from El Paso Wrecking Corp. (1977), here’s one of my favorite scenes – The Gardener and the Rug Man – hahahaha! like each scene isn’t one of my favorites!
In El Paso, Roger (Lou Davis) is cleaning and there is some kind of problem communicating with Diego (Guillermo Ricardo), the gardener. But they manage to communicate well enough after Diego pulls his cock out, and Roger jumps at the chance to get at it. I just love how long it takes Lou to “get it” – DUDE! GO GET IT!
now for the rambling: as I am culling poor quality or duplicate video files, I found that I had tried to download the DVD version of EPWC (El Paso Wrecking Corp), and figured, let’s take a clip, the one above – so I edited that, and figured, let’s take the orgy scene and make a good clip of it, until I realized the orgy scene was at least 5 minutes shorter than the original… and, and… wait, where’s the Fred Halsted, the BOY and His Dad scene that comes between the 2???!!! Right, I know this, it’s missing from later copies of the VHS tapes, and the early DVD copies… but I thought I had bought that WORKING MEN TRILOGY DVD set as was going to… oh – in the drafts folder with a comment on Les Stine being on the DVD cover of EPWC… this will be on the quiz, kids… Where was I? oh, so focus man, focus. Got the The Gardener and the Rug Man clip ready, wanted to check on pics, GEVI page for LOU (Guillermo Ricardo has been covered elsewhere on BJland), and whaaaaaat? Only 2 films? And looking at Wakefiled Poole‘s Hot Shots / Always Ready its says “non-sex role” WTfuckingFUCK?? Who would do that, waste that gorgeous face on a … so I tried to find the movie, just to be sure, and a quick fastforward seems to confirm that Lou is confined to role of chauffeur, hat covering his head, dark interior limo shots… and wait, who’s the boss in the 3rd scene, looks sooo familiar – Noooooo! focus! (and yes, I started draft post on that guy) came back to The Gardener and the Rug Man, re-watched, thought what a dreamy face and sexy voice, and well, started doing screen grabs of his bearded face, and here we are. Should I finally hit the “post” button?

7 replies on “The Gardener and the Rug Man”
Hot! Thank you for making me cum this morning.
Incredible scene!
I forgot how hot Lou Davis’ body was with all that furry blond chest hair. And he attacks that dick with ferocity. Guillermo is insanely hot as well with his lean scruffy torso and huge cock.
After spending all day on zephyr’s soundcloud page, and cross referencing everything with articles and comments on this site, I got curious about the music in this clip!
I didn’t get any hits on Shazam for that opening clip in the background at the start, or the “yo soy un muchacho joven” song, or the pretty acoustic instrumental that plays when the men are making introductions.
However, Shazam did have hits for the song that starts at 3:25, “Michaela” by Toro (1975): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MmULuYiuz8
and at 4:20, it’s “Quitate la Mascara” by Ray Barretto (1970): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_hApVSs2-4
I’m curious about that acoustic number. Is it possible it is an Al Steinman composition? Did he compose more than the theme song?
I think making a playlist of the entire Working Men Trilogy is something I need to do.
Thanks for these resources!
Were you ever able to source one of those “Hot Talk Tapes” from Gage Gear?
This is zephyr, I’ll let BJ reply to the questions you asked him. Thanks for the comments on soundcloud, and for the additional IDs for this movie! LA Tool is pretty much the only one I’ve been able to ID any of the songs, but neither of the other ones from the trilogy. Al Steinman is credited for the music in all three and may have been who did some of the incidental sounds, that’s my assumption for LA anyway. I’ve never used shazam but I have a pretty extensive spreadsheet I’ve just kept adding to with dozens of films where I recognized songs here and there, or figured them out some other way. The stolen kind of music that was so prevalent up until the mid to late 80s, was when it started disappearing. That trilogy playlist would be fascinating to see if you ever get to that.
Yes, reading y’alls comments has been very educational.
I had been putting songs from the trilogy onto a mixtape for my own amusement, because I fell in love with that opening theme, and wanted to hear it with all the other incidental bits … and harmonica solos!
I was hoping more of it was Steinman than it seems … especially the rest-stop scene that turned out to be the Doobie Brothers. I’m guessing anything with the ARP2600 synth is from Steinman. That’s why I’m curious who did some of the incidental acoustic bits.
I’m inspired to find out what I can. Having started with a mixtape, I’d like to get all completist about it. I’ll let you know if anything useful comes of it.
“Hot Talk Tapes” from Gage Gear? – nope – only saw the ads years later… saw one on eBay once, and then there’s AL PARKER’s version, OLD RELIABLE had a bunch, and it even pops up in Jack Deveau’s Sex Magic – which I should re-watch for the scene, as Roger is listening, then the tape comes alive with Jack Wrangler – wonder if it’s Jack on the tape??!
Thanks for posting. I’ve watched this scene many times.