Peter de Rome pornoclips

a day to blow or get blown

Adam & Yves directed by: Peter De Rome (1974) Starring: Michael Hardwick and Marcus Giovanni, plus: Kirk Luna, Bill Young (aka Big Bill Eld), Jack Deveau, Daniel Montfort, Denise Royal, Jaap Penraat, and Charles Pooney; “in the bathroom” – Eric Crawford, Bob Jones, Luther LeVale, Tony Skinner, and Glenn Wilson. Original soundtrack by David Earnest, […]

Brubaker pornoclips Steve Scott

beard in face, or face in ass?

Turned On! directed by: Al Parker & Steve Scott (1982) Starring: Al Parker, Sky Dawson, Beau Matthews, Jim King (AKA J.W. King), Gian Carlos, Joel Thomas, Greg Dale, Jim Rodgers, Bob Moore, John Trent, Lee Brubaker, Rick Faulkner; special appearance by Scott Taylor; cameos by Mike Davis and Steve Taylor. Original music by FORBIDDEN OVERTURE; […]


Lee Brubaker

late last night, i was asked what would be the ONE Al Parker movie someone has to have in their collection; needless to say, I quickly said Turned On!, as it’s in my top ten list. now I’m all dreamy about the minor (in terms of screentime) co-star, Lee Brubaker, who seems to have made […]

"vintage" porn stars

speaking of Michael Braun

Here he is in two stills from the film Gold Rush Boys; actually, the pics are from a magazine called KING of the Thoroughbreds, where the selling point was actually Braun’s co-star, J. W. King (who you may remember from such films as: Brothers Should Do It, A Night at Halsted’s, Turned On!, and Three […]