Jack Wrangler pornoclips Xmas

Christmas present….Christmas present….Christmas present….


director: Francis Ellie (1979)

Starring: George Payne & Jack Wrangler; plus Brian Ray (Santa); , Giuseppe Welsh (helicopter), Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, Derek Thurston, and Anna Freed

Another rerun, another clip from Navy Blue – but it’s just soooooo good! Classis story – two guys in the Navy on a 12-hour leave in NYC, each secretly in love with the other, but can’t bare to admit it to the other and risk jeopardizing their friendship. They part ways, and Jack Wrangler is trying to enjoy site-seeing on his own, but loses himself in thought looking at one of the Christmas-decorated windows, imagining a romantic encounter with his buddy, 70’s bearded hunk George Payne, complete with disco-theme music, of course. (BTW, the music is SPACE’s Magic Fly). Remember guys, this is also the film with the wonderful blowjob in the helicopter flying over Manhattan skyline scene.

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