California Fox promo – (1978) – includes bits not just from the Mike Morris and Dave Daniels scene pictured above, but also Dan Pace (AKA Rocky) and Chuck Grady; Chuck Grady and Don Edwards (look for the bald head diving into Chuck’s ass); plus I think the smallest look at Steve Warren (AKA Johnny Harden) – sorry about the sound quality – you can see why this is getting deleted from the hard drive – the music, the music is sooooo porno-familiar~

L. A. Plays Itself (1972) directed by: Fred Halsted – Starring: Rick Coates, Jim Frost, Fred Halsted, Joseph Yale
9 replies on “California, and L.A.”
That music, OMG! What were they thinking?
not sure which clip you are referring to – California Fox? that was not the original music but just for the promo; L.A. Tool? that was definitely the soundtrack, which I liked! I will say it works better in a theater – the film isn’t really a shove the tape in the VCR for 7 minutes and whack off type, ya know?
When I made those yt videos a few years ago, I did one for L.A. Plays Itself and it gave me a copyright claim for some of the music I included in the slide show. Though all it said was ‘adagio composition’ without specifying which one, or who it was by. I took some music from the first half, with the tranquil forest pairing by the two guys in that scene, that must have been an existing work by someone. The synth music I took from the second part (heard in your clip) is far more interesting, and if yt didn’t i.d. it then it may have been original, maybe by the Theda listed in the credits at gevi. I bet you’re right that it sounded a lot better in a theatre setting than it does on most of the clips floating around now.
let’s see what pops up with your video –
Shazamming it – this is what it comes up with:
1) Symphony In B-Flat Major, Hob. I: 98/II. Adagio – New York Philharmonic & Leonard Bernstein
2) Jetsex by Tonto’s Expanding Head Band – I had no idea it wasn’t created for the film!
3) more from Tonto’s Expanding Head Band – Timewhys
I’ll update the latter two with musicfiles
Oh cool you’ve still got that one, I knew I’d sent a handful of those your way but had forgotten exactly which ones. I know I sent you the Jeopardy one since I think it had more views on yt while my account was still active than any other ones; and then after that I picked a few of the smaller sized clips so you could have more quantity.
How strange that yt would have noted the adagio conducted by Bernstein and performed by the NYP, but missed on the Tonto’s Expanding Head Band! I’ve actually heard of Tonto’s but never made the connection back to this film before, no wonder it seemed so interesting to me.
There are three audio snippets heard in that slideshow, the runtimes are 1:08, 1:32 and 1:29. I don’t know exactly where they match up with the film but the first one should be easy to find, it’s right when Rick asks Jim if he wants some head. I loaded the audio file into audacity to trim it and try to enhance the sound quality, and I deliberately reversed the word ‘head’ so it wouldn’t get flagged as NSFW on yt. So what’s heard in my clip sounds like, want some deeh?
It was a constant walking a tightrope, trying to make the clips as SFW as possible to avoid any penalties from yt. My channel was so small they didn’t give me any strikes for the music, just identified most of it for me which was really helpful in some cases. They did in fact ding me for this clip, someone claimed it was promoting violence but I argued that it was just a slideshow of images and there no was no actual violence depicted in the film, let alone the images I saved, and they reversed it.
That’s why I never wound up posting the clips anywhere else, I’d rather have not had to bother with editing and censoring them in the first place. Like the couple I’ve added to xham and xvids, Costello P. music or the guys smoking pot, or the edit of the Rick Faulkner scene from Dangerous where he’s in the phone booth, all of which I’ve told you about before. I didn’t have to take any of the dicks, butts or cumshots out of those later clips which made it a lot easier, and I liked them better as they were truer to the source films.
So the second and third snippets of audio must be from Tonto’s and their songs Jetsex and Timewhys, I’m so glad to know this now! You’d get better audio files if you got the Tonto’s music from yt or elsewhere than if you lifted them from L.A. Plays Itself like I did, as you can tell the audio in my copy of the film wasn’t great.
Just want to tack this on, I think there’s at least one more song by Tonto’s that’s heard in L.A. Plays Itself – but not in the slideshow clip. The Zero Time album has Cybernaut just before Jetsex and Timewhys (that would have been side A of the record) and those three songs play in order in the second half of the film if I’m not mistaken. It sounded familiar as soon as I clicked on it, if you have a copy of the film maybe you could confirm that and when they each start. I know, how dare I give you more homework etc., it’s just I feel like we solved this riddle I never knew about before, anyway this is Cybernaut:
[outdent] so I watched part 2 of L.A. Plays Itself, and I was right about the third song by Tonto also being heard. My copy of the film has archival material that plays from the start of the clip until 2:42, which pushes these start times forward by that much (if that makes sense). So part 2 begins with Fred walking down an alley at 28:17, and from there the audio cues are:
– Cybernaut (28:17 – 32:26)
– Jetsex (32:27 – 34:00)
– Timewhys (34:01 – 34:44)
– Cybernaut (34:45 – 36:58)
– Timewhys (36:59 – 39:44)
– Jetsex (39:54 – 41:47)
Then other audio sounds are heard including a few minutes of drumming, before Jetsex comes back from 49:04 until my clip ends at 52:58. At times it’s just the Tonto music playing, other times he mixes in extra audio like sound effects, distortion or the dialogue between him and Joey.
amazing – if I understand correctly, the version you are looking at comes in at about 50 minutes? I have a 50:15 and a 54:50, the latter no doubt the complete fisting scene. Great to have the soundtrack finally established, am wondering if the drumming you mention is also taken from a recorded work as well. a bit more digging!
The drumming part definitely could be, it plays behind scenes in the park with a bunch of guys either in tight jeans or shorts, or without a shirt on. And goes for a good 2-3 minutes, basically right after the second Jetsex. I’d say my copy is exactly like yours that has a runtime of 50:15 (and I didn’t catch any fisting sequence, so that must have been edited out) since 52:58 minus 50:15 equals 2:43, only with the added “archival material” that NM hot dad tacked onto the beginning of his xham clips. And I must have been one second off somewhere, but this is at least a starting point.