wrangler blowjob in the helicopter flying over Manhattan skyline scene.
“I don’t pay for nothing”
“Then you’re gonna get nothing”
“you’re gonna suck my cock and I’m gonna shove it up your round little ass”
“fuck off asshole I ain’t gonna do it!”
Director: Beau Janson Games Men Play (1979) – cast – Jimmy West, Aarron Clark, Bob Studds, Mike Horne; also starring: Malcom Rodgers, Richard Danialls, Nick Romano, Lee Alexander; WITH: Adam de Haven, Marcus Steward, Ron Hudd, Carrie Simms (that’s from the credits, but we found at least 2 names not on the list who should be – Jayson MacBride and Stanley Richards – likely they went by another name for this film?) – extra credit if you can name who these 2 are
anyway, I know the suspense is killing you – “fuck off asshole I ain’t gonna do it!” – will he or won’t he? The setting, the dialogue, it’s getting me all, er, nostalgic – yes! nostalgic for my twenties living in NYC! This was supposed to be a simple post – nab the video, edit, nab some stills, post. But I made the “mistake” of looking for a good link – got it from our pal Yorj Yefferson/ over at REDDIT (see link to review below) but got distracted by getting caught up in ID’ing some of the music – and I found at least 2 tracks from The Warriors (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – (Theme From “The Warriors” and Baseball Furies Chase – which i am certain I have heard used in Joe Gage/Mac Larsen films…. but I digress) and I would bet there’s more pulled from that soundtrack. There’s another tune played during the Stanley Richards scene, again, familiar and likely to have shown up in another porno, most likely Gage/Larsen. but that’s for another post – or comments, who knows? and that’s why I have so many posts languishing in the drafts folder, waiting for one more link, one more pic, before hitting “publish.”
Reddit review – Games Men Play (Mustang Productions, 1979)
1978, photographs by Richard Sullivan.
I’ve been slowly adding found pics to a “Richard Sullivan” folder, once I saw that he’s got some great shots of some of my favorite pornstars – Richard Locke, Fred Halsted, for example; possibly as publicity shots for El Paso Wrecking Corp. but I was hoping there were more “porn” pics among the many images I’ve seen of his of famous people. But this post has nothing to do with Mr. Sullivan – it began, in fact, as just a few shots of a younger version of a star we’ve all enjoyed (yes, ALL OF US!) From a magazine called Too Hot To Handle #5, a series I thought I posted about, but dagnabit, that’s in the drafts folder waiting for some more research. Anyway, before posting these pics, I wanted to look at the original pics, the ones that weren’t “too hot to handle” for the regular In Touch magazine, saw more adorable pics, saw “Scott” with a different last name, realized I had posted a pic or two from that spread, had no idea he was the same Scott, and looking for photo credit I see Richard Sullivan’s name. Well, more research for that post!