Jack Wrangler music in gay porno pornoclips Xmas

Magic Fly

tradition! a clip from Navy Blue – but it’s just soooooo good! Classic story – two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC, each secretly in love with the other, but can’t bare to admit it to the other and risk jeopardizing their friendship. They part ways, and Jack Wrangler is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70’s bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course.


director: Francis Ellie (1979)

Starring: George Payne & Jack Wrangler; plus Brian Ray (Santa); , Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed

I have to add (this year) that it is a favorite scene, because it’s Jack ACTING with a dream sequence that’s got awesome disco music! I wanted to add a bit of the final scene, when Jack and George finally “do it” – but there’s no hint of Christmas at all! But, and I’m looking at you, Yorj, it’s ripe for another group project to ID all the music – I say that because, while zipping through the film, I paused briefly at a scene I’ve rarely watched, George and Anna Freed (for very very obvious reasons), hear what I think is Oxygen, pt 4 but…. I come to discover, may be from McLane Explosion and their version of Oxygene! What? mind exploded! …. then I began to look for a decent link for McLane Explosion, and discover they also do a version of Magic Fly, which I always assumed was from SPACE – here’s the version I’ve always assumed was in the film, Magic Fly. so now, my first Xmas post, trying to do an update and not a copy/paste of previous years, and hours (many hours) later, my mind McSploded, I am at a loss for words.

blahblah blah… This is also the film with the wonderful Jack Wrangler blowjob in the helicopter flying over Manhattan skyline scene.

reddit “review” here

6 replies on “Magic Fly”

My ‘notes’ as I refer to them, as far as music in vintage gay porn, are at least now in one document that’s easier for me to access. Though they are full of gaps and no doubt errors that have accumulated over the last 30 years since this became a sidecar interest of mine. So having said that, here’s what I’ve got for Navy Blue:

* Space – Magic Fly [05.02-10.52]
* Leroy Anderson – Sleigh Ride [12.36-16.52]
* Carol Of The Bells [16.53-18.41]
* Disco instrumental (?) [29.40-35.26]
* Ravel – Bolero [39.28-53.22]

I’m thinking that Mark A.’s comment may be onto something, it could be the song Magic Fly by Space but a cover done by someone else? Looking at the Kebekelektrik album:

I note that this group also did a cover of Bolero, so it’s entirely possible that ‘Francis Ellie’ borrowed from their whole output for this film, and it could be their covers of both songs. Plus, maybe even the instrumental disco song I wasn’t able to identify?

I’ve never used shazam as I’ve said, everything I have was all done ‘the old fashioned way’ by either recognizing pieces of music, or later doing song lyric searches to fill in blanks. And I’ve gotten plenty of help, you in particular BJ since your interest in both the classic porn as well as the music you mention here regularly, made me feel like we are kindred spirits in a way. Dating back 20 or so years since I first found the original incarnation of your blog.

I know shazam isn’t perfect but someone adept at using it will no doubt be able to provide a more thorough answer to this and other porn queries.

And thanks again for the reddit link, when I wrote that one (in late 2021) I had myself in stitches trying to keep the rhyme scheme of T’was the Night Before Xmas going, but in porn form about this movie. I even borrowed your concept of the holiday repost when I resubmitted it last year, and plan on doing so again in a week or two. Always nice to see some of your holiday repeat posts especially when you spice them up with new info or questions about them too.

One last thing, the ‘Snapper Foster’ name from the Navy Blue credits showed up in Men Come First also, along with a Lance Prentiss – someone was obviously a fan of the Young & the Restless when they chose those aliases. No idea which one Snapper was in this movie though.

(John McCook has been on the Bold and the Beautiful since it debuted in 1987 and is at the heart of their big storyline right now)

oh gosh – 3 versions of Magic Spy?? I just can’t!

meanwhile, at the 29/30 minute point i get John Barry’s Cafe Martinique (when Jack is watching the hetero blowjob and is acting with his eyes) from a Bond film

32 minutes in, (after Jack leaves) it’s Oxygene – probably by MCLane Explosion, but guess what? since last night, I’ve discovered they have 3 versions! 3:30, 4:07, and 8:08 in length!

then, Kebekelektrik?? definitely not for Bolero, as they do an electronic/disco version – I’m getting various orchestras for that, as well as “Three Frescos: II Adagio” at about the 40 minute mark, then leading into Bolero – does that make sense?

Yes it does, at least to me. There’s different levels of completing a project like this, a basic knowledge of the name of the song is like the first tier. Advanced level would be knowing the exact artist name and recording, which requires comparing different versions when songs have been covered by multiple artists. I have to be in the right mindset and able to clear everything else I’m trying to do, which in and of itself can be difficult when there’s different things competing for my attention, something I think a lot of us nowadays suffer from at least some. I’ll come back to this when I have more time to devote to what’s on tap with this one, we’ll see if anyone else can contribute anything too. But good job on finding a few more, whether they are exact or even close is still a step in the right direction!

Thanky BJ, for the wonderful XMAS clip from Navy Blue. It must have been awesome back in the day (a little before my time) when gay guyz could watch a real *film* on the big screen in one of our major metro areas. In fact, I’m wondering if you were privy to see this film on the big screen, perhaps in NYC?

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