PREVIOUSLY: some guy’s butt
from director Fred Halsted, this is just a portion (less than 3 minutes) of the scene called The Hustler – seen in the 1975 film Sextool. Makes me curious to find out more about this performer, Jim Frost – and yes, I WANT THAT T-SHIRT!
and yes, the pic below is from the UNOPENED LA Plays Itself: The Fred Halsted Collection [Altered Innocence] – limited edition blue ray – I didn’t even have a player when I snagged this up. Then I bought the blue ray player, and it’s right there, 2 feet from me as I type, never used. This winter I have a lot of catching up to do!
from the 1983 film, Hard Men at Work (and magazine, Tool Shop 3 Way) – shown here, Chuck Burton (aka Paul Howell) and (probably) T.J. Thomas.
I wanted to figure out some more clever way of showing this lovely balls pic – but this will have to do. Rainy, busy day, 6am posting, what can you expect?
who you may remember from such films as:
3 films, of which one is kinda bi (I’ve linked to it, as his scene is actually a gay 3-way, but there’s a lesbian 3-way in the background/alternating, and some intriguing music/soundtrack – I digress) – the two gay films are Wakefiled Poole, and I just have a brief compilation clip of Split / Image below
Nick Mauro on GEVI
who you may remember from such magazines as:
Victor Houston & Rob (photographed by Adam Cadman, Pantheon Productions) from the WORKING MEN film loop series – The Plumbers (1979) – “Victor Houston and his apprentice Rob don’t use their tools on the sink for very long before they turn to plumbing each other. “
music – Vangelis’ Himalaya segues briefly at the end into Alan Parsons Project Hyper-Gamma-Spaces – much more fitting track – makes me wonder if Working Men #4 continues with this tune. (I just checked, it does – much more fitting music for porno, methinks)
the above clip from Red Ball Express is one of my favorite Joe Gage scenes, and probably my favorite kitchensex scene. Trying to think of others… Johnny Dawes and Beau Matthews in Skin Deep, Jason Steel and Case Harden in Studbusters, Matthew Marks in Naked Lunch, Eric Manhester, Dean Chasen, and Billy London in Head of the Class, Tom Katt and Glenn McAllister in Full Length, Clay Russell and others in Snowballing, Todd & GReg in Heat (see pics above), Victor Houston in The Plumbers, Jason Ross & David Hill in Hot Summer Knights, Aiden Shaw and some soup in Mess Hall Maneuvers, Dylan James and Sam Crockett in The Deep End,Cougar Cash and Seth Tucker in Fast Idle, Jon Vincent and Tony Davis in…. um… and, apparently, nearly every Robert Prion video.
and what did you do on your Saturday night?
there’s something about the look on Lee’s face that makes me love this photo. Not keen on the quality of many of the pics from this magazine (Long Ryder – many images also appear in Bullpen), but these are a couple of the better ones. As you probably know, in the film Lee Ryder plays a drifter who stumbles upon a western being made in the California desert, and begins an affair with the star of the film, Eric Ryan. yadda yadda yadda, by the end of the film Lee is fucking around with Eric’s personal assistant, Jon King. I left in the closing 2 minutes, which includes credits and theme song.
Director: Steve Scott (1984)
Starring: Lee Ryder, Jon King, Eric Ryan, Michael Carr, Robert Vega, Brian Palmer, Champ Larue, Mike Braun, Danny Combs; this (final) scene: Lee Ryder and Jon King
Original song Lookin’ written by Kelchy McHong, performed by Robert Kimbrough