Month: August 2018

Flex Gordon, who you may know as Tom Howard, from such movies as: Muscle Force, Crotch Rockets, Bear Hug, Powerhouse Bear Party! and Party Animal Raw

more Ledermeister
Director: Ignatio Rutkowski (1972)
Starring: Peter Berlin (AKA Peter Burian), Rick Jedin, Tom Webb, Al Joffrey and Jeff Salem
This is Berlin’s first film – I actually think THAT BOY (1974), which he also produced, directed and wrote, is much better – but this is still a great little film showing bits of San Francisco gay life back in 1972. The party with a handful of drag queens is great, and the best, sexually speaking, is the final scene, where Berlin watches two lovers go at it, and joins in. (see below). I’d love to know the source of the music used in the preview above.
update/edit – Boysenberry Jam by MOBY GRAPE
Director: Roger Earl (1975) 78 minutes running time
Starring: Val Martin – Quave Dalton – Steve Richards – John Detour – Eric Lansing – Tiger John – David Andrews
I’ve seen the release date vary – 1972, 1975, 1977 – – even GEVI’s Born to Raise Hell page says 1972 – which I think is too early, especially if you see all the ads for it GEVI mentions are in 1975 and 1976 (including most of the reviews). Shit, even I have it wrong in a few places on the blog! I do know it was around the same time as Wakefield Poole‘s Moving! (1974) – – anyway – mid 70’s!

So…… during this August heat wave, who doesn’t think “LEATHER!!”?? Need y’alls help here – trying to come up with a list of vintage (1985ish and before) leather-themed gay pornos – and to get us started, thought I post this promo clip from a classic from 1982 – post the names of films in the comments, if y’all don’t mind – THANKS!! (in the name of leather)
Director: Mac Larson (aka Joe Gage) (1983)
Starring: Daniel Holt, Gerry Condit, Mickey Squires, O’Bannion, Jason MacBride, Everett MacDonald, Bob Shane, Roy Garrett, Tharon Davis, Jeff Stone and Wayne Stephans. OOOOOPS! no one saw the mistake, and it’s been on my JOE GAGE page for years – wrong cast!!! – here’s the correct one:
Daniel Holt, Keith Anthoni, John Schaft, Gerry Condit, Jeff Stone, Garrison Belt, Bill Anawitt, Tharon Davis, Tristan Carson
leatherworld – George Payne

A bit more George Payne.