vintage gay t-shirts ZEUS Studios

PADUCAH – Torso (1985)

Great face, hot body, nice ass, good balls, but


oh, ok – just an “OK” cock – which was often cupped, and out of sight, if I recall correctly – but still, early 1980’s doing that late 70’s look very very well – and 4 out of 5 is quite respectable! And really, it’s a lovely cock, just not on the big size, average, acceptable, but I mean, you’d barely come up for air after devouring the rest to notice, right?

While these pics were published in Torso in 1985, I wonder if they are from earlier in the 80’s. And of course those pics of him and Mickey Squires from 1980 – scorching, and probably appeared in at least a half dozen non-Zeus publications through the 80’s.

more Joe PADUCAH on BJland

a bit more Joe – AKA Pat Webb

"vintage" porn stars ZEUS Studios

AKA Burton Lawless

Jason Steele