90's porn bear

bear meat weak

OK – so maybe this isn’t even 90’s porn, but 90’s pornstar who let his body hair, (and facial hair!!) grow out, beef up, switch from Falcon to COLT Studios – and looks the better for it Tom Chase says HAPPY BEAR WEEK! and we finally added “bear” to the categories…

bear BJ provincetown

that time of year again already????

Bear Week in P-Town Provincetown Bears facepage


Provincetown webcams

For months now, I would love peaking in on’s webcam – the one right there on the Town Hall; great because it allows for some user controls – (I won’t say how often I’ve used the zoom function to get a better look at a hot local or a tourist during Bear Week!) as […]


bears, googling, dickdocking

a buddy of mine and i were giggling over a Provincetown Bear Week 2010 map, and I was like – “where everything important is located in ptown!?? – what about Dick Dock?” which led to some questions like What to wear to Dick Dock, which shifts does that hot guy who hands out condoms work, […]