
36 inches

Alex Strauss – yup, you’re wondering why I would post this, not my type at all! but the “art direction” of this first pic has had me laughing for weeks with this sitting on my desktop while I figure out how/where/why to post -well, here’s more, and that is that!


scanned ass

I have purchased several cool old magazines over the winter, but have basically stowed them away, waiting for that rainy day that I can scan and scan and scan….. still haven’t gotten to that day, but managed a few choice pics….

details of who, and where from, later – maybe!

"vintage" porn stars Drummer magazine


from Drummer 44, I’m 99% sure it’s Nick Rogers – but this is one reason I didn’t collect Drummer for a long time – the newspaper print quality – and this isn’t even a scan of something I own, but I think a pdf version converted to a jpg. All that to say I have my eye on a couple early 80’s Drummers, but I really ought not be buying more porn!

photographers vintage gay t-shirts

Masculin International 11

from photographer Roy Blakey – he’s got the entire issue, Masculin International 11. FYI, I did NOT crop the model’s head off the top pic, it came that way, and it happens to be the best picture in the series; next is the t-shirt I now MUST HAVE; and then, the magazine’s cover. No model name; there are others in the magazine I recognize, like Roy Garrett, Jeff Stone, Joe Porcelli (who I think went by “Paul” when he was in these Masculin International magazines)


helping hand

from Jock Talk #6

COSCO Studios print porn models

earth, man!

I’m sure one or more of these pics must’ve been posted before, of John McAlister and mystery curlyhaired man, from Cosco’s Call Me Ruf and Ready, Earthman 3 (film) and Cosco’s Earthman 2 magazine

next – figure out curlyhaired man’s t-shirt!

"vintage" porn stars

Lee & Joe

from the Thrust series, Loin, with Lee and Joe – these images from the magazine, LOIN Nr 1 (1981), PANTHEON PRODUCTIONS. Alas, I swore I have posted pics of them before, perhaps I didn’t know who they were and thus no search brought them up. Haven’t seen the film or figured out if avaialble, so these stills will have to do. And they do, do!

what is it about sex on a ladder?