from the comment section, ZEPHYR points us to the Leather Archives & Museum page on VIMEO – and the above video with an Xmas theme. Thanks, buddy!
I’m super happy to see another resource, and love when folks use alternate spots (I LOATHE UTUBE) to do this – apparently, Leather Archives has been there for 11+ years! “As VHS video tapes reach the end of their life, we are working hard to digitize all 1,000 tapes in the collections of the Leather Archives & Museum. This clip is an example of the videos we have in our collection and a representation of what we are trying to save for future generations.”
I had this issue of Drummer, but like many periodicals, it got sold off in the great purge of 2017 – and I only saved 4 or 5 images from that issue, and now realize there were more pics of Charley (Charley goes leather !) – which I did not scan! Anyone got issue #89 in digital format?
Not to jinx them – but if you’ve every scrolled through my archives 10+ years back, more links tend to be broken the further back you go, so for videos especially, I prefer to host my own – but use the link above, bookmark, and make comments to encourage them to keep up the good work….. but… just in case…
Holiday tradition to re-run this post – Xmas 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and gosh from 2003!! – but c’mon, it’s DIVINE, ferchrissakes! So, I hope you all enjoy this clip I snagged a couple zillion years back from kweer.com’s FEMALE TROUBLE pages. (which appears to be long gone – too bad!)
Clicking above, as usual, will open video clip in new tab; clicking below will play the clip right here in this post.
How many gay porno blogs have this many search results for “CHA-CHA heels” (old blog)
“CHA-CHA heels” (current blog)
don’t forget to click the XMAS tag above to take you to other nice n naughty Xmas posts!
photo from Michael Rock – Rockshots
Holiday tradition to re-run this post – Xmas 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and gosh from 2003!! – but c’mon, it’s DIVINE, ferchrissakes! So, I hope you all enjoy this clip I snagged a couple zillion years back from kweer.com’s FEMALE TROUBLE pages. (which appears to be long gone – too bad!)
Clicking above, as usual, will open video clip in new tab; clicking below will play the clip right here in this post.
How many gay porno blogs have this many search results for “CHA-CHA heels” (old blog)
“CHA-CHA heels” (current blog)
don’t forget to click the XMAS tag above to take you to other nice n naughty Xmas posts!