Gordon Grant

the kids are alright

porn, i see it everywhere……

Flatbed, starring Gordon Grant and Paul Storr (1978); Hot Cop, starring Werner Robles and Brutus (1978); Mr Bowie’s Panic In Detroit (1973)

9 replies on “the kids are alright”

BJ, I’m pretty sure you’re right that “Flatbed” was first released in 1978. I suspect that G.G. filmed all his Colt loops right after each other and that Jim French delayed their release for each year. “Hammerhead” in 1976 and “Houseboat” in 1977. Why does the above picture have a copyright of 1980? Was it re-released under a different format; blown up from 8mm to 16mm film? G.E.V.I. lists a compilation film (?) titled “Colt VT-306” released in 1979 with this loop. I’m almost certain that he didn’t make any films past 1978. He looks slightly different in his 1980 photo layout in “In Touch” magazine. He’s a little bit heavier and sporting a bad haircut. This picture looks like early G.G.,when his hair looked nice and he was more cut. Hope you have an answer. Thanks!

in this particular case, i have no idea why the dates don’t quite make sense. but i do know that pornogrpahers, certainly back 30+ years weren’t so concerned with accuracy – even spelling names! if you look at any of the Target films from the same period, many of them have the same copyright date at the beginning of the film (and using the same screen shot), which really isn’t the same as the date the film was made.

I can’t remember which Hand In Hand film it was, but it had the date off by ten years, no doubt because someone didn’t know Roman numerals!

How much do you know about Brutus? This post is the only hit when I search that name on your blog, I think I’ve seen the Hot Cop loop which you mentioned above. But I stumbled upon the gevi page for I, Brutus: Muscle-Cop Road Warrior, which doesn’t look familiar to me at all, released by Palm Drive Video.

Gevi indicates “c1992” as a release year, if this is the same Brutus as from Hot Cop it was likely filmed years before. Unless maybe there were two Brutuses (or Bruti, I don’t think I know the correct singular / plural on that word…) and this was a different guy, and gevi just lumped them together as they do sometimes. The b&w pic on the gevi page above is wonderful, sitting there with cop helmet, huge stogie and huge dick, just got me to wondering about him so I thought I’d ask the resident Colt expert what you knew about him, or them possibly.

good question – worth researching, and I may have something from Palm Drive – and it would not be the only time a COLT model performed for Palm Drive – David Gold (who never did a COLT film) has a PDV tape that i, alas, had and sold.

Thanks for the reply, I’ve had the hardest time getting into your blog the past few days (had to systematically disable extensions and preferences just to get in today) but I doubt it’s anything on your end just my ancient desktop computer limping a few more yards along… I just kept getting ‘this page can’t be reached’ but it finally let me in to see if you replied to my comment on a 10+ year old post, anyway…

I couldn’t tell if these Brutusi were the same guy as I said, and I saw you made a new post for Palm Drive Video so perhaps I lit a small fire under your jockstrapped ass and you (or obsessed, johnny, steel city or another of the commenters) can solve this riddle. Much obliged.

Sorry for this late response. But as usual, I’m always pressed for time and sleep! : (

Whoa zephyr, my breath of fresh air! You really “blew” it on this one! Just kidding! : )

Let me commend you, before I admonish you! It’s amazing how often we agree, about a specific, porn star’s appeal! We both praise that hottie, Chris Williams! And now this bull-stud, “Brutus”! : 0

He’s a little hard to pinpoint, because he modifies his look, more than once. Sometimes he’s thinner or hairy. Sometimes he’s mustached, or changes his hairstyle. He also waxes his eyebrows. He still scorches!

Intellectually and morally, I don’t really approve of “trade” porn performers. But as I’ve said before, the big head can’t tell the little head, what to think. To quote singer, Jerry Reed; “When you’re hot, you’re hot!” : (

Honestly, zephyr! I brought this subject up before! Honestly, BJ! You should have remembered! My word is Bible (in my dreams)! Both of you should have taken notes! ; )

Both of you deserve a *SPANKY SPANKY!* : )

Are you listening mon ami, Parisian, and Johnny-My Pet-Llama? (Watch out!) : )

At the end of this, I’ll post the previous post. Both BJ and I; included pictures. What I don’t mention here; will be covered in that post. Don’t want to be too redundant. But first, let me bloviate!

(God, I hope my fresh links work!)

BJ got this picture from Drummer Magazine #70, 1984:

My previous link of him; on the front cover, broke. So hopefully, here’s a new one.

BJ also posted this Colt photo of him, where he’s listed as “Hot Cop”.

Pay close attention, to his big cock (Duh!). Notice the shape of his dickhead. There’s a slight discoloration; from the circumcision scaring – a darkish ring, around the shaft. : 0

I found the 1979 cover of Paean: Pander #1 Magazine. Here, he’s listed as Vincent.

Once again, look at his dick (Duh!). I’ll defy any “pornoisseur”, who claims that “Hot Cop” and “Vincent” aren’t the same man! : 0

This link still survives on my previous reply. In August 1992, he was on the cover of Drummer Magazine #157. This is my favorite glamour shot of him – great cheekbones, jaw line, and prominent brow!

The years were good to him; the late 70’s through the early 90’s – hardcore butch! He doesn’t need shades to cover his eyes, or grow a mustache! You know me! I’m an “Alpha Hunter”; an “Androphile”! : P

This mature version of him; is how he appears in the three Palm Drive Videos. One of them is with his fellow, Guido, Donnie Russo! : )

Woody from GEVI; says he also posed for Fox Studio, under the name, Vito Milan. In Brutus’ profile, he only mentions his one Colt loop – no other films! Confusing – Woody also deserves a *SPANKY SPANY*!

(My hands are getting sore!) : /

Anyway, more information can be found on this previous, BJ post:

My, oh my! So many great posts! So little time! So many facts to inform! So many mistakes to correct! So many readers to scold! So many rumps to spank! My work is never done! : /

BJ and zephyr, as well as everyone else, are still fun! Stay cool and breezy! Thanks! : )

; )

I would not have guessed that was what he looked like, the big shades he wears on the cover of Hot Cop and the shadow over the top of his face on the gevi pic of I, Brutus kind of obscure his appearance. That’s very interesting to learn that it apparently was the same guy from the earlier Colt loop, still active 10+ years later because as we know, far too many porn actors and models don’t last that long in front of the camera, for reasons ranging from aging out of their looks, moving onto more legit work that doesn’t depend on what they look like, or worse of course. Especially from the original vintage era, 70-90 give or take though that’s debateable.

There’s such a dearth of reliable and verified info about so many of these guys, that’s why I’m extremely grateful for BJ, Woody at gevi, the guy from Retro Studs and lots of relative newcomers for sharing the pics and info about these men, since nobody really devoted much time or effort to doing so when the scenes and magazines came out. It was just yeah, nice face, nice dick, flip the page or fast forward to the next scene, especially outside of the more standard studio fare of the 80s, especially, and beyond. “And viewers like you, thank you” :) you are a unique commenter here and a man who clearly knows his stuff.

I tip my hat to you obsessed, and since you insist I’ll assume the position to accept my reward / punishment. Is this the part where I say “thank you sir, may I have another?” We’d better get that out of the way before BJ orders you back to his dungeon, cuz he doesn’t just spank, he’s got whips and flogs and unspeakable objects down there … or so I’ve heard ;)

I kinda want to see a clip from that I, Brutus now, even if it’s just an hour of him alone, which from the gevi description it looks like. Gevi also lists a Palm Drive film called Brutus 2: Motorsexual Homocycle and though his eyes are obscured there too (no wonder none of us knew who the fuck he was! except you of course), that pic does look more like him in the links you left here.

By the way you mentioned three Palm Drive videos Brutus was in, gevi only lists two. Do you know what the third one is called?

Never mind on my final question, I just followed the links to your 2020 post and saw When Body Builders Collide, which gevi has credited to a different Brutus. There’s no pics on that page but I believe you, just wanted to spare your sore hands from any unneeded swats ;)

oh jeez…. down another porn rabbit hole… thank goodness its a day off with heat warning for dirty old men to stay home in the air conditioning….

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