Category: provincetown
toob socks or humpback?
why not both?
last humpbacks of the day (6/7/2010)
testing, testing
update: from all reports, it seems to work – yeah. now i gotta figure how to get a still pic instead of blank black screen, eh?

oh no! now with the vacation pics…..
i know, i know, when, oh WHEN! will the porno come back? (when i get a nice sloppy blowjob, that’s when! OK, i’ll settle for some under the ball tickling…) ah, not to worry, not as many pics this time around.
miss me?
relaxing on my little perch overlooking Provincetown Harbor a few days ago. and now, making the adjustment to nyc sounds, etc. back at work tuesday morning. sigh. more later (maybe). sigh. 9 beautiful amazing relaxing days.
struggling to hold on to the feeling, not 5 minutes after landing back in nyc i’m arguing with a cabdriver. “NO! I’m not paying for your mistake, how the heck did you get here where the only choice now is the Williamsburg Bridge? i live three blocks from here – – see ya!” as I get out of the cab, him still struggling with a map. A map! to get from Chinatown to the Lower East Side (hint to out of towners, they are next to each other, and you don’t go through Brooklyn to get there!)
if you’re fond of sand dunes…..
who’d think i’d be so excited to be on a cheap bus going north at 7am…. but in just under 7 days – WOO-HOO!!