director: Francis Ellie (1979)
Starring: George Payne & Jack Wrangler; plus Brian Ray (Santa); , Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed
Another rerun, another clip from Navy Blue – but it’s just soooooo good! Classic story – two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC, each secretly in love with the other, but can’t bare to admit it to the other and risk jeopardizing their friendship. They part ways, and Jack Wrangler is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70’s bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course.
The music is SPACE’s Magic Fly. This is also the film with the wonderful Jack Wrangler blowjob in the helicopter flying over Manhattan skyline scene.
5 replies on “Christmas present…”
Wow, this never gets old. I’ve seen this clip, dozens of times. I always look forward to you posting this, annually. Even on the internet, it still retains its power. *SIGH*
Of course, seeing it in a dark, hushed, porn theater; left such an indelible impression, on my youthful memory!
This was one of the first all-male porn films, I saw in a theater – The Century Theater in Hollywood. Was it 1980?
What really strikes me, is how creative and atmospheric, this scene is; despite the very simple staging and photography – mysterious, evocative, and powerful! Yet, it’s actually pretty sparse. : 0
It’s photographed in the dark, but the light reflecting on the Mylar decorations, Christmas tree, tinsel, and ornaments, gives it such a surreal, astral quality – all that twinkling and sparkle! Amazing!
It’s also a nice touch; their bodies have been oiled, so that they too, glisten – sensual and erotic!
Just a little imagination and style, can make porn seem, almost magical!
Bravo Francis Ellie! Whoever he, or they, are!
Gay porn is notorious for appropriating (i.e. stealing) music. This is one of the few times that I totally approve!
The use of Space’s “Magic Fly (1977)â€, almost make it feels; like it was scored specifically, for this sequence. It sounds so eerie, illicit, mysterious, and sexual! I think of it, as audio S & M – taboo!
It’s actually rather subversive; to make such a religious, holiday celebration, seem so dark, furtive, and sexual! Should one call this, Black Christmas or Black Mass? : I
I’m not into S & M, but I certainly understand its appeal. As an ex-altar boy, I appreciate the beauty of pageantry, ritual, hymns, reference, and spiritualism.
Despite the guilt the religion inflicted on me, I don’t regret my upbringing. It’s probably not surprising, that so many Catholic queers, veer into S & M or leather. : /
Robert Mapplethorpe was also an altar boy in his youth. He said for him, S & M stood for “Sex and Magicâ€. : )
But as usual, I digress…
Isn’t “Navy Blue†wonderful? I dispute the 1979 release date, no matter what GEVI says. I think it was at least, a year earlier. Wrangler and Payne, make such a contrasting, dynamic duo – what chemistry!
I love the way they circle each other, as Wrangler gives Payne, such hungry looks. It’s choreographed, timed, and scored, beautifully – so sexy! : P
They don’t actually go very far sexually, but it’s still scorching – that massaging, and that beautiful kiss!
It’s the perfect, teasing, segue; into their eventual, later, hot love scene. Wrangler is so expressive!
Yeah, he can be accused of overacting sometimes, but I say it’s better to give too much, than too little.
He really raised the bar, on how good a porn star could be – a genuine Porn Divo! He’s able to covey both lust AND affection! Looks, talent, sexual enthusiasm, virility – the total package!
Sorry, I can’t resist posting this again! It’s my favorite glamour shot of his! His dick was so beautiful!
George Payne isn’t as expressive or talented as Jack Wrangler, but no matter! He’s still wonderful enough!
In this “Christmas present…†sequence, it makes sense that he appears distant and aloof. He’s portraying an unattainable, object of desire, in Jack’s sexual fantasy.
Besides, George Payne is so beautiful, that he can be forgiven anything! With or without a beard, he looks great!
I’ll never forget his hilarious, dialogue reading of the line, “I did not know – it had come to that†in “Centurians of Rome (1981)â€. I saw this in a revival house theater, full of queers. The audience laughed. : )
It’s curious that both Jack and George defected to straight porn, at about the same time. I know it must have alienated some of their fans. : (
I however, can’t fault them. Both of them left such a great legacy, in all-male porn! What’s important is that they delivered the goods! So why complain? : )
Incidentally, I love the individual pictures you posted of Jack and George, to illustrate this clip. Great choices – Thanks!
Happy Holidays, BJ honey!
; )
I can’t speak to Payne, but Wrangler didn’t “defect” – he wanted to work, and he was told by producers that he had oversaturated the market, so he took what he could get. He didn’t care for str8 sex, and didn’t engage in it outside of his film work… kind of the reverse pay-for-gay that we see too much of!
Oops! For the record, I meant to type “reverence†and not “referenceâ€.
I get careless, when I respond excitingly! : )
“… but Wrangler didn’t “defect†– he wanted to work …â€
Okay, fine. Let’s not say he “defectedâ€. Let’s say he “migrated†(with a work visa?). : )
“He didn’t care for str8 sex, and didn’t engage in it outside of his film work…â€
Well, I don’t know about that. I mean, he WAS married to a heterosexual woman. I’m pretty sure, that Margaret Whiting would occasionally want some.
I remember a People magazine interview, where she did say their relationship, also included sex. He told her he was gay, and she said, “Only around the edges, dear.â€
And it’s not such a stretch, to infer that he enjoyed it, to the extent that he could.
As “gay-for-pay†performers would often say, “Friction is frictionâ€. : )
I admire Wrangler for being honest. Like him, I could function with a woman, but I wouldn’t identify myself as bisexual.
Sexuality is fluid. I make a clear distinction between sexual behavior, and sexual preference.
I’m not like these gay ideologues, who state that once you have a homosexual experience, you’re branded for life! I do believe in the Kinsey scale. I’m probably a “5â€.
Like I said, I don’t have a problem, that Jack Wrangler was “straight-for-payâ€. His legacy speaks for itself!
Decades ago, I do admit feeling alienated, with “gay-for-pay†performers (“Whores!â€).
But I’ve evolved to the point, where it’s not an issue. I realized I would just be depriving myself, of some great, hot porn, by being so discriminating. You can’t politicize sexual desire.
So many virile men swing both ways – as I said before, as long as they deliver the goods! : P
On the plus side, with so much porn, now being available; the phenomenon of obvious, gay-for-pay performers – really does seem to be dying off, or at least, decreasing. I say, “Hallelujah!â€
You do still; occasionally find some performers, like Trystan Bull and Girth Brooks, appear on the scene. But they now seem, few and far between.
And yes, I do find them hot, and yes, I have on occasion, enjoyed them – despite both of them being, so flagrantly selfish, and undemonstrative. (I’ll allow you to service me.) : /
Trystan Bull in particular, looks like a hotter, Ben Affleck. When it comes to porn, nothing is written in stone. : )
It’s not like it was, back in the day; especially in the later ‘80s, with the advent of video. Remember director, Matt Sterling? Stars like Rex Chandler and Lex Baldwin, were so disappointing! : (
We have the internet, to thank for this. Now there’s such a wide variety of tastes, physiques, ethnicities, ages, practices, looks, scenarios, races, etc. Now, there’s genuine competition!
Attitudes have changed. I don’t think that “straight tradeâ€, is as much a fetish for today’s kids, as it once was. : )
It’s wild how much gay porn has evolved! The days of AMG physique models, might as well be, the stone-age.
I mean, look at bareback videos! It used to be, that performers in porn didn’t do enough. Now they do, TOO much – Yuck! : /
; )
no no no no!
married doesn’t equal sex – and if poor margaret wants to pretend they did it, have at it…. they nearly broke up over his later gay filmwork, and that quote – that awful quote of hers that never seems to die – haha! “only gay around the edges” – “no honey, you’re not that awful, just around the edges!” ughhhhhh! Wrangler navigating a str8 world – I stick to his autobiography about his life, not her interviews…. never knew who she was until years later when every time I posted a Wrangler pic, I’d get the Margaret quote from some …. anyway, my gay reference world growing up (meaning teens into adulthood) was porno, but musical theatre/cabaret… I know he enjoyed that as well, but its just background noise to me… awful, awful background noise.
don’t mess with my fond illusions/delusions of my first love!
“Sure, Jan.” ; )