COSCO Studios pornoclips

Mike Morris is better than banana

Director: Fred Halsted (1978)

released in 1978 as an 8MM film and a glossy magazine, Desert Fox was made by Halsted after he and Mike Morris worked together on Joe Gage’s El Paso Wrecking Corp. in 1977. Halsted had formed a production company, Cosco Studios, with his partner Joey Yale in the mid 1970’s, and by this time were in full swing with 8MM films and magazines you could order through mail order in the back of many of our favorite magazines at the time – Honcho, In Touch, and others. As far as I can tell, this is one of only 3 films Mike Morris ever made – the 3rd being a COLT film, Summit Meeting, made with Paul Storr – you can also see the pair in the COLT magazine, MANPOWER! #8.

Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can “right click” and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.

EDIT: how did I not include DAVE DANIELS as Mike’s awesome co-star?

COSCO Studios

desert fox

video at 11(ish)


so the good news is….

… i dunno if any of y’all have noticed, but for about a year or more, I’ve been unable to post NEW video clips – yup, they’ve all pretty much be rerunned from previous posts. i had “upgraded” to a new webcam, but didn’t realize I couldn’t do with the new one what I did with the old one – namely, run the VCR through it into my PC to create little digital clips from my fave pornos. but, here’s where you gotta love eBay – I was able to track down the same model, and after a few false starts (forgetting to bid, one cam got lost in mail, etc) I finally have the dang thing (the Intel in the pic) and that’s how we got yesterday’s classic clip from my all-time-fave porno, Heatstroke. more to come, of course, and open to suggestions. (no, this doesn’t mean i’m posting huge-ass files or complete movies, there are plenty of sites for that) – but clever or interesting suggestions are the most likely to get acted upon. the “about” link somewhere on the left side of this page will take you to my email address.

Clay Russell Heatstroke pornoclips Richard Locke

Richard Locke + Clay Russell = HEATSTROKE

Director: Joe Gage (1982)

Starring: Roy Garrett, Casey Donovan, Richard Locke, Clay Russell, Clinton Coe, Bud Wallace, John Steele, Richard West and The Gage Men.

love this scene – you MUST watch it with the sound up, otherwise it just won’t work. Richard Locke is at his girlfirend’s house when her EX, Clay Russell (Pete Mattson, U.S.M.C.) drops by. Offers a beer, chats him up, talks him into showing what his ex-girlfriend’s been getting, then a handjob, then….. cliche’? you bet! does it work? fuck yeah! Plus the Man Parrish music, the sound effects, great editing, dialogue, all come together to make this hot. You could even get off without watching, just by listening – I swear!

It’s also great because director Joe Gage and Richard Locke are clearly having fun here, the thought that Richard Locke plays the straight guy who’s “never done this before” (wink wink, cuz we all loved it when Gage & Locke teamed up for the “trilogy” – Kansas City Trucking Co., El Paso Wrecking Corp., and L. A. Tool & Die – not to mention Locke & Russell’s previous hot scene in El Paso). And what about the rodeo shots interjected as the men vie for who’s butcher in this scene? both hot and funny!

Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can “right click” and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later.

Clay Russell Heatstroke Richard Locke

well i dunno, uh, i’ve never done this before

ah, love this scene from Heatstroke. and, if you’re not paying attention to the last three “I’ll post this, and that” I swear, later this weekend I’ll put up the 10-minute clip of Mr Locke and Mr Russell – so hot, such a good scene!



while y’all are still contemplating the identity of the man in the 3 posts below (KCTC box covers, butt shots, and other parts), this is one of the first porno pics I downloaded from the interweb way back in 1999 when I got my first home computer.

"vintage" porn stars

last chance for guessing

and showing just parts of this man, or the ONE pic ever of him in a beard will no doubt help you guess. I can tell you his porno career started in 1984/5, so his first few movies were on film (yeah!), but most of his porn work was on videotape, ending in doing a couple of “bear-themed” videos by the end of the 80’s/early 90’s and didn’t I promise a link to the site that had more of those Mike Morris exercising photos? i think you guys aren’t paying attention – where is the clamoring emails saying – “didn’t you promise….” ?