The Young Ones (1983) – from – PM productions
Antonio Cintron, Danie Connors, Jose Morales, P.J. Saxon, Pat Johnson, Piper, and special guest stars – Bob Shane and Roy Garrett (misspelled as “Garett”)
“P.J. Saxon, new to the gay lifestyle, wants to experience every sexual thrill possible while he hangs around porno theaters.” Can you imagine wasting away your youth in porno theatres????? After that the plot gets confusing, something something about stealing a film reel, realizing its useless without a projector, returning it, and having sex a lot. Of special interest (to me, anyway) is mustached Antonio Cintron – only one film? What a shame! Anyway, scene 4 (ish) – also with Bob Shane and Roy Garrett!

tunes – Solar Wind, Jamaican Marketplace – Ramsey Lewis
also – which GAGE GEAR t-shirt is Bob wearing?
update: review on letterboxd (w/some brief interesting info on PM Productions)
6 replies on “The Young Ones”
Thank you for all the clips. A nice ending of the year…
Hot video clip!
Although it does contain one of my gay porn peeves. That being when two scenes are interspersed, and the action keeps cutting back and forth. The Roy Garrett/Bob Shane scene was the hotter scene if you ask me. Bit frustrating when it kept cutting away to the other scene.
Roy Garrett was looking really fit. What a body!
Thanks BJ!
I agree, the interspersing is annoying for me, too. I was surprised that Roy looks “bigger” here – both he and Bob looked great!
Oh, and I can’t tell which t-shirt it is. It’s too wrinkled. Not Richard Locke though. Are we sure it’s one of those four from the ad?
Which one do you think it is?
I couldn’t tell either, if he had stood up and showed it off it might have been more apparent. Maybe there were more shirts available eventually than the four pics that were in that ad?
re: the two or more scenes being mixed together, only if someone is willing to edit the clips down and reconstruct them piece by piece can they be viewed uninterrupted. I remember talking here about The Boys of Riverside Drive and the scene with Lee Marlin in the bedroom, thinking it might be more enjoyable to just see him in that scene without the jumping to the living room action. It’s a filmmaker’s prerogative but I do prefer the less jumpy edits.
i have no idea, that’s why I asked the class!
meanwhile, perhaps one of these other Gage Gear t-shirts?