ya don’t see me posting a lot about movies from 1988, and the haircut alone here should make you worry. (oh wait, you don’t see his haircut here – go look for a pic of him in that Al Parker film). But this used to be a porno-crazed ramblings page, so here goes. Don’t remember Brian Adams’ performance here too well, but I think he had a pretty sexy solo, as well as a scene with Butch Taylor; but loved him in another 1988 movie, The Big One (if I remember that one correctly, he played a TV anchorman having sex on the set when “the big one” – an earthquake – hits). But this film I remember liking because director Michael Zen (Falconhead I and II, He-Devils, Bearhug and others) just adds such a unique, dreamy quality to his movies. Oh yeah, and then of course there’s the solo performance of Paul Baressi brandishing a rifle, if I remember correctly. And either he or Adams smokes a cigarette, or at least the dreamy cigarette smoke drifting across remains in my memory. Ok, back to bed…..
I’m pretty sure he’s in Colt’s Manpower 6 – Leather File – is it “Tom” from Colt’s Breakdown?