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just don’t

no comments about his basket, mkay?

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips Wakefield Poole

Apartment for Rent

3rd and final scene from Moving!

Director: Wakefield Poole (1974) – starring Peter Fisk and Tom Wright

This scene is best known for the fisting portion, as Poole wanted to honor his partner’s (Peter Fisk) interest in it. But I found the buzzing off of Tom Wright’s hair to be what turned me on! Maybe because I was anticipating the former, and didn’t know about the latter. Saw it for the first time (uncut) in 2002 at a Poole retrospective, and got to meet Mr. Poole!

previously on BJland (2009 post); and even more rambling about Peter Fisk; and some more rambling on Moving! (2011 post)

Apartment for Rent at Gay Erotic Video Index


welcome Frenchmen?

This is fun – someone at Tetu Magazine saw my Instagram page, and asked some questions so they could do a story – how cool! (Does he think I am 80 years old?)