WHY? Looking at this image from Fred Halsted’s Nighthawk in Leather (1982), you’d think J.W. King’s lovely cock would be my focus. Or maybe even Paul Monroe doing his best to appreciate 2 cocks in his face… but no, it’s J. W.’s hair. why oh why oh why???
8 replies on “why”
Who is the other guy in the glasses?
alas – I don’t know – not credited in the magazine, even though this 3-way is about 1/4 of the magazine – 10 pages! I don’t have access to my old files where I might have broken down the scenes, but i see that nowhere
another view:
I looked at the Gay Erotica Video Index, but it doesn’t help in his case. Some GEVI entries are wrong so it requires doing research, but it’s a good base.
apparently, I have posted some pics before, just a few years ago – here
I was able to access my auction file from when I sold a copy years ago – and this scene is after the leather jacket is stolen, JW takes Paul Monroe to a uniform shop, they try stuff on, and get turned on along with the clerk – who’s name I still can’t figure out but at least I now remember why they were in uniforms!
That scene gets me every time! Uniforms, a hot threesome and that lustrous head of hair
OK, we usually agree on things. But what is so wrong about Jim King’s hair?!
He’s got a little flip?
I think he looks hot! What do you mean, “why?” I say, why not?
Also, his dick is my main focus, as you suggested, so he could have a mohawk and I’d say, “looks good JW! Now, cock?”
i suppose you just have to see the film to get the full effect of fluffed up hairdo! it’s been a bazillion years since I’ve seen it, and barely remember ” “Fifteen virile men in varying degrees of undress participate in a blistering orgy” – sounds intriguing, right?
It’s still a great post though. I don’t think I have this magazine. And I don’t think I ever saw the film Nighthawk in Leather. If I did, I don’t remember. I need to check it out.