I was working on something else, somehow wound up on my own A NIGHT AT HALSTED’S soundtrack page, and realized none of the music links worked! Aaaaaarrrghhh! So I had to figure out what was wrong, download, upload, update pages, and then figured all that and I bet the page hardly gets any hits any longer….
But back around – on gosh, don’t say it – the turn of the Century, someone found my geogities pages, after trying to figure out who the hell put cool music on a porno he was watching… long story short, he and another pal of mine spent weeks trying to ID each and find a digital version of each tune, and eventually got all 26. Then my Kansas buddy sent me a homemade CD of the final product.
If you look back at my earlier archives ( the “blogger years” – April 2001 to March 2010 ) – you can see some of my rambling on the topic – “night+at+halsted’s” Oh look – there was a time I was the only search result for “A NIGHT AT HALSTED’S SOUNDTRACK”, but if you keep the phrase in quotes, I’m 3rd, which is better than none. Anyway, all that and cover model for the film JW King, from an August 1982 HONCHO. Now that I’ve spent all this time talking about everything but the film, I think I need to revisit it, as I recall not enjoying it much, but for the plexiglass glory-hole scene. But don’t wait for me to get around to watching and writing and posting, when you can check out this review right here – on REDDIT

4 replies on “What I Like About You”
What I like about YOU – you keep me warm at NI-EEEEET…
I remember you mentioning the help you got in figuring out the complete song list back on blog 1.0 (or the ‘blogger years’), which was why I wanted to credit the directors page with the full listing in the review. Maybe you’ll get a few more page views just from people following it over from reddit? Thanks for the link. And I’d say it’s at least worthy of a re-watch when you have the time, not just for the music and historical depiction of what the club was like, but also some decent sex.
J.W. King is behind the glasses.
I can see why Catalina paired J.W. King & Jon King as “brothers” because they are almost identical in appearance. There are differences of course, but the most obvious one is J.W. King is much older than Jon King.
J.W. King rarely shaved off his mustache, but he did a few porn scenes without it. He’s also had a beard in a few scenes, but he pretty much kept this same appearance with just the mustache.
All that music talk is kind of gobblety-gook to me, but those incredible pics of JW make this an awesome post.
Thanks BJ!