Month: May 2011
back from our trip – 8 amazing days….

Forbidden Letters
directed by: Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. (1976)
Starring: Richard Locke, Robert Adams, David DelCambio , Douglas Dickinson, Francisco Guevara, Jerry Kuroda
John Gustavson, Ralph Osborne, Thommy Padgett, Willie Bjorn, and Victoria Young
got your back

Forbidden Letters
directed by: Arthur J. Bressan, Jr. (1976)
Starring: Richard Locke, Robert Adams, David DelCambio , Douglas Dickinson, Francisco Guevara, Jerry Kuroda
John Gustavson, Ralph Osborne, Thommy Padgett, Willie Bjorn, and Victoria Young
The story of 2 lovers, one in jail (Richard Locke), the other, younger one (Robert Adams), still living in the San Francisco apartment they shared. A series of letters and remembrances to and of each other, but primarily from the point of view of the younger Robert who’s anxiously awaiting the release of Richard, and they’re reunion.