whale watching last week, this amazing female humpback named Dyad was breaching multiple times – I think 20 would be an underestimate
whale watching last week, this amazing female humpback named Dyad was breaching multiple times – I think 20 would be an underestimate
It’s cooled off in town, just in time for Mates Leather Weekend XXIII – (but you might want to wear a sweater!)
what have you been up to?
from earlier this week, probably my favorite activity in town
yup, finally doing it – 34 years in NYC – 2 years of marriage (and 7-year long distance relationship) – time to get my ass up to my husbear. No worries, this internet thing works up there, so I will post just as infrequently once I am settled in!
what have i been up to? mostly working during the week, and getting out of town for the weekends this summer.