WORKOUT (1982)
Continuing my hard drive purge, forgive the quality, but thought worth another look before deleting from my old Windows 8 P.C. How many different ways have we discussed WORKOUT here? I usually use Xmas themed clips from Navy Blue, but Jack getting blown in a helicopter over Manhattan? MUST SEE TV!
Oh my! Arcade has a theme song? American Cream – you may want to turn down volume, it’s louder than the others – enjoy!

Navy Blue (1979) – Jack Wrangler & Giuseppe Welch in this scene
REDDIT review

Arcade (1984) – Eric Stryker (AKA Noel Kemp, Mike Kelly), Nick Rodgers (as the Security Guard) – update: Arcade review

American Cream (1972) – Director – Rob Simple; stars Robert Rikas, Tom Peterson, Sam Block, Doug Romain, Chuck Thomas, Black Barbarella, and Arch Sampson