pornoclips Target Studios

Laid Back

Laid Back pt 1
and Laid Back pt 2 (1978) – AKA Lovers – found in Bullet Videopac 8

photos from the Target magazine Javelin #4 (1978) (a magazine I wish I owned, as I’d make higher quality scans)

music by… I love it! someone mixes Kraftwerk’s – It’s more fun to compute (utube link), nature sounds, Vangelis’ Eric’s Theme, 100 Metres and Five Circles (all from Chariots of Fire) groaning and grunting, back to Kraftwerk with Computerwelt (utube link), and more nature sounds. Perfect.


Target Studios

Richard Barrett?

I rarely rarely just re-post a full magazine page or two; while I try not to get too “creative” with changing original images, I’m usually just cropping out any text, re-centering, cutting out dirty feet or other unflattering bits – that sort of thing. Here I’m posting the pages as they appeared, just in case it helps someone help me ID this guy – I really don’t remember this Target model! Honcho began sometime in the late 90’s to publish vintage pics (alas, usually only 2 pages) from the “Target Archives” – sometimes using a different name (Like Nick Rogers was in the October 2000 issue of Honcho, but the text was: Flashback: Larry White – Los Angeles, CA 1978 ). So in this case, Richard may not be his name, or even his “model” name – but still, just his image – I am drawing a blank! This “Flashback” is from the April 1999 issue of Honcho – anyone?

Target Studios vintage gay t-shirts


what the?
Bruno and…?? in a pair of awesome matching (not same) t-shirts!!

"vintage" porn stars Target Studios

distracted again (Jimmy / Johnny)

So this Target photo set of Jimmy & Steve has our pal JohnnyLlama thinking the “Jimmy” may be Jimmy Hughes. Always needing to verify with some research, I pulled out some pics of Mr Hughes that show the most tell-tale part, the tattoo. (Although, having looked at these pics over and over and over again since last night, that chest kinda clues you in, too!) But never having seen him in facial hair, and not imagining he did work for Target, I needed more.

back and forth back and forth back and forth….

back and forth some more…

but then, check out these pics from a 2023 post 1974, with pics from Ten Inch Tools and then, yes, I think he’s right!

oh, and then, jeez! I think there may be some mislabeled “Steve” pics out there! Looking at his hairy ass in some of the Target PA-3 series, I think I, and others, may have labeled him as Bruno – THE Bruno! more research….

Target Studios

we have a winner

more Boyd Winner (on BJland)

Target Studios

Mr. October

just a tad more Pete Bronsky at the clicky click

pornoclips pornstar - videography Target Studios

Bull Dozier

who you may remember from such films as:

  • Bull Dozier (1979) (AKA Satisfaction ) a solo, found in Target TVC-3, and Bullet Videopac 2
  • Closeup (AKA Up Tight!) with Nick Rogers – found in Bullet Videopac 7 , and The Bullseye Collection 4

Satisfaction (1979)

so – WHO is that who enters the scene in the last 5 seconds??? anyone wanna guess? (and no, I don’t know)

who you may remember from such publications as:

  • Ramrod 4: LEATHERMANIA (1979)- 1 page, 3 pics in leather jacket
  • MANDATE Nov 1979
  • HONCHO Dec 1979 i have this issue
  • TARGET CALENDAR 1980 (1979) 2 pics – March
  • TARGET: TARGET ALBUM #2 (1981) – Bruno & Bull – 5 pages
  • Target Presents: LOADED – w/Nick Rogers – 11 pages of this pair – full color
  • Just Men – Vol. 3 No. 6 (1985) – 1 image
  • STALLION Sept 1990 (or August, or both)
  • HONCHO Nov 1998 – as “Rex + Alan” – color versions of the spread in TARGET ALBUM #2
  • BULL DOZIER B&W Photo Set (PR-03) Slide Set (SR-03) (1979)
  • UP TIGHT! B&W Photo Set (PT-03) Slide Set (ST-03) w/Nick Rogers (1980)

Closeup (AKA Up Tight!) 1979

Bull Dozier posts from my “blogger” years
Bull Dozier posts on wordpress years

Looking at the, art direction, is it? I can see why I sold this Target albm #2. I regret it, but you can see a below some full color versions, are better than these with the odd blue added, and are some of these poorly lit, or fake background? what gives?

I think I could use a cigarette after all that, too!

Bull Dozier on GEVI